OT: Zombies!!! board game


Sorry I've been so bitchy lately, my Conan game collapsed due to real life getting in the way shortly after Scrolls of Skelos came out. I've been "jonesing" for ANY gaming action, and in desperation for something that required absolutely no thought ahead of time and had a finite playing time (to get the group back together around the table despite busy schedules), I finally caved in and bought Zombies!!! and Zombies!!! 3 Mall Walkers (Dawn of the Dead mall expansion). We loved them! It was a nice alternative to yet another session of Axis & Allies, Upwords or Risk: 2210 A.D. Even though those games are awesome, they either take too long to play, or else I always win (Upwords, which is basically Scrabble except you build "up" on top of other words to make new ones, making it much more fun than Scrabble, IMO).

Anybody else playing Zombies!!! from Twilight Creations?

The plot of Zombies!!! is simple: You and your fellow survivors are trapped in a city of flesh-eating ghouls. You collect cards and play them on yourself or your opponents (the cards are full color, gory and fun). You get to move yourself and some zombies every turn, racing around the city, breaking into and looting stores for Life tokens and Bullets. You must kill 25 zombies or escape to the helicopter, stranding everyone else to a certain doom. The thing I've noticed, is even when you lose, you still feel like you acomplished something, because you killed a truckload of zombies and screwed your opponents over many times in memorable ways. Every game is different, because you build the city one section (full color tile) at a time and the order of each section's appearance is randomized by shuffling the city tile deck.

ZOMBIES!!! official website

The Zombies!!! box set comes with 100 zombie minis! I've played 9 games in two days over 18 hours, LOL. I think I'm addicted. I'm gonna buy Zombies!!! 2 Zombie Corps(e) next to get the military base expansion and the 6 glow-in-the-dark uber-zombies. I'm also tempted to get Zombies!!! 4: The End, which takes place in the woods with zombie dogs and you have to collect the pages from the Book of the Dead to stop the horror and win. That set comes with 100 zombie dog minis! You can mix and match the various cards and rules from the sets to create the game you want. Only two pages of rules makes the game easy to house rule on the fly and just generally tinker with to make it the game you want. Each game is about 2 hours of beer-n-pretzels fun. If you only use the shopping mall or military base, instead of the city, it cuts down to maybe 1 hour or 90 minutes depending on the number of players because those locations use about 10 less tiles than the city. If you want to include the city, you'll need to buy more zombie minis (suitable for RPG use too), which they sell in bags of 100 for $9.95 in either (standard) rotten gray or glow in the dark varieties. The minis have a disgusting, wobbly, rubbery (but still sturdy) texture to them, which makes them more fun to pick up and move around, like you're actually touching clammy, dead flesh!

After trying the default rules and the standard Quickplay rules in two games, I'm using a combination of my own house rules and the Quickplay rules from the game's website. Basically, you always move a number of spaces equal to your current life tokens (or better if you roll higher on movement). Instead of only moving zombies one square each, you can split up the d6 roll and move less zombies faster, or more zombies slowly. If you are down to your last Life token, you don't die, but start losing kills for every failed combat roll. If you run out of kills, you just keep fighting until you defeat the zombie.

We also created a city only "death match" game where you start with 5 life and 5 bullets (and can trade in 15 kills for a "recharge" to put you back to 3 life and 3 bullets if you're lower). A variant "death match" allows each player three lives, so if they die, they lose all their kills, tokens and cards and start over in the town square with only 3 Life and 3 bullets.

We also added in uber-zombies (currently represented by skeleton and zombie RPG minis)! Here's how they come into play: Everytime the movie theater tile comes up (and there are 4 of them, each playing the movie "Evil Dad", LOL), an "Evil Dad" uber-zombie appears on that tile in lieu of the two regular zombies. The "Evil Dad" can only be killed on a six (instead of 4-6 like normal zombies) and moves twice as fast as regular zombies. If you are killed by an "Evil Dad" your character becomes an "Evil Dad" too! First one to the helicopter wins, regardless of the number of kills! Not respawning when you die and having the "Evil Dads" chase you around so fast really makes a dramatic, scary impact on your resource management and play style... everyone is much more conservative and nervous, at least until the helicopter tile is drawn and then it's a mad dash to screw over your opponents and jack the old whirly-bird. If not using the city tiles, the "Evil Dads" only appear when a player dies (on that spot).
Yes Zombies is supercool 8) . It plays differently every time.

A couple of weeks ago, at the local club, 9 of us played a mega game with 1, 2, 3, 3.5 and 4.

We played Zombies 4 on it's own today.

My favourite is Mallwalkers, played on its own. Sometimes Zombies!! can take a while, although the army base can speed things up.

Oh and you have to buy a Bag o' Zombies. It is essential. I have a Bag o' regular Zombies and a Bag of glow Zombies (extra glow ones aren't essential).
I've been wanting to play for quite a while and have signed up for a session at GenCon INdy this year. Now I'm looking forward to it even more!
They have some of the Zombies sets at one of our local game shops and I always stop and check them out for a few minutes when I'm there. I've read some favorable reveiws and I think Iron Chef just pushed me over the edge, I'll pick up the basic set as soon as I have some free time.

Just one question; are there enough zombie figures in the base set to play a full game with? Don't know if I want to buy expansions right off the bat.
The basic set comes with 100 zombies; Part 4 is a stand-alone game that can also be used as an expansion set, and it comes with 100 zombie dogs. Yes, 100 zombies is just barely enough to get by when playing the basic game with 2-3 people; you will totally need more zombies if you use the city, mall, military base and/or woods, or have more than 3 players. One good (cheap) way to get the most out of your zombies is to not let people put them in their "kill pile" but rather take a bunch of the bullet tokens and write a "K" on the back in marker, then use them as "kill" tokens. That way, you'll have all your zombie figs in play on the board --- there are way too many bullet tokens included, so feel free to take 50 of them and turn them into kill tokens. Otherwise, you could use pennies or glass beads to represent kills.
The official site has a bunch of different house rules and options, such as team play, different character powers for the players, new weapons, scenarios, campaigns, an alternate ending, and of course, FAQs --- check the links page for a link to an RPG based on the game. However, I've found the best house rules for me are not on the official site but rather are Rich Stoke's Quickplay Rules found here:


The game is simple yet satisfying enough that it can be played "as is", or can quickly be made more complex to suit the taste of the players. It can even be "dumbed down" further for kids who can't read yet. With only 2-3 pages of rules, it can be whatever you want, and the designer tells you to do whatever you want with the rules while still providing a solid game to build on. I'm impressed with the people who made this game series! :D
Lowly Uhlan said:
Just one question; are there enough zombie figures in the base set to play a full game with? Don't know if I want to buy expansions right off the bat.

Yes. One way of winning is by killing 25 zombies, players need to keep track of how many they kill and generally like to organise their killed ones into neat rows, like a zombie parade. However this can man there are too few zombies to put on the board later in the game. You just need to keep track of kills another way.
At the Salute '04 show earlier this year, there was a very cool game of Zombies!!! - it was scaled up to 25mm scale with vehicles, card buildings and the like. All of the classic tiles were there: the fire station, the town square, the helipad, etc. It was excellent.
My son has had this game for almost a year now. We just hadn't played it yet. I think that it is due for a tryout since reading this post. Thanks.
OK, barely enough zombies according to the Chef. There's some company that put out something called Bag O Zombies, a bunch of little zombies in a bag for like 10 bucks. Might be an option.
Lowly Uhlan said:
OK, barely enough zombies according to the Chef. There's some company that put out something called Bag O Zombies, a bunch of little zombies in a bag for like 10 bucks. Might be an option.

It's the same company that produces the Zombies!!! game; the zombies in the bag are the "official" zombies for Zombies!!! and are available in your choice of classic rotten gray or poppin' fresh new glow in the dark. :D
I've found that the expansion packs, combined with house rules, really make this game horribly addictive and always a complete challenge, even with just two players. By adding in super zombies, zombie dogs, tougher victory conditions, nearly all the new event cards, and "death match" rules, you get a much scarier, more interesting game. So far, I've easily integrated Zombies 3 and 4 (including the dogs) into my game. I'll be adding Zombies 2 and 3.5 in this week. Each new add-on really changes the game and makes it more fun!!!

The manufacturer's website offers free downloads of fan submitted house rules, scenarios, campaigns and other misc. ideas on what to do with the game and pieces (not necessarily even using them in a traditional Zombies board game).

ZOMBIES!!! GAME SERIES by Twilight Creations, Inc.

Zombies 1 ($24.95)
gives you the largest map tile selection (city location), 50 event cards, black heart and bullet tokens, two dice, six shotgun guy player minis and 100 gray human zombie minis.

Here's what the expansion packs offer:

Zombies 2 ($14.95) adds a set of military base/top secret lab tiles you can use as a stand-alone location or as an add-on to any other expansion pack, red heart tokens, six glow-in-the-dark super zombie miniatures (tougher to kill and faster movement), and 32 new event cards.

Zombies 3 ($14.95) adds a set of shoping mall tiles you can use as a stand-alone location or as an add-on to any other expansion pack, two new scenarios (rescue survivors or catch the guy with the helicopter keys), and 32 new event cards.

Zombies 3.5 ($9.95) adds 50 new event cards and rules for building custom card decks.

Zombies 4 ($24.95) adds a set of forest and rural tiles you can use as a complete stand-alone game or as an add-on to any other expansion pack, 100 zombie dog miniatures (tougher to kill and faster movement), two dice, six shotgun guy player minis (different colored than the ones in Zombies 1), a new scenario (collct the pages to the book of the dead, get tgo the cabin and cast the spell to destroy the zombies to win) and 50 new event cards.

Bag O' Zombies ($9.95) gives you your choice of 100 human zombie minis in either classic gray or new glow in the dark. Practically a must-have item if you are using more than one location. I have a couple ideas here on how to integrate 100 glow in the darks: 1) When you run out of regular zombies, all new zombies are super zombies (killed on a 5-6, move 2 squares instead of one if playing by default rules), or 2) every time a new tile or card is played that places zombies on the board, one of those zombies is a super zombie (as per my rules above for default play).
I just finished a five hour, four person Zombies game, LOL, which would have been over several hours earlier except for three things:

1) We made a new rule that the helipad has 8 regular zombies and 1 super zombie (roll a 6 to kill) on it and all foes on the helipad must be defeated in order to win.

2) Just when one player was about to win, I played "Here, Doggie!" which summoned up 9 zombie dogs (roll a 5-6 to kill each dog) and placed them all over the helipad.

3) Right after I died, I drew "Here, Doggie!" again and placed 9 more zombie dogs arouind the board near the helipad and on the other players, LOL.

This was my first four person game (two newbies, two experienced players), and it was freakin' intense, because of all the evil cards that were constantly being played on each other. It was a glorious bloodbath that never let up until the final moment. With my house rules, the game always stays intense right up to the end, so I don't see why people who think it gets boring don't just "spice up" the rules like I did to make the game suit their play style. Not one of the five other people I introduced the game to found it even remotely boring, and all wanted rematches again soon. I don't seem to win very often, but it doesn't bother me, because who wins doesn't seem to matter so much as how deviously you played the game... unlike most other boardgames, I always come away from Zombies with a sense of accomplishment after a loss.
OK, you got me.

Q: Will I be buying this game for the weekend?

A: You bet your sweet bippy.

(WTF does that mean? I know it's from Laugh-In but HTF could anyone stand that show? and what's a bippy?)

OK, had to answer my own question. Googled this:
"You bet your sweet Bippy!" - Silly word used on the comedy variety ROWAN & MARTIN'S LAUGH-IN/NBC/ 1968-73. During one episode of the program, the audience got some insight as to what a "Bippy" was:

Dick: May the Good Fairy sprinkle stardust on your bippy.
Dan: Just a minute now. I've been meaning to ask you; what's a bippy?
Dick It's a baby bip.
Dan: Then what's a bip?
Dick: It's a big bippy.
Dan: Are you sure?
Dick: You bet your sweet bippy, I'm sure!

The "Bippy" word later inspired the title of a Rowan & Martin film The Maltese Bippy (1969). Once Liberace said "I bet my sweet bippy and lost it!"
As Arte Johnson always used to say:


...but stoopid. :P
BTW: Just bought and played a couple games with the Zombies 3.5 Expansion Cards (50 new cards), and found most of the cards to be incredibly cool. 3.5 is a good value at $9.95, but I found the custom deck building optional rules confusing on how each player decides which 50 cards he gets in his personal deck.
I don't use the custom deck building option.

I have a separate deck for each area, one for the town, one for the military base, one for the mall etc. This means that players are far more likely to find the cards that are suitable for that area, ie they won't pick up a fire-axe card while in the army base where they cannot use it. The non-area specific cards are ramdomly distributed through the four decks. Players are free to draw cards from any deck.

The decks are in different coloured protectors to make sorting them easy. It also allows play of one of the seperate games without any hassle. Want to play a quick game of Mallwalkers, then the cards are already sorted.
Greg Smith said:
I don't use the custom deck building option.

I have a separate deck for each area, one for the town, one for the military base, one for the mall etc. This means that players are far more likely to find the cards that are suitable for that area, ie they won't pick up a fire-axe card while in the army base where they cannot use it. The non-area specific cards are ramdomly distributed through the four decks. Players are free to draw cards from any deck.

The decks are in different coloured protectors to make sorting them easy. It also allows play of one of the seperate games without any hassle. Want to play a quick game of Mallwalkers, then the cards are already sorted.

I took your advice and separated the decks by location to good effect in my last five games. Thanks!

Had some experience with Zombies 4 now and found it too deadly and also boring as is. Too many "plain woods" map tiles for my taste... most of the 30 tile deck! I cut the map deck down to 16 cards (as big as the mall, keeping all but the extra cave named locations and 3-4 plain woods tiles). This made the woods more exciting... lots more tokens to pick up in smaller area, but still too deadly with all those zombie dogs (5-6 to kill, move twice as fast as regular zombies). Thinking of making human zombies only on the plain woods tiles to "mix things up" a bit. Just fighting zombie dogs is boring (and too deadly). I'm using the cut down woods map deck with my city/mall game; no desire to play plain woods as written. Not a waste of money, as dogs mixed in with regular zombies is fun, plus cool event cards and red heart tokens. Just not as good as other Zombies expansions.

Zombies 2 (military base) shipping to me this week... can't wait!!! Me and all my friends are so addicted to this game, that my friend even bought his own copy so he could play it with his 7 year old son!