And I must say that I love this book. Great work August
I especially like the ISA Ranger core class and PrCs in the book. The fact that the ISA Ranger can be used in any era to represent an individual that has trained to be a ranger from a relitively young age, like a Minbari that is taking this as their first heroic class at the start of play, is cool. I have a PC that I made that I would love to play when I get an opportunity:
Mazik (Moon Shields clan)
Level 1 Minbari ISA Ranger
Hit Points: 9 Initiative: 4 Speed: 30 DV: 13 DR: 2
Attacks: Melee: +2 (+4 with Denn’bok), Ranged: +3
Abilities: Str: 13, Dex: 14, Con: 12, Int: 14, Wis: 12, Cha: 12
Saves: Fort: 3, Ref: 3, Will: 3
Skills: Balance (3), Bluff (2), Climb (2), Computer Use (3), Concentration (2), Diplomacy (2), Drive (3), Escape Artist (3), Gather Information (2), Hide (3), Intimidate (5), Jump (5), Knowledge (Anla’shok) (3), Listen (2), Move Silently (5), Pilot (3), Profession (Anla’shok) (2), Search (3), Sense Motive (3), Sleight of Hand (3), Spot (2), Swim (2), Technical (Space Travel) (3), Tumble (5).
Weapons: melee, grenade, pistol, Ventar, Denn’bok.
Feats & SQ: Great Fortitude, Warrior Caste (Denn’bok), Weapon Focus (Denn’bok), Garb of Honour, Code of the Anla’sok-Veshii, Improved Unarmed Strike.
Equipment: Denn’Bok (1d6/1d6; crit 20/x2), Anla’shok robes (DR 2).
Money: 900 cr
Background: Mazik was born on Minbar in the city of Yedor. He was raised with the values of the Moon Shields clan, but unlike many of his clanmates, he decided to dedicate his life to the Anla’shok. He was accepted for training and was taken to Tuzanor for training. He recently graduated from his training and stands ready for his first assignment.