Platoons vs. Points, SST TMG


Okay, I wasn't quite sure about this when it came to playing a game last night - is it 1 platoon for every complete 1000pts for MI, or 0-1000 1 platoon, 1001-2000 1-2 platoons, 2001-3000 1-3 platoons? Confused because I know with Arachnids the PL changes with every 1000pt bracket, not complete 1000pt chunks.

I may have had a slightly illegal list at 1500 with LAMI and Exos, thinking about it. But Army Builder didn't flag it up!
Alexb83 said:
Okay, I wasn't quite sure about this when it came to playing a game last night - is it 1 platoon for every complete 1000pts for MI, or 0-1000 1 platoon, 1001-2000 1-2 platoons, 2001-3000 1-3 platoons? Confused because I know with Arachnids the PL changes with every 1000pt bracket, not complete 1000pt chunks.

I may have had a slightly illegal list at 1500 with LAMI and Exos, thinking about it. But Army Builder didn't flag it up!

Check out page 20 of the MI book, Choosing a Platoon. “Your army may only include one platoon for every full 1,000 points in the army.

Its my understanding that if you are fielding a 1,500 army you can only choose one platoon type.
0 to 1,999 = one platoon
2,000 to 2,999 = two platoons

Your list may not follow the rules but that doesn’t mean you couldn’t use in a special scenario. Some times it’s fun to have something a little out of the norm. Offer that your opponent uses 2,000 points and see what you can do against it with the 1,500. It could be fun. :twisted:

That said you could use a Powersuit platoon and upgrade your Lt. with an Exo suit. Or just go with an Exo platoon. :shock: :D
Yeah, I can't see myself spending 1999 on one platoon of LAMI, without taking a /lot/ of emplacements and air assets.

Very curious - it didn't occur to me until someone mentioned it last night when we were playing 'how did you manage to get Exos and LAMI in a 1500pt game'? I answered that I thought it was like bug PL - every 'band' of 1000pt, but thanks for correcting me. Those Exos really did clean house, so I'll have to apologise :)

Part of the reason was that Army builder doesn't report when you use 2 platoons under 2000pt, and I used it to draw up my list. But I've noted this bug to the author of the SST game file. Also noted that TAC UAVs don't have a cost in the current AB file.
I enjoy the game so much more at the higher point games so it isn't an issue when I play. :o)

I don't use AB so its good that you contact them about the file.

Live Forever!
Yeah, 1500pt with LAMI and Exo was messy - I took out his Plasma bug with one round of shooting from the Grizzlies. Poor guy...

We were trying a mid-sized game to allow all of our group to participate and get into the game, which worked, but it was pretty one-sided. Partly because I had very mobile heavy weapons with huge squads of light infantry, and air assets, but also partly because my opponent is still trying to get his head around bugs, and how to deploy his tunnel assets.
So take a PAMI platoon hich allows upgrades to Exosuits or Marauders for LT NCOs and I believe for Squad Sgts. (best verify the Exo-suits for Squad Sergeants) still quite powerful and useable at 1500 points, legally. Just not as separate units.

This is just off the top of my head as my MI rulebook is at home, so please verify the upgrade legitimacy. :D :D

Would have to pay penalty for splitting fire or simply have all Moritas out of range if firing Firestorms at max range. :D :D
CudaHP said:
So take a PAMI platoon hich allows upgrades to Exosuits or Marauders for LT NCOs and I believe for Squad Sgts. (best verify the Exo-suits for Squad Sergeants) still quite powerful and useable at 1500 points, legally. Just not as separate units.

This is just off the top of my head as my MI rulebook is at home, so please verify the upgrade legitimacy. :D :D

Would have to pay penalty for splitting fire or simply have all Moritas out of range if firing Firestorms at max range. :D :D

Looking at the Klendathu Invasion book it doesn't look like the LAMI LTs (or any other LAMI) can be upgraded to Exos or Muaraders.

You are thinking of Powersuit upgrades.

Please let me know where to look if I'm wrong.
He did say PAMI - power armoured MI. LAMI really are limited for their options - 1500 points could be 3 fully kitted out squads with some minor air assets (skyhook or viking). I've just painted up my reliants though, so I'd probably take 3 well kitted out squads with a couple of scythes or a few twin 50s, and a skyhook.
Alexb83 said:
He did say PAMI - power armoured MI. LAMI really are limited for their options - 1500 points could be 3 fully kitted out squads with some minor air assets (skyhook or viking). I've just painted up my reliants though, so I'd probably take 3 well kitted out squads with a couple of scythes or a few twin 50s, and a skyhook.

AHH!!! :oops:

Sorry! I haven't seen that used before I thoought it was a type-o :D

Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Sorry Lt. BillyC I have used PAMI so often I should have written it out as Power Armor MI (PAMI) to be certain there was no misunderstanding.

And JoseDominguez thanks for the clarification about Sergeants and Exo-suits.

The Thermic Lance not being for LT and NCO Exos doesn't hurt, I think the two Firestorms on Grizzlies especially, is quite powerful enough.