Operation: Farside

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I think the guys working on the starshiptroopers miniatures should start looking into our ideas and see if they could work. Only problem is they'll have to give us credit in some way. so most likely not. My chariot idea looks good. I don't want any credit except for a mention of my name, if it is to become a rule(wich it should)

well, the fact is a game of this type needs limits, don't get me wrong very cool idea, but execution is gonna be a bummer.

Now i agree with awesomeshotdude here, too powerful grenade launchers and you risk Friendly Fire, that is a big no no, at least that is what my dad said.

So you are looking at having either a Breaching Charge, or a Engineer with cutting torch for the doors, yeah, the software side, well another starcraft moment comes to mind.
AI: Hit any key to active camera
Grunt: Hey where's the Any key?

I think it has to be a specifc model, give the bugs a better chance. After these guys can reprogram sentry guns and doors, and that is a big thing.

Okay here is some idea that you might be able to use:
Fusion Laser Cutter
Range: 5” Type: Squad Damage: D10 Traits: Cutter

Breaching Charge
Range: Placed Type: One Shot Damage: D10 Traits: Accurate, Cutter and Remote

Trait: Cutter, provides a -2 to the Target and Kill scores for any bulkhead or door.
Consider this thread stolen for a possible SST RPG campaign. >:)

I think the guys with the javalins will be spending lots of time in the galley so you don't blow a hole in the hule. ;)

James / Nezeray
awesomeshotdude said:
Sgt Whiskey Swiper said:
Pl1 - 0-1 Software Specialist or Engineer
Pl2 - 0-2 Software Specialists or Engineers
Pl3 - 0-3 Software Specialists or Engineers

Should this be a trait or a new unit? I'm leading towards a separate 'character' to represent how 'rare' these units are and that they are not assigned to squads easily.

I am digging these guys. I guess it doesn't really matter whether it is a trait or a special character. Either way you could limit the specialty to one per squad (or whatever you choose) by simply stating something like;

"Only one model per squad may upgrade with the Software Specialist or Engineer Traits"
"Only one one model per squad may be a Software Specialist or Engineer"

You can word the rules to reflect whatever ideas you want to impose.

I do like this idea though. It gives th game flavour and a tactical twist by having specialist who can perform certain, sometimes critical, actions. In some cases, the whole mission may revolve around these guys.

Ok, been mulling over the concept of upgrading the squad. I'm thinking +50pts for Engineer or Software Specialist.

The Engineer is armed with a Morita Carbine and Fusion Laser Cutter - he gains the special ability 'Engineering'. He is able to seal doors with the plasma cutter - if he readies before hand. To seal the door he rolls a D6 and must roll 4+ to cut through the door.
To seal it he must roll 4+. You can only seal a door that has not been opened.
He can also assemble a Sentry gun (+30).

Fusion Laser Cutter
Range: 5” Type: Squad Damage: D10 Traits: Cutter

Trait: Cutter, provides a -2 to the Target and Kill.

A sentry gun has the following stats
Sentry Gun. Range = 20". Damage = 3xD6. Type = Squad. Traits = Automated.

Automated the Sentry Gun does not need a member of the MI touching it to fire

I'm also not sure whether he can Barricade open doors...

Software Specialist
The software specialist is armed with a Morita Carbine, a card key, and a scanner.

The Card Key allows him to 'hack' into computers, opening doors around the building. He has the power to open a door, close a door, or remove power with a D6 roll of 3+

Scanner: Gives all models attacked by Foot Fall a 5+ Dodge save. If a Grab is attempted it is more likely to succeed at +1.

Sgt Whiskey Swiper said:
Also I'm considering rules for the surviving crew, using similar stats to the LAMI but weaker....

What do you mean by survivors ? Guys who at the start of the game, have survived an Arachnid attack and are awaiting rescue, or, guys who survive the game get certain experience for the next mission ?

I am think that you mean the former. In that case it would be cool and would provide even more flavour and some objectives during the missions.

The later would be good too. It would make you want to have as many mission suvivors as possible so they gain experience and become more competant in future missions. This would also make the MI player more anxious when in dangerous situations, thereby providing even more flavour and a great atmosphere....very enjoyable.

The survivors are the chaps who survived the Arachnid attack and are awaiting rescue. Those who survive missions will be able to gain skills and weapons they find.

I was also thinking that of the number of suvivors of the crew D6 are infected with Control Bugs... these are the most advanced, and are only detected on a roll of a 5+.

The Crew Survivors would be armed with Moritas and Carbines, maybe a few plasma cutters as well.

Need more suggestions on this though.

Sgt Whiskey Swiper said:
More thoughts?

Just back to the grenades again. I don't think fired grenades i.e. those from the Triple Thid or Underslung grenade Launchers should be allowed to fire in Artillery Mode as the firer doesn't really have control over how powerful the grenade is launched and in such close confines, like inside spaceship corridors, rooms etc, the firer couldn't really just 'Lob' a grenade over an obstacle. However when grenades are thrown, it is MUCH easier to control where the grenade goes and it is far easier to 'Lob' it over a close piece of cover.

Perhaps when inside, you should lesson the deviation of the grenade a bit as the max deviation is 8" and if the player throws the grenade over a piece of cover only 2" away, it has a chance to land 6" behind him !!! Now this is not impossible indoors considering all the obstacles, walls etc that are so close to one another and in most cases the thrower. I have seen a few blokes throw grenades and have them hit an obstruction and 'bounce' back towards them or spin off to one side a considerable distance, especially when thrown hard. (only prac grenades thankfully, never seen it happen with live grenades, although I bet it has somewhere).

So, in my opinion, only thrown grenades should be allowed Artillery Fire.[/quote]

I like your idea regarding grenades, and Triple Thud and Underslung Grenade Launchers should not be allowed to fire in Artillery mode.


Perhaps Chariot bugs could be in the ship... not sure yet, but a small number defending the Reactor could be a good laugh...

Now i agree with awesomeshotdude here, too powerful grenade launchers and you risk Friendly Fire, that is a big no no, at least that is what my dad said.

So you are looking at having either a Breaching Charge, or a Engineer with cutting torch for the doors, yeah, the software side, well another starcraft moment comes to mind.
AI: Hit any key to active camera
Grunt: Hey where's the Any key?

I think it has to be a specifc model, give the bugs a better chance. After these guys can reprogram sentry guns and doors, and that is a big thing.

Okay here is some idea that you might be able to use:
Fusion Laser Cutter
Range: 5” Type: Squad Damage: D10 Traits: Cutter

Breaching Charge
Range: Placed Type: One Shot Damage: D10 Traits: Accurate, Cutter and Remote

Trait: Cutter, provides a -2 to the Target and Kill scores for any bulkhead or door.

Ok, I like the Breaching card idea - also add in Multihit to the mix and that sounds fantastic, not sure on the points cost. I added your Fusion Laser Cutter to the Engineer mix as I liked it alot.

I'd like to implement in Cameras, but not sure how to do so realistically, and not too OTT (Over The Top.)

And Nezeray keep us informed ;)

I'm also looking into a Med-Lab (to scan MI and Survivors for control bugs...) Things like that would add a lot of character...

Comeon! More ideas and comments ;)

Just some random, half assed thoughts.

During some of these missions, it may be required to achieve the completion of multiple tasks, perhaps sometimes similtaneously, for the mission to be a success. For this to happen, if you, fluff wise, cannot allocate enough forces to the task, the squad/s may have to break down into fireteams or smaller units to become effective. For instance, the Cpl may have to lead half the squad to a control room to shut down a power source that is powering a shield that protects the entrance to an engine room, which the Sgt and his half of the squad are moving towards to sabotage/destroy with dem's. If the mission states that the squad only has a short time to complete this task then the squad may have to split up. Or perhaps the Sgt has decided that it is wise to leave a two man team to cover a certain room or corridor whilst the rest of the squad moves off to complete the mission...he may want to do this in a couple of locations.

Considering this, it may be a good idea to allow a Cpl to lead a fireteam out of the radius of the squad Sgt command. An easy rule could be used for this. Perhaps the Sgt retains a 6" command radius and the Cpl has a 3" command radius but for all other things they are treat as two separate squads until they rejoin. OR, perhaps you could start the game with say two or three command tokens in a 'pool', which when designated to a group of soldiers (can be any number of soldiers), allows them to operate as normal (ie not as if out of command). The token stays with the group until they are back within the Sgt's command radius. Once the group with the command tokens gets back within the Sgt's command raius the tokens are returned to the 'pool'. Lets say you started with two tokens and a Cpl. The Sgt could say designate one token to two soldiers to remain at a corridor intersection to protect against enemy following up behind the squad. He could then designate anothe token to another two soldiers to act as snipers from behind a container in a large flight bay thereby covering another flank. He could then task the Cpl and one other to move of to complete some task, then he and the last of his squad could move off towards the main objective. This way he could have four smaller groups moving about independantly of each other doing their own little thing for the good of the mission. The Sgt would be free to designate tokens at any stage throughout the mission. This would similate the Sgt giving orders to his hard ass, professional squad members. Nothing beats the tactical flexability of being able to give orders to professional hard asses knowing full well that they have the common sense, initiative and drive to carry out the orders.

I was thinking, snipers would almost be non exsistant in this environment. It would still be fun to have the choice though. Perhaps as mentioned above they may be able to cover a whole open area within the ship, say a flighht bay or gargo bay etc. You could have a rule that allowed benefits from spotters.

The spotter adds benefits by

Cover the snipers ass so he doesn't have to worry about the enemy sneaking up on him,
Helps with cam and concealment,
Spots additional targets and helps prioritise them,
Add firepower when needed,
Helps with ranging targets,
Helps with Identifying targets,
Helps with sighting shots, etc etc

A simple rule to reflect these in the game would be maybe add +1 to the Accurate trait and add +6" to the range of the sniper rifle when the sniper has a spotter. Sort of like a crew working together on the reliants.

Also I really dig the idea of the Sentry Gun, that is a must for covering flanks and denying corridors, rooms and approaches to the enemy.

What about lighting. SOme of these ships may be in total power failure and have no lighting (life support systems would be no problem due to the powersuits). They may also be lacking artificial gravity...perhapos magnetic boots could be on the items list for certain missions...5 points per Trooper.
I like the idea of Sections. I was thinking a Corporal can lead a Section as normal - like a Sergeant, but if you elaborate - even more... on your ideas that'd be cool 8)

I like your spotter idea, and will definately implement it.

I'm currently drawing up the campaign fully and have a 'Teaser' Mission for you, including new units!

Private Yorkson raised the battered camera to his eye. Holding the carbine in his left hand, he flicked the camera onto 'replay.'

It whirred, and came to life, the screen pixalating and then it began...

"I'm Chief Engineer Walters... something's happened on Deck 12. Near the reactor, I've lost contact with the Security Team. After the convoy found survivors from a crippled research station drifting lightyears away from its position, we've had nothing but hell. The Pandora was destroyed by a reactor overload, and one by one the ships are separating. Reports of gunfire inside them are common. We found Mobile Infantry soldiers in an escape pod, who said Arachnids had overrun the Xerces. What the hell's happened?" The camera then panned around, showing the Security Team, who resemble Light Armour troopers, equipped with Carbines and two Shredders. Five engineers carry Sentry guns.

"Oi! Look Walky's filming us! We're gonna squish us some dirty bugs!" One of the security team wave at the camera, and salute. Yorkson smirked at how the squad turned their backs on the trooper and began laughing amongst themselves.

"Thats quite enough Corporal. Three hours ago, we lost contact with a small three man Security Team by the Reactor, after having stuttering communication with them. Its believed some Arachnids managed to infiltrate the ship, so we're hitting them hard. I've assembled our finest Counter-Assualt team. We also have an Engineering team going down as well, carrying small arms."

The camera flickered. And then Walter's face appeared again, he was shaking and looked terrified, "The Team's gone, annialated. Engineering team was butchered as well... The cameras on the helmets showed a new species... we've nicknamed it the 'Flayer' its... its... Fire!" Gunfire is heard in the background. The camera is dropped. Screaming. Then silence.

Yorkson lifted up the camera, and picked up a carbine, he had to get out of there...

Flayer Bug
Size 1
Hits 2
Target 5+
Save 5+
Kill 8+
Hits 2
Attack 4 D6 +1

Jump 6"

Hunt – The Leaphora can Move beneath the floor. Move it as a normal piece. Models with 8” roll 1 dice per unit. They sense it on a roll on a D6 of a 6, and can fire upon it on a -1 modifyer.

Surviving Crew
Size 1
Move 4"
Close Combat D6-3
Target 3+
Save -
Kill 4+

Morita Carbine

The crew are only available in certain missions on the campaign. I can make them a 'pointed unit' if you want it.

Now an example of a mission in the new campaign.

Mission: Escape
Private Yorkson has escaped, after being dragged into the floor by a Flayer, he killed it as it dragged him to the control bugs. He has escaped, and must escape to tell the others what he saw happen to some Survivors.

Mobile Infantry
Yorkson – counts as a basic MI trooper. He carries a Morita Carbine. He has 2 Actions unusually, counts as independent. Also has the Sniper Trait.

6 Crew Survivors, armed with a plasma cutter, 5 Moritas and two deployed Sentry Guns.

5 control bugs, 2 Leaphora and 5 Warrior bugs. The Flayers stalk the corridors and cannot move beneath the floor.

Special – ArmouryIf Yorkson reaches the Armoury, he can upgrade his Morita to a weapon of the MI players choice.

Victory ConditionsYorkson must survive for the MI to win, and get off the table.
If Yorkson and the Survivors survive, he becomes the Sergeant.
The Mobile Infantry also increase detection of the Flayer to a roll of a 3+
If a Flayer is killed by the MI, the MI find D6 survivors for the next battle.

Not too sure on the lighting yet (will mainly affect the Survivors and the LAMI .)

Comments please!

that's fairly cool i like it, glade you liked the cutting torch and breaching charges could do with killshot, but the fact is you can blow a hole in the hull wih these things and that is bad unless you arte a full power armoured CAP trooper.

Mag boots should come like Lizard Lines for the Pathfinders basic equip.

The Sniper and fire team rules as suggested by awesomeshotdude are quite good, but i think they couldbe modded a bit before use.

Perhaps for the cameras have a control room where a model or two is able to view the screens and say, "sighting, sector 92, near the mess"which would translate to a bonus to any trackers.
that's fairly cool i like it, glade you liked the cutting torch and breaching charges could do with killshot, but the fact is you can blow a hole in the hull wih these things and that is bad unless you arte a full power armoured CAP trooper.

Mag boots should come like Lizard Lines for the Pathfinders basic equip.

The Sniper and fire team rules as suggested by awesomeshotdude are quite good, but i think they couldbe modded a bit before use.

Perhaps for the cameras have a control room where a model or two is able to view the screens and say, "sighting, sector 92, near the mess"which would translate to a bonus to any trackers.

Kill shot sound great for the Breaching Charges, and makes a lot of sense. Also Mag boots should be standard across hte MI.

Cameras mounted on shoulders will be an upgrade later on in the campaign.

And without further ado, I present the First Mission (they'll come up in chronological order, post thoughts etc - with new units and weapons that appear...)

Mission One - First Contact
Three Skyhooks raced from the Dunkirk. The freighter slowly closed. The intercom crackled inside S.1, "Leuitenant Horving, we're nearing the freighter. We'll enter through the Landing Bay, which according to sensors is active."

"Thank you Wing Commander, me and my platoon are ready to defend the LZ if we are attacked."

"Affirmative, we'll cover you with our defensive armaments if we are counter attacked. We'll remain in orbit around the freigter incase you need a rapid evac."

"Cheers, out." Horving glanced around the Skyhook's interior, crates of ammunition, medical supplies, computer equipment, and two sealed boxes. Each containing a Pee-Wee, "When we hit the deck, create an LZ and secure it. First squad moves out, and search the Landing Bay, whilst the Geeks get the download going."

"Sah!" The shout unanimously erupted from the other troopers inside. Horving smiled, and felt a fiece pride for being in the Mobile Infantry.

Mobile Infantry

Horving's Hunters

Leuitenant James Horving
-Fire King
- Lizard Line

NCO - Staff Sergeant Manison
- Rallying Cry
- Frag Grenades

NCO - Chief Combat Engineer Bates
- Plasma Munition
- Lizard Line
- Trench Sweeper Lazer
- Armourer

1st Squad - 7 men
Sergeant Multan - Sniper
Frag Grenades
2 Triple Thud Grenade Launchers

2nd Squad - 7 Men
Sergeant Fuller - Stay Frosty
2 Javelins

3rd Squad - 6 Men
Sergeant Johanson - Pathfinder
Lizard Lines
Frag Grenades
Sniper Rifle

+ 3 Engineers with 2 Sentry Guns each
+ 2 Software Specialists

They also have 3 Skyhook Retreval Boats, that are deployed up to 6" away from the MI's deployment zone. All MI must be placed within 6" of a Skyhook.

10 Survivors (Controlled by control bugs. All armed with Morita Carbines)
5 Control Bugs
1 Infiltrator Bug

The Mobile Infantry must create a perimeter around the Skyhooks, so they are safe, and investigate the Landing Bay.

1. The Software Specialists must access the Mainframe at a terminal. And be in contact for at least two turns.
2. The MI player should create a well defended position and secure LZ.
3. The MI player should send men to recce out the position.
4. Minimal casualties are essential - we cannot afford to lose men.

Arachnid Objectives
1. Kill Software Specialists
2. Kill Engineers
3. Cause the MI casualties

Have a large open board, with several levels and gantrys if possible. Interior should have abandoned M9 Marauder suits converted for loading 'lying around.' A few transports and other craft should be in there as well.
Terminals are placed on the edge of the board, away from the MI, or next to a small internal building.

The Arachnid player deploys after the MI, and is free to deploy his forces anywhere not under MI control as long as they are at least 12" away from the MI.

The MI player must access the mainframe to gain benefits in later battles, back the specialists up. They should also rapidly fortify their position incase the Arachnids launch a sudden attack

The Arachnids should try and pick off the MI as they move out. This mission relies on the Arachnid player thinking defensively and expecting units that attack not to survive.

Any comments? As I need a hand!

sounds good, sounds very good, mind helping me write scenarios for the rules i have done?

seriously, snipers should be in, long gantries and one or two models covering, bang, drop, bang drop, it needs to in i think.

Also consider letting objectives accumulate, like you have up to mission three to get to the main frame, because inteligence while it is not time sensitive it can and should be gathered ASAP.

Also i think for the mission too much needs to be done for the MI player to 'win"if it wa the main frame and secure a LZ, at three turns a piece yeah, but i think for it to be as you have currently suggested it would have to be about 10 or so game turns.
Yeah, I love the scenario you have here. It's got flavour and atmosphere and sounds like it would be great fun.

I understand that this is in a large open are insdie the ship so the current command rules would work fine with this. However when you start moving the squads through the rest of the ship ie corridors, small rooms etc. I can see a problem arising with the suqads having to bunch up unrealistically to maintain the command radius.

I think to remedy this, you will have to introduce a new command system that allows the modles to atleast operate in small groups independantly.
well, what i am thinking about with my own game system is to have it variable, such as for the inside of a ship with narrow corridors double it in a straight line, and in the wide open areas and halls go back to the normal system.
sounds good, sounds very good, mind helping me write scenarios for the rules i have done?

seriously, snipers should be in, long gantries and one or two models covering, bang, drop, bang drop, it needs to in i think.

Its a cool idea, whether we should introduce a small two man Sniper team, cover, fire, move - but this would be rather hard to implement.

Also consider letting objectives accumulate, like you have up to mission three to get to the main frame, because inteligence while it is not time sensitive it can and should be gathered ASAP.

Also i think for the mission too much needs to be done for the MI player to 'win"if it wa the main frame and secure a LZ, at three turns a piece yeah, but i think for it to be as you have currently suggested it would have to be about 10 or so game turns.

I was thinking that around 8 turns, 4 MI, 4 Arachnid.

The initial accessing the mainframe gives the MI an accurate floor schematic, so they gain a small bonus later on in the game - i.e. selecting who deploys first, or who gets first turn.

I understand that this is in a large open are insdie the ship so the current command rules would work fine with this. However when you start moving the squads through the rest of the ship ie corridors, small rooms etc. I can see a problem arising with the suqads having to bunch up unrealistically to maintain the command radius.

I think to remedy this, you will have to introduce a new command system that allows the modles to atleast operate in small groups independantly.

Yeah, I can see the same problem - hence the use of Sections, one under the Sergeant, and one under the Corporal.

This should prevent bunching up - any thoughts?

Cheers for the praise, hopefully once we finally finish the 'basics' we can push forwards even farther.

Mission Two – Search
Horving glanced over towards the small row of Skyhooks which had just been cleared by 1st Squad. "Sergeant Multan, status!"

"We have engaged several crewmen who opened fire on us. The targets have been neutralised. We have also engaged a Infiltrator bug, and several control bugs. All neutralised for no loss. Unfortunately the crewmen destroyed the Main Interface for this deck, so we cannot access any more files." The voice crackled in relatively clearly over the radio.

"Ok lads, looks like an Arachnid infestation, or an experiment gone wrong. Lets move out. 3rd Squad, I want you moving up towards the Bridge. Search for survivors enroute." Horving awaited the responce as one of the Geeks ran past him carrying some more hardware.

"Affirmative, we'll take our attached Engineer with us as well."

"Granted, move out fast, if there are any survivors we'll need to move fast."

3rd Squad - 6 Men
Sergeant Johanson - Pathfinder
Lizard Lines
Frag Grenades
Sniper Rifle
Engineer - Two Sentry Guns (undeployed)

2 Footfalls
2 Infiltrator Bugs
12 Survivors (Controlled by Control bugs - armed with Moritas)

25 Survivors scattered around in groups of 3-5, they are armed with Morita Carbines, and have 3 Sentry Guns deployed in the area.
They cannot move, unless they see the Arachnids, and do not fire upon the Control Bug Survivors - unless a D6 is rolled, and a 6 appears, somehow they realised something is wrong and open fire.

The survivors can fire upon Arachnids when they see them.

This game is played in the corridors of the Passenger Quaters, there should be many corridors, and doors all over the area.
The small groups of Survivors should be deployed 1 by the Arachnid player, 1 by the MI player in various rooms and corridors.
There are no Computer Uplinks here (for software specialists.)

The MI deploy in a corridor on the 'table edge'

The Arachnids deploy in another corridor - which is roughly 'opposite' the MI.

The MI player must rescue at least 15 Survivors to win - they have valuable intelligence and must be protected at all costs.
The Arachnid player must kill the Survivors and as many MI as possible.

If the MI saves 20+ Survivors, one model in the squad may upgrade his weapon to either a Sniper rifle or Hel Infantry Flamer. The MI also gets to give 25pts of Qualities to one model in the unit.

If the MI saves 15-20 Survivors, one model may either take 20pts of Qualities, or gain a scanner and Card Key.

If the MI does not save 15 survivors, then they have 'lost' this mission.

The Survivors are taken into the MI force at the start of the next battle, they can be led by a member of 3rd Squad if you want. He will count as a Corporal. They can be split into 1 or 2 squads, if you want with 1 member of 3rd Squad incharge of them.

Turn Limit
This battle is fought for 5 turns.

My Personal Comments
The deployment of the survivors, first by the Arachnid player, then by the MI, is designed to be a safe guard - if the Arachnid player places them right by his Arachnids, then its obvious that the MI player will do the same to his MI.
The effects of the Operation start building up from now on (and it is possible that you can complete the operation with none of the original platoon still alive... very hard to do so, but possible.)
The Arachnids have to play a tight game, maybe not killing the Survivors, but at the very least isolating them.
The rewards for the MI scoring a major victory are great, but if they fail and do not save the number of survivors they will be penalised in the later battles (scanners are life savers, and that flamer is a 'god' in these ships...)

Comments? I'll upload the next mission later

Mission Three – Command and Control
"Command, this is Sergeant Johanson. We have found some sixteen survivors, and engaged more Arachnid forces, it appears they have a notable presence on this ship. The survivors report that the convoy came across an ancient cruiser, of unknown pattern, and boarded it. As these are civilians, this is only rumour and hearsay. Leuitenant, should we press on?" Johanson smiled at the survivors as he awaited the Leuitenants responce.

Silence. Johanson frowned, the Leuitenant generally gave rapid responces in these situations, "I say again, what is our next course of action?"

Engineer O'Toole ran over and checked the headset. Whilst shaking his head he pulled out a small device out of his pocket, and placed it onto his communications relay, "Sir, somethings interfering with our communications equipment, we have to find the Bridge, or at least the Communications room to get an idea of what is going on."

Johanson nodded, "Ok lads lets arm up and move out. Private Yorkson, take command of those survivors. Lets move out!"


Mobile Infantry
The surviving MI squad members from the last game, and the survivors.
One MI trooper must be moved from his squad and placed with the survivors.
Engineer (if still alive)

2 Flayers
2 Infiltrator Bugs
15 Control Bugs

A single large room - with doors sealing all entrances to the room.
This should be surrouned by a network of corridors.

MI: Enter and barricade the Bridge.
Arachnid: Kill as many MI and Survivors as possible

[This is a simpler mission, simple casualties - as the end of this determines what mission is played next ;)] And more comments?

The missions that you have here are following on really well and creating a storyline. This makes games more fun and enjoyable.

With the Sentry Guns. The Engineer can set them up but how. Does he simply use a ready action to deploy the wpn and activate it ?

Does it have Auto/AA traits ? Can it react ? Does it run out of ammo during reactions ?

Can the Engineer pack it up and re-deploy it somewhere else later in the game or is it that once it is set that's it, it can't be moved from then on ?

How does it react to Infiltrator bugs ? Does it's software have the ability to determine that a Infiltrator in the guise of an MI is actually an Arachnid like a human can or is the software too limited ?

In mission two there is heaps of doors etc. Does it take a ready action to open a door and another to close it ? Can they be locked/welded against the Arachnids ?

I am liking these missions. Great work.