Planet of The Apes - Based on the Charlton Heston Version

Well, fine....(sigh). I think it's a cool idea, but since this is a pretty good barometer of what the general populace might think of a PotA game too...I can tell that sales would be low.

Therefore, no pitch. Not really. If Mongoose likes these ideas, they can have them (let me know guys - I still want a cut, or whatever - lol) but I also figure I may as well just put them up here for free. You can see if they sound cool and add and design as we go.

Here's the first bit:

A game overview

  1. D20 OGL Char-Gen
  2. Roll ability scores and generate basics
  3. Choose a species (Human, Mutant or Ape)
  4. Choose an origin (Old Earther, Gestalt Member, Gorrilla, etc.)
  5. Choose a career (Astronaut, Cleric, Soldier, etc.)
    a. New careers can be chosen each experience level and their benefits stack
    b. Careers are not species specific and any species/origin may select any career available.
  6. Choose skills.
  7. Choose feats.
  8. Finishing touches.
    a. VP/WP
    b. Action Dice
    8. Purchase equipment.

This chapter would read pretty much like the Conan one, but obviously be a background to the Planet of the Apes contiuum. It's a time loop where humans create advanced apes that develop into more advanced apes, and then a time warp sends the humans to a future where those apes rule Earth aftyer the humans that didn't go through the time warp destroyed the world in a huge war, leaving it for the apes to take over. There's still humans in the future, but they are primitive and savage, like apes in the past...erm...present...<cough>...

So anyway, the idea to use VP/WP is basically to make fire arms uber-deadly. This may not be a great idea, and the Conan HP system with low massive damage may be a better way to go, but d20 Call of Cthulhu has an even lower MD threshhold (it's 10 in that game!)

  • The species choices are:
  • Human, Mutant, Ape (future/ancestral)
    The origin choices are:
  • Human -
    a. Old Earther - humans from roughly our time
    b. Wild Human - savage humans on Ape-ruled Earth
    c. Hunter Scouts - skilled and trained humand on Ape-ruled Earth
    d. Free Humans - civilized humans on Ape-ruled Earth
  • Mutants -
    a. One of the Gestalt Mind - a strain with massively powerful mental powers
    b. Forbidden Zone Nomads - lesser powerd mutants with fantastic survival skills
    c. Cataclysts - majorly mal-formd mutations with bizzare mental and physical powers.
  • Ape (future) -
    a. Orangutan - cerebral and tricky
    b. Gorilla - powerful and physical
    c. Chimpanzee - smart and logical
    d. Mandrill - quick and vicious
    e. Lemur - agile and stealthy
  • Ape (ancestral) -
    a. Orangutan - cerebral and tricky
    b. Gorilla - powerful and physical
    c. Chimpanzee - smart and logical
    d. Mandrill - quick and vicious
    e. Lemur - agile and stealthy

Careers I hadn't made it too yet...
I would be seriously interested in a Planet of the Apes game. I've always loved the genre but preferred the humans as cavemen as opposed to the medievil peasants of the T.V.series.
I like your ideas for the game Sutek but I would like to see Miniature rules as well as an RPG.

The thought of sending a miniature Ape army deep into the forbidden zone to do battle with psychic mutants amidst the ruins of 20th Century America gets me all emotional.
Imagine creating those ape skin crucifiction warning signs and the ruined subway,not to mention the Ape capital itself with its rock formation architecture.I love it.

Back me on the miniatures Sutek! And I'll back you on the RPG!
(And you can back me on the Blake's 7 figures too!)
Well, I'm not much for a minis game, but I ould see the rules spinning off like the D&D minis did.'s more stuff I wrote up, but this is as far as I got...

In the future and past of earth, humans and apes evolve along several different paths due to accidental and deliberate genetic selection. There are the humans of Old Earth that both experimented with the apes of that time, developing super-intelligent primates that would one day conquer the planet, and there are the human remnants of the desolate future after the Cataclysm who evolved to manifest inhuman resilience psychic abilities. The apes likewise range from Old Earth chimpanzees, kin to their former jungle-dwelling relatives, but set apart by their vast intelligence due to human genetic augmentation as well as the future of Ape kind in the form of upright members of their own advanced society in the wake of humanity’s self destruction.

The line that makes a species exclusively it’s own family tree is blurred in the near future of humanity when Apekind becomes ever more like us genetically. Eventually, humans and apes will have offspring that might prove to be the salvation of tat bleak time, but that is not yet decided.

The primary species (both the singular and plural form of the word) encountered in PLANET OF THE APES are Humans, Mutants and Apes. Choose one from below and alter your ability scores accordingly.

  • Humans:
  • Versatile – Humans are very flexible in their ability to adapt and learn new skills. They may select 4 skills to count as class skills at character generation, regardless of origin and career. Every 4 levels after that, they may choose two more skills to count as class skills.
  • Cooperative – Humans may spend (and roll) action dice to increase the rolls of others in his group. He must be able to see or speak directly with the recipient.
  • Bright – At first level and every level gained thereafter, Humans gain an additional skill points equal to their WIS modifier, minimum of 1pt, which must be spent on any non-physical (INT, WIS or CHA) skills. (INT, WIS or CHA)
  • Bonus Feat at first level
  • Always begin with the Literate Feat
  • Initial Skill Points: (8 + INT modifier) x 4; INT modifier x 4 per level

  • Resistant physiology– Mutated humans of the Forbidden Zone all have one major trait in common: unheard of resistances to heat, cold and pain. The receive DR 10 versus heat, cold effects and radiation while also benefiting from an additional +1 FORT save at first level and every three levels thereafter.
  • Psi – All mutants have developed psionic abilities to one extent or another. They add their INT bonus to WILL saves versus psionic attempts made against them and both their INT and WIS make when using the Psionic Focus skill. They also begin play with the Sensitive and Touch Telepathy feats.
  • Unemotional – Being capable of reading minds has stunted the emotional capabilities of mutant kind. The suffer a –4 CHA when making Disposition checks as a result, but +4 to WILL saves versus fear, rage or other emotional effects.
  • Initial Skill Points: (6 + INT modifier) x 4; INT modifier x 4 per level

  • All apes, regardless of their evolutionary station, have some physical traits that are superior to humans, while other traits that are significantly deficient. All apes therefore receive the following bonuses and penalties, regardless of origin or career:

    o +2 STR, +2 CON, -4 CHA, -4 INT
    o DR 5 versus subdual damage.
    o DR 5 versus heat and cold
    o Motor de-emphasis – Apes don’t rely on fine motor ability and instead rely on more rudimentary tools and their strength. DEX skills that can be used “untrained” are instead always counted as requiring the Ape to be “trained”. Also, DEX skills listed as “trained only” are impossible for Apes to improve based on their physical limitations and so they may never add ranks to them.
  • Rage – Apes may enter a rage when fighting that has several effects. First, as a free action, the Ape can instill fear in any individual within CHA bonus x 5 feet, minimum of 5 feet. Secondly, the gain the feat Fighting Madness for free.
  • Initial Skill Points: (4 + INT modifier) x 4; INT modifier x 4 per level.

    Another thing to bear in mind when creating an ape character is that either an ancestral, 21st century primate species can be created and made playable just as an advanced, upright-walking ape from the future can. Enhanced and selectively bred apes gave rise to the upright species of the future.
P.O.T.A. Minis! You'd sell twice the figs! Cause i'd buy em all for my ape gang as well! Also, the rehash sucked! Charlie H. all the way! 8)
UMW said:
P.O.T.A. Minis! You'd sell twice the figs! Cause i'd buy em all for my ape gang as well! Also, the rehash sucked! Charlie H. all the way! 8)
The original movie does rock, but I do like both incarnations!
I remember reading a Planet of the Apes comic and it had the heroes finding this lost ape city whose inhabitants had the different ape castes interbreed with one another which created a chimera strained who were unstable and ruthless. Perhaps that could be an option as well...
When I was a kid I had a P.O.T.A. record with book, I think it was with the same characters from the T.V. show. Boy, was that show crap. Has anyone seen it on D.V.D.? I would love to submit my girlfriend and roommate to it. :D
I have the DVD set of the TV Show. I also have all of the movies and I liked the new one. It's different to be sure, but I liked it anyway.

I have also read the book...although not in French yet.

I am a planet of the apes freak and I have run many roleplaying scenarios based on all of its media types.
Eden Studios already has Terra Primate out as a RPG. Some of the background stories they offer gave me the chills :D

Uses the unisystem
Whenever I look at how a post-apocalyptic setting is to be made, I always take a look at Planet of the Apes. Through it's critisism of our society, and its visual style, it portrays a hard and uncaring future, like no other post-apocalyptic movie ever has been able to do.
I don't have the main book, but I'll get it a once-over today. I take it that RQ is essentially classless and % based? Correct? It might lend to a more generic, evened-out world with skill based flexibility rather than the "magic" of feats, but I browsed the Char-gen PDF recently and it looked a little too complicated. D20 is just so easy to get started in and to stick with, I'm not sure what to make of RQs sudden rise in popularity.
Hi Sutek, sorry for delay replying, but I'm not netted at home and have to do this in breaks at work.

Actually MRQ chargen is fairly similar to your method: stats for race, then skill-package templates for culture and profession, then a bunch of free-choice skill points.
As you say, it's far less rigid than d20 level-based systems when characters start progressing through play, but still quite easy to make templates for standard character types so you can throw together e.g. a 'typical veteran Gorilla Soldier from the Western Plains'.

RQ is Mongoose's New Baby at the moment, so it's getting a lot of attention, and seems likely to be the core rules system of choice for Mongoose in the future [see numerous post all over the place for arguments for/against this] but if you're happier with d20 then stick with d20 and let the d% diehards do some conversion work for themselves.
I skimmed through the MRQ equivalent of an SRD, and I just wasn't that impressed. To me, any given new RPG system is going to ahve to be easier to get started in (and explain to my players) than D20, and MRQ didn't seem of that ilk. I may warrant an second look to convince my self fully of it's unworthiness (lol).

I do love the idea of each aspect of a PC being essentially a template. It makes for a very logical character build - moreso than even points, and a lot more ballanced and difficult to break. Conan comes really close to what I envisioned for POTA with so many augmentations coming from Race, but I didn't even want to use that word/term in my pitch for POTA to MG. "Race" is loaded with baggage, and was, incidentally, the whole alegory of the movies (hehe). I didn't want to even prime the pump with race issues by making race a choice, because it automatically lends to the question "well, which race is better", and then you end up with the latest incarnation of Survivor. (lol) In a way, I wanted to play up alignment, and therefore morality, in the game mechanic in some way, given that in Beneath the Mutants have a fairly logical point that they make: Civilization will forever be destined to destroy itself. Is that evil or good or what? Should someone be rewarded, or indeed could they be, for taking that stance?

Anyway, haven't thought about it in ages, but I will give MRQ another look and see what works and what doesn't with my "vision".