Questions for the FAQ

Mongoose Bob


We are in the process of preparing the Errata/FAQ for A-2089, while we do have a fair number of questions from these boards and the Rulesmasters sections, I was wondering if there were any more?

Now if you know it has been asked on this or the Rulesmaster board before then do not worry we do have the question and will endevour to answer it.

Please only answer in this thread.
Ummm, I don't know if this belongs in the FAQ, but it's a question that I'm asking myself as I wonder whether I want to buy into this game.

What does Mongoose plan for future support of this line?
I replied to you PM but did not get an answer back.

I have a bot 40 questions/ comments, some repeated from the forum.
How would you like them sent, as email or word doc?

I still have two books left to pick apart.

Sorry, screwed up the e-mail address to you, I have PM the correct one. I tought it was a little odd I had not heard anything.

Getting back to your question, a word document would be easier to integrate into what I have at the moment.

Thanks for the help.
Aside from the thread I posted in Rulesmasters I'm sure I can come up with more.

For starters a flavour text question:

Why can't I use rotary cannon in mechs even though the 20mm autocannon is rotary and can be used in a mech?
From Armoured Companies:

Superdense armour: is the DR limited to a maximum of 4 no matter how much is installed? This seems to be what the text says but that sounds horridly underpowered.

Vehicle missiles: According to the rules in Warmeks of 2089 it costs more to reload a vehicle missile pack than the cost of buying it in the first place.

Sponsoons: Can supertanks mount these and if so what are the benefits.

15mm machinegun: Why is this cheaper than the 12.7m machinegun?
Draco Argentum said:
From Armoured Companies:

Superdense armour: is the DR limited to a maximum of 4 no matter how much is installed? This seems to be what the text says but that sounds horridly underpowered.

Not under powered if I read it right.

Looks like it has DR 4 against HEAM, kinetic, laser and chemical attacks. It also retains DR 4 even if there are only a couple points of armor.

Draco Argentum said:
Vehicle missiles: According to the rules in Warmeks of 2089 it costs more to reload a vehicle missile pack than the cost of buying it in the first place.

Not sure how you got that idea, re-check the ammo/ ton column and the price. The cost per reload should be about half the launcher cost.
A vehicle SSM, Buster 2 pack costs $750 000. Each reload missile costs $700 000.

Also, based on the way the weights of the other vehicle SSM packs are related to the Mek version the buster 2 pack should weigh 8 tons.
Draco Argentum said:
A vehicle SSM, Buster 2 pack costs $750 000. Each reload missile costs $700 000.

Oops, I was thinking rockets.

Draco Argentum said:
Also, based on the way the weights of the other vehicle SSM packs are related to the Mek version the buster 2 pack should weigh 8 tons.

Maybe the launch system takes a significantly larger portion of the mass for the Buster.

Anyway it does not matter. Look at p 207, last line before individual rocket descriptions. It states "Reloads for missiles are not available".
Foam/Aluminium armour: Can you give us the cost per ton and points per ton for this stuff? (The armour from the Royal Ordinance Furnace.)
How about this - Why did you bother with sidelobe and rearlobe rules for radar and other radio systems, particularly quite detailed ones, when according to the chart none of the used frequencies generate sidelobe or rearlobe?
Simple, Table 7-3 is missing seven frequencies from ELF to EHF.
IIRC the earlier versions had side lobes on most frequency bands.
...and the adjustment to the DC of the Mek Pilot check to stand is 17...

My reason for thinking this is that the DC to stand isn't normally 10, its based on the mek's size. However there is a -10 penalty to the check for a non manually enabled mek. I assume its a -17 for an MWP.
Vehicle rockets: The 180mm, 230mm and 300mm vehicle rocket packs weigh and cost more than the mek version but carry the same number of rockets. Since vehicles are explicitly allowed to use the mek versions I assume there is an error here.

Also the vehicle rocket packs list a power point cost but the main rulebook says rockets never cost power points to fire.
Since the other vehicle rockets are 20% larger, rounded up, I would assume these should be as well. Not sure about the power point cost, the author may have been using a copy of the playtest rules, at one time rockets had a variable power cost based on number of rockets. If so the new weapons may have been amended to an existing table.
Lane Shutt said:
Not sure about the power point cost, the author may have been using a copy of the playtest rules, at one time rockets had a variable power cost based on number of rockets.

Inside information is cool.
Artillery Expert from Armoured Companies: Is requireing weapon focus in an indirect fire weapon and accident? Its a feat that is practically useless for them and is highly unlikely to be chosen. The only reason to take it would be to qualify for this feat.

Improved Warmek Laser Precision: Combined fire mentions this feat but it isn't printed anywhere. Is the reference an oversight or was the feat dropped accidentally.

Buster SSM: Does this use radar, IR and IFF like a Lancer? Also the anti-radiation and drone options say to use the next lowest die type. Presumably that would be the d12 for a Buster. However this is a much larger penalty than is suffered buy the smaller missiles. Would it be better to apply a flat penalty to the buster and if so how much?