Here's the random encounter tables I created.
Initial Status of Any Encounter
Refer to the NPC Reaction Table in Conan The RPG
(p.92), modified by PC actions, to determine the
initial attitude of NPCs encountered. Subsequent
motives may then be deduced from the NPCs'
general attitude toward the player characters.
Wilderness Encounters
Roll 1d12, add +2 if the encounter occurs at night.
1 Waterhole (20% chance of an Oasis)
2 Sandstorm
3 Caravan
4 Nomads
5 Skeleton
6 Snake, Giant
7 Hyena Pack
8 Survivor
9 Camel
10 Sorcerer
11 Ruins
12+ Monster or Special
1 Poachers
2 Borderers
3 Fire
4 Bear
5 Deserters
6 Ruins
7 Bandits
8 Wild Game
9 Edible Plants
10 Wolves
11 Boar
12+ Monster or Special
1 Hillmen
2 Waterhole
3 Heavy Rains & Wind
4 Deserters
5 Bandits
6 Ruins
7 Hillmen
8 Bear
9 Noble Army
10 Wolves
11 Hillmen
12+ Wolves
1 Barbarians
2 Waterhole
3 Snake, Viper
4 Skeleton
5 Great Cat
6 Heavy Rains & Wind
7 Wild Game
8 Edible Plants
9 Barbarian War Band
10 Ruins
11 Sorcerer
12+ Monster or Special (Lotus)
1 Barbarians
2 Waterhole
3 Snowstorm
4 Rock Slide
5 Heavy Rains & Wind
6 Bandits
7 Rock Slide
8 Bandits
9 Barbarian War Band
10 Barbarian War Band
11 Eagle, Giant
12+ Monster or Special
1 Noble Army
2 Mule Train
3 Free Company
4 Village
5 Festival
6 Noble Army
7 Bandits
8 Travelers
9 Fire
10 Angry Mob
11 Bandits
12+ Slavers
1 Angry Mob
2 Caravan
3 Caravan
4 Mule Train
5 Travelers
6 Refugees or Pilgrims
7 Free Company
8 Noble Army
9 Slavers
10 Bandits
11 Assassins
12+ Special
1 Waterhole
2 Nomads
3 Caravan
4 Dust Storm
5 Wild Game
6 Nomad War Band
7 Nomad War Band
8 Edible Plants
9 Wild Horses
10 Ruins
11 Sorcerer
12+ Special
1 Waterhole
2 Snake, Giant (Large Viper)
3 Snake, Giant (Large Viper)
4 Edible Plants
5 Spies
6 Wild Game
7 Bandits
8 Bandits
9 Hermit
10 Ruins
11 Sorcerer
12+ Monster or Special (Lotus)
1 Barbarians
2 Heavy Rains & Wind
3 Snowstorm
4 Wild Game
5 Elk
6 Deer
7 Edible Plants
8 Barbarian War Band
9 Bandits
10 Wolves
11 Wolves
12+ Monster or Special
1 Waterhole
2 Skeleton
3 Bear
4 Badger
5 Edible Plants
6 Snake. Giant
7 Spider, Giant
8 Cave-In
9 Cave-In
10 Spider, Giant
11 Sorcerer
12+ Monster or Special
Definitions of Encounters
Angry Mob: 1d10x10 armed peasants who 1) blame
foreigners for their troubles; 2) are revolting against
new higher taxes; 3) are searching for one or more
criminals to lynch (possibly mistaking the PCs for the
criminals); or 4) searching for a missing child. Roll for
crowd reaction.
Assassins: 1d10 innocuously disguised thieves
attempt to befriend the PCs and accompany them on
their journey. At an opportune moment, which could
be several days later, the assassins attempt to sneak
attack the PCs, murder them, steal their possessions,
and then vanish into the night. There is a 10% chance
the assassin leader is level 1d3+3 and wanted by a
nearby ruler with a bounty on his head (1d4x100 sp).
Badger: There is a 20% chance of finding 1d4+1
Bandits: 1d3x10 thieves attempt to ambush and sneak
attack the characters or extract payment for passage
through their area. The bandits are armed with hunting
bows or light crossbows; all have Point Blank Shot,
Rapid Shot, and Precise Shot. There is a 10% chance
the bandit leader is level 1d3+3 and wanted by a
nearby ruler with a bounty on his head (1d4x100 sp).
Barbarian War Band: 1d10x100 barbarians are out
1) carrying out a blood feud on a neighboring clan or
tribe, 2) ambushing all trespassers, 3) extorting bribes
from those wishing to cross their territory. If not
immediately hostile, roll for NPC reaction.
Barbarians: 1d10 barbarians are out 1) carrying out a
blood feud on a neighboring clan or tribe, 2) hunting
wild game, 3) are non-combatant women and children
gathering roots, nuts or berries. Roll for NPC reaction.
Bear: There is a 20% chance there are two bears.
Boar: A wild boar charges the PCs.
Borderers: 1d10 borderers are 1) tracking wild game,
2) tracking fleeing bandits, 3) tracking rampaging
barbarians, 4) returning home from a successful day
hunting. Roll for NPC reaction.
Camel: A herd of 5d6 wild riding camels is seen.
Caravan: A party of 1d10 merchants or nobles
carrying 1d10x1000 gl in rare goods, guarded by
1d10x10 troops (roll only once for all three values).
Cave-In: Listen check DC 15 to get an advance
warning 1d4 rounds before the ceiling caves in.
Balance check DC 10 to be able to move when the
cave-in starts, Reflex save DC 15 to avoid cave-in.
Cave-in renders victims prone, helpless and
suffocating in addition to 4d10 damage.
Deer: A herd of 4d6 deer are encountered.
Deserters: 2d10 hungry, half-crazed soldiers who
have deserted from the army. Roll for NPC reactions.
Dust Storm: Vision and movement reduced to 50%.
Missile weapons are -4 to hit and all range increments
are reduced to 50%. Tracking becomes impossible.
Eagles, Giant: 1d3 of these beasts swoop to attack.
Edible Plants: One or more indigenous edible plants,
roots, fruit trees or berry bushes are nearby; Spot (DC
15) to locate.
Elk: A herd of 4d6 Elk are encountered.
Festival: A religious festival beseeching a god for 1)
peace, 2) prosperity, 3) health, 4) happiness with a
10% chance that it involves human sacrifice.
Fire: 75% chance the PCs only see a fire, 25% they
are actually caught in it.
Free Company: 1d6x10 mercenary soldiers who are
1) Journeying to next job (hiring), 2) In service to a
nearby ruler (hiring), 3) In between jobs (not hiring),
4) Fleeing a job gone bad (not hiring). Roll for NPC
Great Cat: 1d2 great cats are discovered. These are
panthers or sabretooth tigers in the Pictish Wilderness,
leopards or lions in Kush, or tigers in Vendhya and
Khitai. For lions and tigers, use stats for a sabretooth
tiger, but remove puncture, tooth breaking, and reduce
bite damage to 2d6+3, AP 8.
Heavy Rains & Wind: Movement and vision cut in
half. All rivers unfordable. Missile weapons are -4 to
hit and all range increments are cut in half. Tracking
becomes impossible.
Hermit: A lone eccentric suspicious of strangers.
There is a 50% chance the hermit is a retired borderer
(level 1d6+1). There is a 20% chance the hermit is
actually a witch (Scholar level 1d4+1).
Hillmen: 1d4+1x10 hillmen are out 1) carrying out a
blood feud on a neighboring clan or tribe, 2)
ambushing all trespassers, 3) extorting bribes from
those wishing to use their pass. Roll for NPC reaction
if not immediately hostile.
Hyena Pack: 1d4x10 hyenas shadow the party and
attack if they outnumber them 3 to 1.
Monster or Special: GM’s choice (lotus plants, traps,
etc.), or one or more monsters appropriate to the area
are encountered, such as a Bodiless Slimer, a Black
Fiend, a Child of the Dark, an Elemental, 5d4 Ghouls,
a Ghost Snake (Pictish Wilderness only), a Ghost, a
Grey Ape, a Man-Ape, 2d10 Risen Dead, 1d2
Sabretooth Tigers, a Smoke Serpent, a Son of Set or
Greater Son of Set, a Spawn of Dagoth hill, an
Uncanny Steed, a Vampire, or 1d4+1 Were-Beasts.
Mule Train: From 3d10 mules carrying from
1d10x1,000 GL worth of goods (gems, precious
metals, raw ore, swords) guarded by 5d10 soldiers.
Noble Army: From 3d100 troops who may or may not
work for the lord whose land they are on, and who
want to know the PCs' affiliation. If the PCs are
working for an enemy lord, the NPC reaction is
unfriendly at best, but probably hostile.
Nomads: 1d4+1x10 nomads are 1) carrying out a
blood feud on a neighboring clan or tribe, 2)
ambushing all trespassers, 3) extorting bribes from
those wishing to cross their land. Roll for NPC
reaction if not immediately hostile.
Nomad War Band: 1d10x100 nomads on the warpath
for either civilized folk or a rival tribe. If not
immediately hostile, roll for NPC reaction.
Poachers: 1d10 desperate men who assume the PCs
are looking for them. Roll for NPC reactions. All
diplomacy checks suffer a -4 penalty.
Refugees or Pilgrims: 1d10x10 refugees or religious
pilgrims pass by. Roll for NPC reactions.
Rock Slide: Listen check (DC 10) to notice 1 round
before it hits. Those still in the area must make a
Reflex save (DC 15) and are pushed off the cliff to
whatever doom waits below if they fail. If there is no
cliff, they are instead buried, as by a Cave-In.
Ruins: One or more ruins are discovered: 1) tower, 2)
house, 3) village, 4) city, 5) burial ground, 6) fortress.
The ruins may be home to subhuman savages, bandits,
cultists, a hermit, sorcerer or monsters. Wizard tower
or city ruins often draw sorcerers seeking magical lore
and artifacts from ages past.
Sandstorm: Vision and movement reduced to 25%.
Missile weapons are -4 to hit and all range increments
are reduced to 25%. Tracking becomes impossible.
Skeleton: A long-dead body is stumbled upon. There
is a 20% chance that it has 1) some useful equipment,
2) a treasure map and/or journal, 3) a weapon, 4) a
warning about a nearby danger.
Slavers: A slaver and 1d2x10 soldiers. There are
1d4x10 slaves held in wagons or walking in a coffle.
The slaver may wish to sell slaves to the PCs or
acquire the PCs as slaves. Roll for NPC reactions.
Snake, Giant: A single snake is encountered, either 1)
a tiny viper, 2) a small viper, 3) a medium viper, or 4)
a large viper. In swamps, the snake is always a large
viper. In Kush, Stygia, and Vendhya, the snake will be
a cobra (see p.311). There is a 10% chance in the
Pictish Wilderness that the snake will be a Ghost
Snake. In Stygia, there is a 10% chance that the snake
is a Son Of Set and a 5% chance that it is a Greater
Son of Set.
Snowstorm: Vision and movement reduced to 25%.
Missile weapons are -4 to hit and all range increments
are reduced to 25%. Tracking becomes impossible.
Everyone exposed to the weather takes 1d6 cold
damage per hour.
Sorcerer: A sorcerer (Scholar level 1d4+ 5) and
1d2x10 henchmen (level 2 soldiers) are here seeking
1) Rare plants (such as drugs, lotus, or poison), 2)
Forbidden lore or treasure, 3) Sacrificial victims for a
power ritual or demon-god, or 4) to seek out a rival or
take service with nearby ruler. Roll for NPC reaction.
Spider, Giant: A giant spider ambushes the PCs.
There is a 50% chance that 1d4+1 giant spiders are
Spies: 1d6 thieves begin shadowing the PCs. They
may be assassins, bandits or bounty hunters hired by a
rival or enemy to keep tabs on the PCs or ambush
them as soon as they achieve some specific goal.
Survivor: A lone raving madman, the sole survivor of
a doomed expedition, accosts the PCs. If given food
and water, he may or may not come to his senses.
There is a cumulative 10% chance each day of
permanently regaining his lucidity.
Travelers: 1d4x10 Commoners on their way to a
nearby village, market or city. Roll for NPC reactions.
Waterhole: Clean, drinkable water. Wild animals and
natives flock to these places, making them dangerous.
Wild Game: A lone deer, lizard, rabbit or other
non-dangerous but edible creature is nearby (Spot DC
15 to notice).
Wild Horses: A herd of 5d6 wild riding horses.
Wolves: 2d8 hungry wolves shadow the party and
attack if they outnumber them 3 to 1.[/b]