Overextended Rules Question!


Ok, I see in the rules that you can become overextended while making multiple dodges in a combat round, but I see nothing of the sort in the parry rules. Is this the way it is ment to be, always parry at max skill, or is it a misprint. Thanks.

Also, no where in the SRD does it give the example on how to roll your main stats. It just describes them. I will purchase the book soon, but can anyone fill me in, is it a point buy system, or do you roll dice. Thanks again.

On the stat question, nevermind, I just read the SRD rules and just downloaded the game from Drivethrough RPG.

But on the first question on overextending, please let me know. Thanks.

Mad_Irishman said:
Ok, I see in the rules that you can become overextended while making multiple dodges in a combat round, but I see nothing of the sort in the parry rules. Is this the way it is ment to be, always parry at max skill, or is it a misprint.
Instead of an overextended result Parry gets a "Riposte" possibility and being overextended only lasts a single CA cycle, it's not cumulative.

However, the Overextended is only likely if you use the two-roll combat system. Refer to the Player's Guide pdf for details of combat.