I have some interest although I've never participated in this style of game before. Is it like the old Hyborian game that you used to play through the mail? Just online
If you take a look at www.rpol.net, you'll see hundreds of games in progress and can even read through some of them.
Basically, it is a way for people to play that may not have a chance or don't have the time to play face to face games.
You play the game using the rules, it just goes much slower since you post much like you do on these forums. The GM describes a scene and the players describe their actions.
Post - GM: The door is locked.
Post - Player: I'll try to pick the lock using my Open Lock skill. (Player then uses die roller and gets a result of 17. He then posts he got a 17 on the check).
Post - GM: the lock is just too tough. You'll have to find another way inside the room.
Game posting rates can vary from multiple posts per day to one post every two weeks.
The biggest challenge is to keep the game alive through regular participation. It can be done however. I've been running a DnD3e/L5R game for over three years now and still have 2 out of the original 6 people playing.
Please check it out if you're interested. Interested players are working on characters now so we have not yet started. (One person is still waiting on the book.)
I joined to check it out, what openings do you still have? I've played online games before and prefer the live method like OpenRPG/WebRPG etc, but have done forums games and am open to giving it another shot.
Looks like that board has a lot of stuff going on.
I have no final character sheets yet so anything is open really. One player mentioned playing an escaped female slave (with some pit-fighting experience), another mentioned a female noble/thief, yet another said he will play a male Hyborian barbarian, and the last one mentioned he might want to play a male noble on the run.
If anything - the role of the THIEF has not really been taken yet (and the style of campaign is thieves and wanderers). The role of the independent scholar is also still open (I'm allowing one scholar).
I suggest going to the board, reading over the info I have posted there about my game, and then contacting me through the "Request to Join" option.
We can send private messages to each other that way.
Rpol.net - Horror Fantasy Games - Conan the Roleplaying Game
Shonuff, I signed up on RPOL and sent you a private message. You can count me in. I sent you a few preferences as far as character, but really I'd play about anything.
I've added everyone that has stayed in contact with me so you can flesh out character concepts. You should be able to post on the board now and meet the others that have expressed an interest.
I'll post again if we could use more players - but feel free to contact me over at rpol.net if you want to play.
The game has been great so far. I have 4 players that have been with me since the beginning (started with 6) and we are now entering a new phase in the story.
I'm looking for two more players to join. It is a good time for new characters to enter the story (so you will not be taking on the role of an NPC).
One point of clarification: We're not taking sorcerer characters at this time.
I'm interested - what kind of characters are you lookign for? Does the party have any obvious lacks?
Or is there a type of character that they would naturally be seeking out for their next adventure, such as a skilled tracker, or sailor, or mountain guide, that sort of thing?
The current party is level 4 and looks like this:
Brythunian barbarian (male)
A soldier from the Black Kingdoms (female)
Zingaran noble/pirate (male)
A scholar (sorcerer) from Khitai (male)
Things have just taken a bad turn for the party and they are now held captive. Your character will start the game bound in chains for a crime he or she either did or did not commit.
Just thinking of the story, the character choices that would make the most sense are: thief or barbarian. The party is really missing a thief. However, any non-sorcerer character would be able to fit in quite well (except maybe noble - but we can work together on a background to explain that).
The game is currently set in Zamora. However - shushhhh, don't tell my other players yet - the game will turn north towards Hyperborea and may even take a turn west towards Nordheim.
i would be interested in joining as well, i have a Hyperborian soldier i use in other games, let me know if i could take the extra spot ill send you the character sheet for your review, where should i send the character?
can you send me a link to the game?
You'll need to create a user ID to Request to Join should you be interested. Please note, I also have numerous topics in that game only accepted players can view.
Yes - it has a good die roller. In fact, each roll you make is recoded in your game data (so you will not have people from different games rolling and recording die rolls with yours).
We use the die roller for character stats and for combat/skill rolls.
EDIT: And by the way - I'll take one or two more players if anyone is interested.
Wow, Rpol.net seems to be the best general RP gaming site I've seen so far, upon first look - since it has the dice roller, ability to sub-group players (according to the FAQ), co-GM capability, etc. Much of this is found on herocentral.net as well, but that is a Hero Games RP site. online-roleplaying.com doesn't enable sub-groups and is just working on a dice roller...
I am interested in playing a barbarian/bandit, as protrayed in S&P as a land pirate, if you allow that class. Most likely an aquilonian, though I'd like to see the kezankian description.
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