Hmm... to totally contradict my last post I guess one important aspect of SW is A-Team style blaster fights where none of the heroes get hit.
This may be quite difficult to model in RQ without giving out a lot more Combat Reactions. There are many fights with our heroes again 6 or 7 Stormtroopers or tens of Battle Droids. Far more than could successfully be dodged or deflected in a round. In this situation it would be advantagous if 'heroes' were simply harder to hit than regular characters.
The simplest solution would be to give cannon fodder characters very low weapon skills. I may consider giving Stormtrooper Rifles a penalty to hit.
For Han Solo characters, good use of cover would help as well.
I'd love to open the floor to everyone here with the following ideas. Take a scene from Star Wars and try and model it using a variant of MRQ. Don't have to go into full details but give examples of how the rules support the scene or need to be modded slightly. Give details of any new rules introduced.
I'll give the first (very brief) example below: -
Film: A New Hope
Scene: Stormtroopers attack Docking Bay 94
A small group of Stormtroopers attack Han as he finishes preparing the Falcon for take-off. Only a mild skirmish but I would imagine that blaster rifles could kill or disable him in a single shot. Stormtroopers only have low chances to hit and I'd give Han minor cover. Han takes a couple of pot shots (with possible hits, difficult to tell) and dodges blaster fire. He may be burning up a Hero Point or two here. The entire skirmish can't last more than 2 rounds at most. Seems like the rules could handle it no problem.
This may be quite difficult to model in RQ without giving out a lot more Combat Reactions. There are many fights with our heroes again 6 or 7 Stormtroopers or tens of Battle Droids. Far more than could successfully be dodged or deflected in a round. In this situation it would be advantagous if 'heroes' were simply harder to hit than regular characters.
The simplest solution would be to give cannon fodder characters very low weapon skills. I may consider giving Stormtrooper Rifles a penalty to hit.
For Han Solo characters, good use of cover would help as well.
I'd love to open the floor to everyone here with the following ideas. Take a scene from Star Wars and try and model it using a variant of MRQ. Don't have to go into full details but give examples of how the rules support the scene or need to be modded slightly. Give details of any new rules introduced.
I'll give the first (very brief) example below: -
Film: A New Hope
Scene: Stormtroopers attack Docking Bay 94
A small group of Stormtroopers attack Han as he finishes preparing the Falcon for take-off. Only a mild skirmish but I would imagine that blaster rifles could kill or disable him in a single shot. Stormtroopers only have low chances to hit and I'd give Han minor cover. Han takes a couple of pot shots (with possible hits, difficult to tell) and dodges blaster fire. He may be burning up a Hero Point or two here. The entire skirmish can't last more than 2 rounds at most. Seems like the rules could handle it no problem.