Rules Clarification: Empty Hex Short Ranged Detection

Studio Cat

Banded Mongoose
I'm looking for a little help here. In the Referee's Handbook of Deepnight Revelation, on page 75 it states that the time needed to run a sweep for short range detection in an empty hex is 1D days. In the Deep Space Exploration Handbook for the Great Rift, on page 13 it states that the time needed to run a sweep for short range detection in an empty hex is 6D days. Which one is correct?

Yes, I understand that I can Cowboy Up and just decide for myself, but I'd like to use rules as written for this.
Do they cover the same volume and level of detail?
DSE Handbook, p14:
The lack of any objects within range does not mean the hex is empty. There are limits to how far a ship’s sensors can reach and still produce useful data in a reasonable time frame. A sweep of this sort takes 6D days and covers a volume of space equivalent to a typical star system’s planetary zone and Kuiper belt. This is a spherical region of space around 50AU in radius.

Both are presumably equally correct, but the wording is probably different, hence slightly different cases?
The volume of space being scanned is the same, only the times are different. The wording is identical, save for the time. I don't see how both are equally correct.
The 1D might be implying that the Deepnight Revelation’s sensor suite can do the standard scan faster than a typical ship’s sensors.