Otah the Lizard God


What story did Otah, the Lizard God (Beyond the Thunder River) and his hidden city appear in?

Is this the same city Jon Storm's Son discovered?
Please please please do not describe Otah! He is the subject of my next adventure!!! I do not want my PC's to know!!!!

thank you...
It's situations like this that make me think the boards should be split into sections. GM's wouldn't worry about players accidently reading things they shouldn't, whilst other gamers, (such as myself) could read the background based threads, rather than the rules based ones. A Gm section, Hyborian Age section and Rules section would go down well.
I don't need a description - just an idea where to find a little more backround information. I haven't been able to find any references to Otah although I'm sure they are out there somewhere.