Runequest in Ravenloft


A friend and I were talking about what to do on Halloween, and came up with the idea of a Runequest game set in Ravenloft. So what I need are ideas on what to do.

I'm thinking of allowing either modern characters from Earth or archaic characters from Ravenloft. However, Ravenloft has the characteristic that modern technology does not work reliably in those domains.

I have a large library of modules I can adapt, steal from, and incorporate elements of. But what to do? But what to do? :?
Cool idea 8)

You could import the sanity mechanic from the Call of Cthulhu rpg,in order to simulate terror and madness. It works perfectly in RQ as the two games share the same foundations.

I always wanted to import a twisted Arkham into Ravenloft. But from the gaslight era and a little darker, a little more under the sway of the Great Old Ones, a little less able to put down their evil.

That would be fun.
Sounds like the RL Gothic Earth setting known as Masque of the Red Death. In fact prior to myself discovering the Call of Cthulhu rpg I was working on turning Masque into a more Lovecraft inspired game.

iamtim said:
I always wanted to import a twisted Arkham into Ravenloft. But from the gaslight era and a little darker, a little more under the sway of the Great Old Ones, a little less able to put down their evil.

That would be fun.
I'm thinking of sticking with the archaic domains for this game, although I have worked the idea of modern domains into an entire concept of "The Second Mists".

However, in my cosmology, the Runequest Ravenloft =/= the D&D Ravenloft. It's not only in a different multiverse, but the entire framework in which I've placed the D&D Ravenloft doesn't fit in my ideas elaborated in the "Beyond Glorantha" thread. I could make it fit, of course, but I think it's better to develope a Runequest version of Ravenloft, just because.

I've been playing with some ideas. Perhaps having the PCs meet at a carnival. There is a certain carnival described in the Ravenloft books that I've been wanted to use for a long time. Plus, if I describe the carnival correctly, it might help set a good setting mood.
Just to mention it, the D&D book Unearthed Arcana contains the basic Sanity rules from Call of Cthulu d20, which are the same as the BRP CoC. And this material, if I am not misstaken, are open game content.
I was thinking about sanity rules.

However, instead of importint the Call of Cthulhu rules, maybe I'll make something more Runequestish: sanity skills which are useful for throwing off the effects of sanity damage. My basic concept is that traumatic events cause sanity damage, but if your sanity skill is high enough you can overcome this damage. Otherwise, you can't (at least on your own), but psychotherapy can help.

I'll probably start a new thread when I'm ready to present these ideas.
I would say that you resist insanity throught the Persistence skill.