Well, this is my first post ever in this forum, so a bow to you all
Now, back to business. First, forgive my english: i'm italian and writing in a language different from my own isn't an easy job. Secod. Some Game term i used in this class are probably incorrect, because i've only the italian edition of the rulebooks. Third. Please help me with this class, tell me what you think of it
P. S.
I've posted this topic also in Tower of the Sun, i hope i haven't breaked some kind of rule!
Hugs to all
Priest of Ishir
A new Character Class
for the
Lone Wolf Role Playing Game
by Marco Conti (known also as Loresword and Ghostwolf)
The Priests of Ishir are found in all Magnamund. Sustained by an unbreakable faith, they have the holy mission of guarding the peoples of the world from any threats Naar poses, of giving comfort to the wounded souls with the kindness of the Mother and they attempt to redeem those who have taken the way of crime (without serving Naar in the process).
The Priests of the Moon receive their “holy calling” at no determined age, but the large part of them begin their path through faith around twenty years.
In every corner of Magnamund there are associations of Priests that care for the poor, the ill and the weak, because its their way of thinking they must share the blessings of Ishir as much as possible.
Every group of Priests is quite different from the others: each uses its own titles and hierarchy system. It ‘s impossible to find a common doctrine, or a centralized authority able to speak for all Priests of Magnamund. In other words, in each state or kingdom, the clergy of Ishir follows its specific rules, facing specific problems. For instance, the Church of the Lastlands comprehend all Priests from Sommerlund and Durenor. This Church don’t have a declared hostility towards other Churches, but don’t accept some aspects of the Vassa Cult, that worship not only Ishir, but the Majhan too, considered ancestors with the status of demigods and worthy of deep respect and worship. In the Stornlands, the Priests say that Ishir alone gave birth to Aon, and the proof would be the stars, considered fragments of the Moon’s light. In the end, regional differences in the cult of Ishir are numerous as the peoples of Magnamund. But, there’s little space for hatred between Priests: they all have a strong and gentle Mother as a paragon, and the common enemy, Naar, is always lurking in the shadows to kill all who don’t pay homage to him.
Adventures: Priests that embarks themselves in long journeys or quests are quite few, but those who travel are driven by the desire to see distant places of holy power. Others decide to spread the Word of the Mother to the unfaithful. Some begin to travel thinking is in their best interest knowing how the Goddess is worshipped by people different from their own. The most young undergo in personal quests or crusades against Evil (mundane and spawn from Naar), most often at their lives’ cost.
Characteristics: Priests of Ishir don’t care only for the spiritual life of the community they serve. They offer healing to the wounded and the sick, and they nourish the poor. With the donations they receive from the upper classes, they build houses and give work to the unemployed. In the small towns, the local Priest is also the judge and the head of the community. Many Priests are also well educated scholars, masters of theology, mythology and history. Old Priests act as ambassadors or counsellors for their political leaders. All Priests are well known and loved by the common people, who view them as a gentle guide more than an authoritarian institution.
There aren’t sexual discriminations between the ranks of Priests, and the numbers of males and females sworn to the Goddess is quite the same. Generally speaking, the Priest can marry or have relationships, as Ishir doesn’t forbid this things. But some Priests decide to consecrate all their life to the Mother, keeping themselves away from sentimental or sexual relationships with others.
Allegiance: No Priest of Ishir can ever imagine to devote her soul to Naar, and in the unlikely event, she will be hunted for this nefarious act. Its very unlikely that a Priest could follow the Path of Balance, because the very force that sustain a true Priest is her faith in the Gods of Light.
Religion: Priests of Ishir consecrate their souls to the Goddess of the Moon, but they still pay high homage to Kai, Lord of the Sun. Though, they see the Father Sun distant from the struggles of everyday life, being too engulfed in the war with Naar: to them, Ishir is the gentle, ever present Mother that protect the common people from harm.
Background: Priests of Ishir come from every kingdom or ethnic group of Magnamund, with the exception, obviously, of the lands controlled by Darkness. The Priests keep the special abilities granted by their nation of origin, unless the player chooses that her character received the calling at a very early age.
Other Classes: The Priests of Ishir can cooperate at their best with Kai Lords, Sommerlund Knights of the Realm, Dessi’s Magicians and Vakeros Knights. The relationships with the Herbwardens are of mutual respect, as it is with the Telchos Amazons. It is difficult that a Buccaneer of Shadaki could make a strong friendship with a Priest, but it isn’t impossible. Sages of Lyris often seek the lore of Priests in exchange of their own, and many Whytch Chylds have received asylum from several Priests of Ishir. The Dwarves of Bor tend to mock in some ways the Priests with extremely serious demeanour, and the Shianti Sorcerers act towards Priests in the same manner of the Dessi. No bonds could be done between Priests and Shadakine Whytches, Dark Cultists, Cenerese Druids and Dark Warriors. Curiously, the Brothers of the Crystal Star are often in discomfort when dealing with Priests, because Left-handed magic cannot undo the effects of the Prayers of Ishir’s Priests.
Level Base Combat Skill
1 +0
2 +1
3 +2
4 +3
5 +3
6 +4
7 +5
8 +6/+1
9 +6/+1
10 +7/+2
11 +8/+3
12 +9/+4
13 +9/+4
14 +10/+5
15 +11/+6/+1
16 +12/+7/+2
17 +12/+7/+2
18 +13/+8/+3
19 +14/+9/+4
20 +15/+10/+5
Level Fort Save
1 +0
2 +0
3 +1
4 +1
5 +1
6 +2
7 +2
8 +2
9 +3
10 +3
11 +3
12 +4
13 +4
14 +4
15 +5
16 +5
17 +5
18 +6
19 +6
20 +6
Level Ref Save
1 +0
2 +0
3 +1
4 +1
5 +1
6 +2
7 +2
8 +2
9 +3
10 +3
11 +3
12 +4
13 +4
14 +4
15 +5
16 +5
17 +5
18 +6
19 +6
20 +6
Level Will Save
1 +2
2 +3
3 +3
4 +4
5 +4
6 +5
7 +5
8 +6
9 +6
10 +7
11 +7
12 +8
13 +8
14 +9
15 +9
16 +10
17 +10
18 +11
19 +11
20 +12
Level Special
1 Willpower, Prayer of the Face, Moonfire
2 Blessing of the Goddess: +1
3 Divine Strength
4 Holy Ward: +1
5 Prayer of the Face
6 Blessing of the Goddess: +2
7 Divine Strength
8 Psychic Resistance: 12, Holy Ward: +2
9 Prayer of the Face
10 Blessing of the Goddess: +3
11 Divine Strength
12 Holy Ward: +3
13 Prayer of the Face
14 Psychic Resistance: 18, Blessing of the Goddess: +4
15 Divine Strength
16 Holy Ward: +4
17 Divine Punishment
18 Protect the Herds
19 Seal of the Goddess
20 Psychic Resistance: 24, Transfiguration
Game Rule Information
The Priest of Ishir has the following game statistics.
Abilities: Charisma and Constitution are the two key Abilities for the Priests, Charisma because is only through strength of personality that infidels can be converted and faithful could be healed, and Constitution because in order to spread the Word of the Mother and to resist to the threats of the servants of Naar one has to have a strong and healthy body. Intelligence and Wisdom are a good second choice, while Strength and Dexterity don’t need a score that provides a bonus.
Endurance Die: d6.
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Starting Wealth: 100 Gold Crowns.
Class Skills
The Priest of Ishir’s class skills (and the key abilities for each skill) are:
Animal handling (Cha), Concentration (Cos), Craft (Alchemy) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Healing (Sag), Intimidation (Cha), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Knowledge (Planes) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Ride (Dex), Speak Languages (N/a), Sense Motive (Sag).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (5 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at each Additional Level: 5 + Int modifier.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Priest of Ishir.
Armour and Weapons Proficiency: Younger and adventuring Priests learn how to use all one handed weapons, all bows with the exception of the crossbows, light and mediums armour and shields.
Blessings of the Goddess (Su): A true Priest can be recognized by the strength of her faith, that grants her to invoke miracles. Each time the Priest gains this class feature, the character can, through a small invocation to Ishir, grant to a weapon of her choice the bonus to hit and damage listed in the table. Granting the Blessing of the Goddess requires a number of full round actions equal to the bonus granted, and this holy bonus lasts for a number of round equal to (Priest’s class levels/2) + 1. The Priest can use this class feature a number of times equal to (Priest’s Cha modifier + 1), for a minimum of 2. The bonus listed in the table is not cumulative: each score replaces the prior. The weapons Blessed by Ishir ignore any Damage Reduction, and the undead and Darkspawn creatures hit by them suffer an additional d6 of holy damage.
Divine Punishment (Su): At 17th level, the Priest, as a standard action, can burn her enemies with Moonfire. With a standard action attack, the Priest can direct her Moonfire against any target within 60 feet of her, with an attack bonus equal to her Base Combat Skill + her Cha modifier. This attack ignores all armour, magical and mundane, and protective spells work at half their potential. The damage is equal to ten times the normal damage for Moonfire. Divine Punishment can be used to affect all Evil targets in a 5 feet radius area within 60 feet of the Priest. In this case, the damage is equal to five times the normal Moonfire. Divine Punishment can be used a number of times per day equal to the Priest’s Cha modifier + 1, with a minimum of 2. Divine Punishment cannot be used more than once in a single round.
Divine Strength (Su): Each time that a Priest gains this class feature, her Endurance score is raised permanently by 3 points.
Holy Ward (Su): Through her faith’s strength, and the aid offered to all who need divine comfort, the Priest knows that she’s part of the Chosen of Ishir. This belief is strengthened by the holy protection granted by this class feature. Each time the Priest gains this class feature, the Character can add the number listed in the table to her Armour Class and all of his Saves. The bonus is permanent, but not cumulative: each number replaces the prior. Half of this bonus can be granted to a number of targets equal to the Priest’s Cha modifier, for a duration in rounds equal to (half of Priest’s class levels + 1), with a minimum of 3. Imposing to others the Holy ward is a full round action that requires physical contact. Each target can be protected by the Holy Ward only one time per day.
Moonfire (Su): Invoking Ishir for a standard action, the Priest’s body is engulfed in an aura of silver light. Each Evil creature within 5 feet of the Priest takes 1d6 + Priest’s Cha modifier holy damage for each round of contact. Moonfire last a number of round equal to (Priest’s class levels + Priest’s Cha modifier). Moonfire ignores any Damage Reduction. Creatures of Darkness are allowed to a attempt a Will Save with a DC equal to 10+ (half Priest’s class levels + Priest’s Cha modifier) to avoid the effects of Moonfire. Each creature of Darkness seeing the Moonfire is considered Frightened as long as remains in the area of effect of the Moonfire, unless the creature is granted with a resistance to fear of some kind.
Prayer of the Face (Su): The Priest of Ishir has the privilege to learn from the elder clerics some invocations of singular potence, related to the Four Faces of the Goddess; this happens at 1st, 5th, 9th and 13th levels. Each time the Priest gains this class feature, she learns only the First Tier of the Prayer of her choice. Knowledge of the other Tiers come automatically to the Priest as she advance in this class, in a way similar to that of Kai Lords.
Protect the Herd (Su): Once the Priest has gained the 18th level, she can extend his full bonus of Holy Ward and half of her Psychic Resistance to a number of targets equal to double her Cha modifier for a number of rounds equal to her class level + 2. Protect the Herd is a full round action that requires physical contact. Each target can be protected by this class feature only one time per day.
Psychic Resistance (Ex): Ishir’s favor is something tangible for Her Priests. They become, through their faith, extremely resistant against some of the most dangerous forms of attack, in other words psychic attacks. Each time the Priest gains this class feature, she obtain the listed Resistance to the psychic attacks. As per Magic Resistance, each use of Psychic Attack, Mind Blast, Psi Surge and similar against the Priest must beat the Psychic Resistance score.
Seal of the Goddess (Su): This mighty invocation can be used in two ways:
a) with a prayer of 5 full rounds, the Priest can grant to a weapon she touches a holy bonus to hit and damage of +5, for a number of rounds equal to the Priest’s class level + 2. This use can be invoked only a number of times equal to the Priest’s Cha modifier; otherwise
b) once per month, the Priest can infuse a weapon she touches with an holy aura that give to the weapon +3 bonus to hit and damage permanently. But this invocation has an high toll: it lowers the Priest’s Constitution and Willpower scores by 4 points, that can only be regained at a rate of 1 point per year.
Transfiguration (Su): This power can be requested only once per month. Its effects are of a terrifying might: the Priest’s Moonfire and Divine Punishment have their range and area of effect quadrupled, the Priest gains a +2 bonus on all his Abilities, her Armour Class is increased by 10 and her hit points by 30. The divine refulgence of the Transfiguration last for a number of rounds equal to half the Priest’s class levels + her just boosted Cha modifier, and to activate it the Priest must pray for two full rounds.
Willpower: The strength of the faith of a Priest assure her an uneasily matched resistant mind. In game terms, each Priest has an additional Ability, called Willpower. This Ability can render a Priest more than a helpless victim in a Psychic Combat. At first level, the Willpower score is equal to that of Charisma. At each level, Willpower score raise by (Priest’s Cha modifier + 1), for a minimum of 1. Lost Willpower is refreshed every 24 hours of a number of points equal to the Priest’s Charisma score.
Ex-Priests of Ishir
Some people, due lack of faith, have decided to leave the path of the Priest behind their backs; when such an event takes place, most of the times they become Adepts, and cannot invoke Prayers anymore. But they keep their Holy Ward (that cannot be shared), Divine Strength and half of the Psychic Resistance at the level they have interrupted their careers as Priests. These features still bless the character because the Mother Goddess always watch for Her children, even if they don’t believe it anymore. Should the Ex-Priest pat allegiance to Naar, the character will loose all positive effects of her former class, except hit points, Base Combat Skill, Willpower and Saves. In addition, the Goddess will curse the character in some terrible way left to the GM.
The Faces of the Moon and their Prayers
The Priest of Ishir don’t use magic, they make miracles come real. The force behind their powers isn’t the study of arcane secrets or the strength of an ancient blood that runs in their veins. To invoke the power of the Moon Goddess the only thing needed is an iron will, a strong self discipline, and, of course, a pure faith. These requirements could seem very difficult to achieve, but some people see them more accessible than magic.
The elder Priests teach to the young clerics that Ishir shows to the world Four Faces, two for Her children and allies, an two for Her enemies. Those who have the purest of faith can channel the strength of these Holy Faces, that affect in different ways the matter and the living.
Because the Prayers aren’t acts of magic, they cannot be Counterspelled. The Prayers are physically and mentally consuming: even if a Priest can invoke the First Tier of any Prayer at will, the Second Tier can be channelled only a number of times equal to the Priest’s Con modifier + 1, with a minimum of 2. The Third Tier can be invoked only a number of times per day equal to the Priest’s Con modifier.
The power channelled through the Prayers is so great that overcomes any kind of Magic Resistance and Damage Reduction: however the Goddess doesn’t grant Her believers the powers they ask at any time. Such a direct intervention could break the very fabric of Aon, so, each time the Priest try to use a Prayer, there’s a failure chance equal to 45% - the number of ranks the Priest has in Concentration Skill (to a maximum of 20). The same chance of failure affects the use of Divine Punishment, Holy Ward on others, Protect the Herd, Seal of the Goddess and Transfiguration. In case of failure, the character loose half the Endurance and Willpower cost of the Prayer, or a daily use of the class feature.
Each time a Prayer allow a Save, its DC is equal to 10 + half the Priest’s class levels + the Priest’s Cha modifier.
The damaged produced by Prayers of First Tier is equal to 1d4 + half the Priest’s class level. The die increase to 1d6 for Second Tier Prayers and reach 1d8 for Third Tier Prayers (this is called the Base Tier Damage I, II and III).
Each Prayer has a cost in Endurance and Willpower equal to its Tier doubled.
Unless stated otherwise, chanting a Prayer is a standard action.
Armours don’t affect the chanting of Prayers.
The Face of Hope (Waxing Moon)
The Face of Hope is shown by Ishir to those who want to heal, nourish and grow nature and living beings. When the Priest learns the First Tier of this Prayer, she gains 1 bonus rank in the Healing Skill.
First Tier: Nourish the Flora
When the Priest recite this Prayer, she increase the growing rate of every plants within a radius of 30 feet, centered on her, making them stronger. Any potion based on these plants has a doubled effect, and the 1s can be re-rolled.
Second Tier: Heal the Beasts
This Prayer allows to
a) heal an animal or a magical beast not allied with Darkness by Base Tier Damage II (up to III when the last Tier of this Prayer is known) or
b) allowing an animal or a magical beast not allied with the Darkness to repeat the Save it failed against a poison or a disease with an additional bonus equal to half of the Priest’s relevant Save or
c) charm an animal or a magical beast not allied with the Darkness for a number of hours equal to the Priest’s class levels. For all this time, the Priest can interact with the target as she had Tier IV of Animal Kinship and Tier II of Animal Control. The target will obey to the Priest’s commands only after successful Animal Handling Checks (DC 15 guide me, DC 20 guard me, DC 25 attack). Even in case of failure of these Animal handling checks, no target will attack the Priest, for all the duration of the effect. Animals and magical beasts can make Will Saves to resist the effects of this Prayer.
Third Tier: Purification of the Body
This Prayer allows to:
a) heal any humanoid being not allied with the Darkness and touched by the Priest by Base Tier Damage III, or
b) allow to any humanoid being not allied with the Darkness and touched by the Priest to repeat the Save failed against a poison or a disease with an additional bonus equal to half the relevant Priest’s bonus.
The Face of Glory (Full Moon)
This is the Face that the Goddess show in battle, and often its powers are the first learned by those who are sworn do fight the Darkness. When the Priest learn the First Tier of this Prayer, she gains a +1 bonus to hit and damage with a weapon of her choice. This permanent bonus doesn’t increase the number of attacks per round that the Priest can try.
First Tier: Splendor
This Prayer grants to the Priest or to the a target he touches a AC bonus equal to ¼ of the Priest’s class levels with a minimum of 1, for a number of rounds equal to half the Priest’s class levels + 1, with a minimum of 2.
Second Tier: Wrath
This Prayer follows the same rules of the Tier I, but its bonus affect the Base Combat Skill.
Third Tier: Authority
With this Prayer the Priest can give a single order to a single living being able of hearing and comprehend her. The command cannot be self-destructive or cause damage to the allies of the victim. The target can resist to this Prayer making a successful a Will Save.
The Face of Despair (Waning Moon)
This is the first Face the Goddess shows to Her enemies, with the intention of scare them. When the Priest learns the First Tier of this Prayer, she gains 1 bonus rank in the Intimidation Skill.
First Tier: Fear
If the target of this Prayer fails a Will Save, he is Scared (-2 to hit, saves and skill checks) for a number of rounds equal to half the Priest’s class levels +1, with a minimum of 1. The target must be within 30 feet of the Priest. At Tier II , the target is Trembling (loose Dex bonus to AC, cannot perform actions, enemies have +2 to hit him) and must be within 60 feet of the Priest. At Tier III the target is Panicked (-2 to saves, must flee, 50% of loosing hand-held objects) and must be within 90 feet of the Priest.
Second Tier: Nullify Magic
With this prayer the Priest can create a rounded area of 5 feet radius centered on herself. In that zone, magic is difficult to activate. Each spell that attempts to enter or function in this zone must beat a Magic Resistance Check equal to the Priest’s Psychic Resistance (if any, otherwise the Priest cannot invoke this Prayer). The duration of this Prayer is equal to ¼ of Priest’s class levels + 1.
Third Tier: Consume the Life Force
The target of this Prayer must be within 30 feet of the Priest. If the target fails a Will Save, the poor victim will take 1d4+2 negative levels.
The Face of Death (New Moon)
The last Face of Ishir is the most frightening, and the Goddess shows it to those She wants to destroy. When the Priest learn the First Tier of this Prayer, the damage of her Moonfire is increased by 1d4 points.
First Tier: Desert’s Plague
With this Prayer the Priest inflict Base Tier Damage I to all plants and objects she manage to touch (it is a touch attack that ignores armour bonuses). At Tier II the damage inflicted is Base Tier Damage II, and the Priest can attack targets distant up to 30 feet away from her. At Tier III, the damage is Base Tier Damage III, and the maximum range is 60 feet. The Desert Plague ignore Hardness of materials. Targets can make Fort Save to avoid the Plague.
Second Tier: Famine
With this Prayer the Priest can damage sentient beings following the same rules for Desert’s Plague.
Third Tier: Divine Verdict
Perhaps the most impressive Prayer, it allows the Priest do inflict aggravated wounds each time he damage creatures allied with the Darkness. The duration of this Prayer is equal to half the Priest’s class levels + 1. To avoid being immediately killed, targets must pass a Fort Save with a DC equal to the damage dealt by the Priest.
Thank you all for your comments, critics and all you think worth saying about this class Hugs to all again!
Now, back to business. First, forgive my english: i'm italian and writing in a language different from my own isn't an easy job. Secod. Some Game term i used in this class are probably incorrect, because i've only the italian edition of the rulebooks. Third. Please help me with this class, tell me what you think of it
P. S.
I've posted this topic also in Tower of the Sun, i hope i haven't breaked some kind of rule!
Hugs to all
Priest of Ishir
A new Character Class
for the
Lone Wolf Role Playing Game
by Marco Conti (known also as Loresword and Ghostwolf)
The Priests of Ishir are found in all Magnamund. Sustained by an unbreakable faith, they have the holy mission of guarding the peoples of the world from any threats Naar poses, of giving comfort to the wounded souls with the kindness of the Mother and they attempt to redeem those who have taken the way of crime (without serving Naar in the process).
The Priests of the Moon receive their “holy calling” at no determined age, but the large part of them begin their path through faith around twenty years.
In every corner of Magnamund there are associations of Priests that care for the poor, the ill and the weak, because its their way of thinking they must share the blessings of Ishir as much as possible.
Every group of Priests is quite different from the others: each uses its own titles and hierarchy system. It ‘s impossible to find a common doctrine, or a centralized authority able to speak for all Priests of Magnamund. In other words, in each state or kingdom, the clergy of Ishir follows its specific rules, facing specific problems. For instance, the Church of the Lastlands comprehend all Priests from Sommerlund and Durenor. This Church don’t have a declared hostility towards other Churches, but don’t accept some aspects of the Vassa Cult, that worship not only Ishir, but the Majhan too, considered ancestors with the status of demigods and worthy of deep respect and worship. In the Stornlands, the Priests say that Ishir alone gave birth to Aon, and the proof would be the stars, considered fragments of the Moon’s light. In the end, regional differences in the cult of Ishir are numerous as the peoples of Magnamund. But, there’s little space for hatred between Priests: they all have a strong and gentle Mother as a paragon, and the common enemy, Naar, is always lurking in the shadows to kill all who don’t pay homage to him.
Adventures: Priests that embarks themselves in long journeys or quests are quite few, but those who travel are driven by the desire to see distant places of holy power. Others decide to spread the Word of the Mother to the unfaithful. Some begin to travel thinking is in their best interest knowing how the Goddess is worshipped by people different from their own. The most young undergo in personal quests or crusades against Evil (mundane and spawn from Naar), most often at their lives’ cost.
Characteristics: Priests of Ishir don’t care only for the spiritual life of the community they serve. They offer healing to the wounded and the sick, and they nourish the poor. With the donations they receive from the upper classes, they build houses and give work to the unemployed. In the small towns, the local Priest is also the judge and the head of the community. Many Priests are also well educated scholars, masters of theology, mythology and history. Old Priests act as ambassadors or counsellors for their political leaders. All Priests are well known and loved by the common people, who view them as a gentle guide more than an authoritarian institution.
There aren’t sexual discriminations between the ranks of Priests, and the numbers of males and females sworn to the Goddess is quite the same. Generally speaking, the Priest can marry or have relationships, as Ishir doesn’t forbid this things. But some Priests decide to consecrate all their life to the Mother, keeping themselves away from sentimental or sexual relationships with others.
Allegiance: No Priest of Ishir can ever imagine to devote her soul to Naar, and in the unlikely event, she will be hunted for this nefarious act. Its very unlikely that a Priest could follow the Path of Balance, because the very force that sustain a true Priest is her faith in the Gods of Light.
Religion: Priests of Ishir consecrate their souls to the Goddess of the Moon, but they still pay high homage to Kai, Lord of the Sun. Though, they see the Father Sun distant from the struggles of everyday life, being too engulfed in the war with Naar: to them, Ishir is the gentle, ever present Mother that protect the common people from harm.
Background: Priests of Ishir come from every kingdom or ethnic group of Magnamund, with the exception, obviously, of the lands controlled by Darkness. The Priests keep the special abilities granted by their nation of origin, unless the player chooses that her character received the calling at a very early age.
Other Classes: The Priests of Ishir can cooperate at their best with Kai Lords, Sommerlund Knights of the Realm, Dessi’s Magicians and Vakeros Knights. The relationships with the Herbwardens are of mutual respect, as it is with the Telchos Amazons. It is difficult that a Buccaneer of Shadaki could make a strong friendship with a Priest, but it isn’t impossible. Sages of Lyris often seek the lore of Priests in exchange of their own, and many Whytch Chylds have received asylum from several Priests of Ishir. The Dwarves of Bor tend to mock in some ways the Priests with extremely serious demeanour, and the Shianti Sorcerers act towards Priests in the same manner of the Dessi. No bonds could be done between Priests and Shadakine Whytches, Dark Cultists, Cenerese Druids and Dark Warriors. Curiously, the Brothers of the Crystal Star are often in discomfort when dealing with Priests, because Left-handed magic cannot undo the effects of the Prayers of Ishir’s Priests.
Level Base Combat Skill
1 +0
2 +1
3 +2
4 +3
5 +3
6 +4
7 +5
8 +6/+1
9 +6/+1
10 +7/+2
11 +8/+3
12 +9/+4
13 +9/+4
14 +10/+5
15 +11/+6/+1
16 +12/+7/+2
17 +12/+7/+2
18 +13/+8/+3
19 +14/+9/+4
20 +15/+10/+5
Level Fort Save
1 +0
2 +0
3 +1
4 +1
5 +1
6 +2
7 +2
8 +2
9 +3
10 +3
11 +3
12 +4
13 +4
14 +4
15 +5
16 +5
17 +5
18 +6
19 +6
20 +6
Level Ref Save
1 +0
2 +0
3 +1
4 +1
5 +1
6 +2
7 +2
8 +2
9 +3
10 +3
11 +3
12 +4
13 +4
14 +4
15 +5
16 +5
17 +5
18 +6
19 +6
20 +6
Level Will Save
1 +2
2 +3
3 +3
4 +4
5 +4
6 +5
7 +5
8 +6
9 +6
10 +7
11 +7
12 +8
13 +8
14 +9
15 +9
16 +10
17 +10
18 +11
19 +11
20 +12
Level Special
1 Willpower, Prayer of the Face, Moonfire
2 Blessing of the Goddess: +1
3 Divine Strength
4 Holy Ward: +1
5 Prayer of the Face
6 Blessing of the Goddess: +2
7 Divine Strength
8 Psychic Resistance: 12, Holy Ward: +2
9 Prayer of the Face
10 Blessing of the Goddess: +3
11 Divine Strength
12 Holy Ward: +3
13 Prayer of the Face
14 Psychic Resistance: 18, Blessing of the Goddess: +4
15 Divine Strength
16 Holy Ward: +4
17 Divine Punishment
18 Protect the Herds
19 Seal of the Goddess
20 Psychic Resistance: 24, Transfiguration
Game Rule Information
The Priest of Ishir has the following game statistics.
Abilities: Charisma and Constitution are the two key Abilities for the Priests, Charisma because is only through strength of personality that infidels can be converted and faithful could be healed, and Constitution because in order to spread the Word of the Mother and to resist to the threats of the servants of Naar one has to have a strong and healthy body. Intelligence and Wisdom are a good second choice, while Strength and Dexterity don’t need a score that provides a bonus.
Endurance Die: d6.
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Starting Wealth: 100 Gold Crowns.
Class Skills
The Priest of Ishir’s class skills (and the key abilities for each skill) are:
Animal handling (Cha), Concentration (Cos), Craft (Alchemy) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Healing (Sag), Intimidation (Cha), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Knowledge (Planes) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Ride (Dex), Speak Languages (N/a), Sense Motive (Sag).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (5 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at each Additional Level: 5 + Int modifier.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Priest of Ishir.
Armour and Weapons Proficiency: Younger and adventuring Priests learn how to use all one handed weapons, all bows with the exception of the crossbows, light and mediums armour and shields.
Blessings of the Goddess (Su): A true Priest can be recognized by the strength of her faith, that grants her to invoke miracles. Each time the Priest gains this class feature, the character can, through a small invocation to Ishir, grant to a weapon of her choice the bonus to hit and damage listed in the table. Granting the Blessing of the Goddess requires a number of full round actions equal to the bonus granted, and this holy bonus lasts for a number of round equal to (Priest’s class levels/2) + 1. The Priest can use this class feature a number of times equal to (Priest’s Cha modifier + 1), for a minimum of 2. The bonus listed in the table is not cumulative: each score replaces the prior. The weapons Blessed by Ishir ignore any Damage Reduction, and the undead and Darkspawn creatures hit by them suffer an additional d6 of holy damage.
Divine Punishment (Su): At 17th level, the Priest, as a standard action, can burn her enemies with Moonfire. With a standard action attack, the Priest can direct her Moonfire against any target within 60 feet of her, with an attack bonus equal to her Base Combat Skill + her Cha modifier. This attack ignores all armour, magical and mundane, and protective spells work at half their potential. The damage is equal to ten times the normal damage for Moonfire. Divine Punishment can be used to affect all Evil targets in a 5 feet radius area within 60 feet of the Priest. In this case, the damage is equal to five times the normal Moonfire. Divine Punishment can be used a number of times per day equal to the Priest’s Cha modifier + 1, with a minimum of 2. Divine Punishment cannot be used more than once in a single round.
Divine Strength (Su): Each time that a Priest gains this class feature, her Endurance score is raised permanently by 3 points.
Holy Ward (Su): Through her faith’s strength, and the aid offered to all who need divine comfort, the Priest knows that she’s part of the Chosen of Ishir. This belief is strengthened by the holy protection granted by this class feature. Each time the Priest gains this class feature, the Character can add the number listed in the table to her Armour Class and all of his Saves. The bonus is permanent, but not cumulative: each number replaces the prior. Half of this bonus can be granted to a number of targets equal to the Priest’s Cha modifier, for a duration in rounds equal to (half of Priest’s class levels + 1), with a minimum of 3. Imposing to others the Holy ward is a full round action that requires physical contact. Each target can be protected by the Holy Ward only one time per day.
Moonfire (Su): Invoking Ishir for a standard action, the Priest’s body is engulfed in an aura of silver light. Each Evil creature within 5 feet of the Priest takes 1d6 + Priest’s Cha modifier holy damage for each round of contact. Moonfire last a number of round equal to (Priest’s class levels + Priest’s Cha modifier). Moonfire ignores any Damage Reduction. Creatures of Darkness are allowed to a attempt a Will Save with a DC equal to 10+ (half Priest’s class levels + Priest’s Cha modifier) to avoid the effects of Moonfire. Each creature of Darkness seeing the Moonfire is considered Frightened as long as remains in the area of effect of the Moonfire, unless the creature is granted with a resistance to fear of some kind.
Prayer of the Face (Su): The Priest of Ishir has the privilege to learn from the elder clerics some invocations of singular potence, related to the Four Faces of the Goddess; this happens at 1st, 5th, 9th and 13th levels. Each time the Priest gains this class feature, she learns only the First Tier of the Prayer of her choice. Knowledge of the other Tiers come automatically to the Priest as she advance in this class, in a way similar to that of Kai Lords.
Protect the Herd (Su): Once the Priest has gained the 18th level, she can extend his full bonus of Holy Ward and half of her Psychic Resistance to a number of targets equal to double her Cha modifier for a number of rounds equal to her class level + 2. Protect the Herd is a full round action that requires physical contact. Each target can be protected by this class feature only one time per day.
Psychic Resistance (Ex): Ishir’s favor is something tangible for Her Priests. They become, through their faith, extremely resistant against some of the most dangerous forms of attack, in other words psychic attacks. Each time the Priest gains this class feature, she obtain the listed Resistance to the psychic attacks. As per Magic Resistance, each use of Psychic Attack, Mind Blast, Psi Surge and similar against the Priest must beat the Psychic Resistance score.
Seal of the Goddess (Su): This mighty invocation can be used in two ways:
a) with a prayer of 5 full rounds, the Priest can grant to a weapon she touches a holy bonus to hit and damage of +5, for a number of rounds equal to the Priest’s class level + 2. This use can be invoked only a number of times equal to the Priest’s Cha modifier; otherwise
b) once per month, the Priest can infuse a weapon she touches with an holy aura that give to the weapon +3 bonus to hit and damage permanently. But this invocation has an high toll: it lowers the Priest’s Constitution and Willpower scores by 4 points, that can only be regained at a rate of 1 point per year.
Transfiguration (Su): This power can be requested only once per month. Its effects are of a terrifying might: the Priest’s Moonfire and Divine Punishment have their range and area of effect quadrupled, the Priest gains a +2 bonus on all his Abilities, her Armour Class is increased by 10 and her hit points by 30. The divine refulgence of the Transfiguration last for a number of rounds equal to half the Priest’s class levels + her just boosted Cha modifier, and to activate it the Priest must pray for two full rounds.
Willpower: The strength of the faith of a Priest assure her an uneasily matched resistant mind. In game terms, each Priest has an additional Ability, called Willpower. This Ability can render a Priest more than a helpless victim in a Psychic Combat. At first level, the Willpower score is equal to that of Charisma. At each level, Willpower score raise by (Priest’s Cha modifier + 1), for a minimum of 1. Lost Willpower is refreshed every 24 hours of a number of points equal to the Priest’s Charisma score.
Ex-Priests of Ishir
Some people, due lack of faith, have decided to leave the path of the Priest behind their backs; when such an event takes place, most of the times they become Adepts, and cannot invoke Prayers anymore. But they keep their Holy Ward (that cannot be shared), Divine Strength and half of the Psychic Resistance at the level they have interrupted their careers as Priests. These features still bless the character because the Mother Goddess always watch for Her children, even if they don’t believe it anymore. Should the Ex-Priest pat allegiance to Naar, the character will loose all positive effects of her former class, except hit points, Base Combat Skill, Willpower and Saves. In addition, the Goddess will curse the character in some terrible way left to the GM.
The Faces of the Moon and their Prayers
The Priest of Ishir don’t use magic, they make miracles come real. The force behind their powers isn’t the study of arcane secrets or the strength of an ancient blood that runs in their veins. To invoke the power of the Moon Goddess the only thing needed is an iron will, a strong self discipline, and, of course, a pure faith. These requirements could seem very difficult to achieve, but some people see them more accessible than magic.
The elder Priests teach to the young clerics that Ishir shows to the world Four Faces, two for Her children and allies, an two for Her enemies. Those who have the purest of faith can channel the strength of these Holy Faces, that affect in different ways the matter and the living.
Because the Prayers aren’t acts of magic, they cannot be Counterspelled. The Prayers are physically and mentally consuming: even if a Priest can invoke the First Tier of any Prayer at will, the Second Tier can be channelled only a number of times equal to the Priest’s Con modifier + 1, with a minimum of 2. The Third Tier can be invoked only a number of times per day equal to the Priest’s Con modifier.
The power channelled through the Prayers is so great that overcomes any kind of Magic Resistance and Damage Reduction: however the Goddess doesn’t grant Her believers the powers they ask at any time. Such a direct intervention could break the very fabric of Aon, so, each time the Priest try to use a Prayer, there’s a failure chance equal to 45% - the number of ranks the Priest has in Concentration Skill (to a maximum of 20). The same chance of failure affects the use of Divine Punishment, Holy Ward on others, Protect the Herd, Seal of the Goddess and Transfiguration. In case of failure, the character loose half the Endurance and Willpower cost of the Prayer, or a daily use of the class feature.
Each time a Prayer allow a Save, its DC is equal to 10 + half the Priest’s class levels + the Priest’s Cha modifier.
The damaged produced by Prayers of First Tier is equal to 1d4 + half the Priest’s class level. The die increase to 1d6 for Second Tier Prayers and reach 1d8 for Third Tier Prayers (this is called the Base Tier Damage I, II and III).
Each Prayer has a cost in Endurance and Willpower equal to its Tier doubled.
Unless stated otherwise, chanting a Prayer is a standard action.
Armours don’t affect the chanting of Prayers.
The Face of Hope (Waxing Moon)
The Face of Hope is shown by Ishir to those who want to heal, nourish and grow nature and living beings. When the Priest learns the First Tier of this Prayer, she gains 1 bonus rank in the Healing Skill.
First Tier: Nourish the Flora
When the Priest recite this Prayer, she increase the growing rate of every plants within a radius of 30 feet, centered on her, making them stronger. Any potion based on these plants has a doubled effect, and the 1s can be re-rolled.
Second Tier: Heal the Beasts
This Prayer allows to
a) heal an animal or a magical beast not allied with Darkness by Base Tier Damage II (up to III when the last Tier of this Prayer is known) or
b) allowing an animal or a magical beast not allied with the Darkness to repeat the Save it failed against a poison or a disease with an additional bonus equal to half of the Priest’s relevant Save or
c) charm an animal or a magical beast not allied with the Darkness for a number of hours equal to the Priest’s class levels. For all this time, the Priest can interact with the target as she had Tier IV of Animal Kinship and Tier II of Animal Control. The target will obey to the Priest’s commands only after successful Animal Handling Checks (DC 15 guide me, DC 20 guard me, DC 25 attack). Even in case of failure of these Animal handling checks, no target will attack the Priest, for all the duration of the effect. Animals and magical beasts can make Will Saves to resist the effects of this Prayer.
Third Tier: Purification of the Body
This Prayer allows to:
a) heal any humanoid being not allied with the Darkness and touched by the Priest by Base Tier Damage III, or
b) allow to any humanoid being not allied with the Darkness and touched by the Priest to repeat the Save failed against a poison or a disease with an additional bonus equal to half the relevant Priest’s bonus.
The Face of Glory (Full Moon)
This is the Face that the Goddess show in battle, and often its powers are the first learned by those who are sworn do fight the Darkness. When the Priest learn the First Tier of this Prayer, she gains a +1 bonus to hit and damage with a weapon of her choice. This permanent bonus doesn’t increase the number of attacks per round that the Priest can try.
First Tier: Splendor
This Prayer grants to the Priest or to the a target he touches a AC bonus equal to ¼ of the Priest’s class levels with a minimum of 1, for a number of rounds equal to half the Priest’s class levels + 1, with a minimum of 2.
Second Tier: Wrath
This Prayer follows the same rules of the Tier I, but its bonus affect the Base Combat Skill.
Third Tier: Authority
With this Prayer the Priest can give a single order to a single living being able of hearing and comprehend her. The command cannot be self-destructive or cause damage to the allies of the victim. The target can resist to this Prayer making a successful a Will Save.
The Face of Despair (Waning Moon)
This is the first Face the Goddess shows to Her enemies, with the intention of scare them. When the Priest learns the First Tier of this Prayer, she gains 1 bonus rank in the Intimidation Skill.
First Tier: Fear
If the target of this Prayer fails a Will Save, he is Scared (-2 to hit, saves and skill checks) for a number of rounds equal to half the Priest’s class levels +1, with a minimum of 1. The target must be within 30 feet of the Priest. At Tier II , the target is Trembling (loose Dex bonus to AC, cannot perform actions, enemies have +2 to hit him) and must be within 60 feet of the Priest. At Tier III the target is Panicked (-2 to saves, must flee, 50% of loosing hand-held objects) and must be within 90 feet of the Priest.
Second Tier: Nullify Magic
With this prayer the Priest can create a rounded area of 5 feet radius centered on herself. In that zone, magic is difficult to activate. Each spell that attempts to enter or function in this zone must beat a Magic Resistance Check equal to the Priest’s Psychic Resistance (if any, otherwise the Priest cannot invoke this Prayer). The duration of this Prayer is equal to ¼ of Priest’s class levels + 1.
Third Tier: Consume the Life Force
The target of this Prayer must be within 30 feet of the Priest. If the target fails a Will Save, the poor victim will take 1d4+2 negative levels.
The Face of Death (New Moon)
The last Face of Ishir is the most frightening, and the Goddess shows it to those She wants to destroy. When the Priest learn the First Tier of this Prayer, the damage of her Moonfire is increased by 1d4 points.
First Tier: Desert’s Plague
With this Prayer the Priest inflict Base Tier Damage I to all plants and objects she manage to touch (it is a touch attack that ignores armour bonuses). At Tier II the damage inflicted is Base Tier Damage II, and the Priest can attack targets distant up to 30 feet away from her. At Tier III, the damage is Base Tier Damage III, and the maximum range is 60 feet. The Desert Plague ignore Hardness of materials. Targets can make Fort Save to avoid the Plague.
Second Tier: Famine
With this Prayer the Priest can damage sentient beings following the same rules for Desert’s Plague.
Third Tier: Divine Verdict
Perhaps the most impressive Prayer, it allows the Priest do inflict aggravated wounds each time he damage creatures allied with the Darkness. The duration of this Prayer is equal to half the Priest’s class levels + 1. To avoid being immediately killed, targets must pass a Fort Save with a DC equal to the damage dealt by the Priest.
Thank you all for your comments, critics and all you think worth saying about this class Hugs to all again!