Playtest Pack 2.0 Up!


Staff member
Hi guys,

Just to let you know, the latest version of the Playtest Pack is up. Please read Playtest Pack.doc first, as it will explain why we have jumped to 2.0 (and saves me repeating it here).

However, you will notice, alongside the re-written rules set, some tasty new additions.

Campaigns now have a more formal structure and, with the Mercenary rules, leads the way for us to include 'named' heroes, like Anderson and Dredd. Set Force Lists are in, and new forces like the Cursed Earth Desperadoes will be following very soon. Talents are now working the way I wanted them to and, with that revision, the introduction of Psi powers became easy.

We need more forces, more mercenaries, and more scenarios in the game (possibly more Talents too), which is where I want to start focussing development. Vehicles will follow on from this, and we can debate about Suppression - I would personally rather leave it within the realms of Talents rather than a carte blanche rule, but play some games, and let me know what you think.

Overall, I believe this is now shaping up to be a much better game, but the proof is always with you chaps!
Thanks matt for the surprise of the update, its a leap indeed, and yes the Armour rules is easy to grab now.

Also like the force list framework too, and the hint of the others games coming too..?
Hi every ,

Just started reading the rules and noticed in Basic rules under Models the writer call the game Dragon Age not Judge Dredd.

Does anyone else have this?

Has it been commented on before?

"Begin Wild speculation" :lol: It would be cool if the Planet Mongoose "Three Part Licence" refered to on 12/07/10 is with Bioware. Dragon Age miniature game and Mass Effect Miniature and Traveller RPG game would be great. " End Wild Speculation."

Then again my tea could be too strong and I am just hallucinating.
Be careful, you may get a knowck on the door..

Its Ghost recon that i want..... Wait.. is that a knock on my door..!!1
Situational Awareness still talks about "without having to take any Special actions" - special actions aren't needed for alert status anymore, you just don't do anything.

(Which means you can go onto alert status without triggering someone elses' alert status, allowing for guns-leveled mexican stand-offs)

Yay for gun kata! (Equilibrium is an awesome film)

Am I right in seeing that only judges can buy extra hits now? Tough has been dropped?

I would personally rather leave it within the realms of Talents rather than a carte blanche rule

This is a good way of doing it. I'm not convinced by the rules as written currently, but the trait is a nice idea (still, I need to get a chance to play it!). someone with Suppressing Fire and (say) a heavy spit gun on Spray should be able to keep three or for people pinned down - he's unlikely to kill them, though, so I might take away the chance of doing regular damage (if I could just shoot you in the head then suppression becomes rather irrelevant!).

Just started reading the rules and noticed in Basic rules under Models the writer call the game Dragon Age not Judge Dredd.

Then that got changed quickly. Although I notice it still talks about "a small rat to a huge ogre or dragon" rather than the previous "a small sewer rat to a huge mo-pad or Manta prowl tank". :D

Not that a dragon in Mega-city one is that unlikely given that over the years it's been invaded by walking crocodiles, necromancers, wierd daemon-thingeys and at one point even dracula.

P.S. What happened to the klegg mercs?
Three playtest reports from two nights. Robots now included!


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