RuneQuest magazine?

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Adept said:
Tradetalk is a truly excellent Glorantha fanzine. IMO it's of much higher quality than Tales of the Reaching Moon ever was. Parhaps I'm more of a German school roleplayer than British school then.

Anyway, if Tradetalk is not familiar to you, I recommend looking it up. I'm also pretty sure they will support the MRQ second age Glorantha, if it turns out to be any good (who knows, the product can still suck).

I like Tradetalk but it's a bit dry. I remember an article on secret magical tunnels under Pavis which seemed D&Dish

But their stuff on Wenelia and ting was good.
Urox said:
nysalor said:
RQ Adventures. See

This site seems to require a login/password...

Eek. I've had a quick word to my FDISP, and the issue has been resolved. If you still get prompted for a password, clear your browser's cache and try again.


Hi fellows

Yes, Tradetalk magazine will indeed support MRQ with articles, scenarios, etc. when good stuff is contributed.

But only the gloranthan setting stuff!
Sorry, no Lhankmar, Conan, or whatever...


Editor of Tradetalk
Thank you for that information.

Sounds like there might be a place for a specialized RuneQuest magazine after all, one that handles everything RuneQuest.