awesomeshotdude said:
Sgt Whiskey Swiper said:
Pl1 - 0-1 Software Specialist or Engineer
Pl2 - 0-2 Software Specialists or Engineers
Pl3 - 0-3 Software Specialists or Engineers
Should this be a trait or a new unit? I'm leading towards a separate 'character' to represent how 'rare' these units are and that they are not assigned to squads easily.
I am digging these guys. I guess it doesn't really matter whether it is a trait or a special character. Either way you could limit the specialty to one per squad (or whatever you choose) by simply stating something like;
"Only one model per squad may upgrade with the Software Specialist or Engineer Traits"
"Only one one model per squad may be a Software Specialist or Engineer"
You can word the rules to reflect whatever ideas you want to impose.
I do like this idea though. It gives th game flavour and a tactical twist by having specialist who can perform certain, sometimes critical, actions. In some cases, the whole mission may revolve around these guys.
Ok, been mulling over the concept of upgrading the squad. I'm thinking +50pts for Engineer or Software Specialist.
The Engineer is armed with a Morita Carbine and Fusion Laser Cutter - he gains the special ability 'Engineering'. He is able to seal doors with the plasma cutter - if he readies before hand. To seal the door he rolls a D6 and must roll 4+ to cut through the door.
To seal it he must roll 4+. You can only seal a door that has not been opened.
He can also assemble a Sentry gun (+30).
Fusion Laser Cutter
Range: 5” Type: Squad Damage: D10 Traits: Cutter
Trait: Cutter, provides a -2 to the Target and Kill.
A sentry gun has the following stats
Sentry Gun. Range = 20". Damage = 3xD6. Type = Squad. Traits = Automated.
Automated the Sentry Gun does not need a member of the MI touching it to fire
I'm also not sure whether he can Barricade open doors...
Software Specialist
The software specialist is armed with a Morita Carbine, a card key, and a scanner.
The Card Key allows him to 'hack' into computers, opening doors around the building. He has the power to open a door, close a door, or remove power with a D6 roll of 3+
Scanner: Gives all models attacked by Foot Fall a 5+ Dodge save. If a Grab is attempted it is more likely to succeed at +1.
Sgt Whiskey Swiper said:
Also I'm considering rules for the surviving crew, using similar stats to the LAMI but weaker....
What do you mean by survivors ? Guys who at the start of the game, have survived an Arachnid attack and are awaiting rescue, or, guys who survive the game get certain experience for the next mission ?
I am think that you mean the former. In that case it would be cool and would provide even more flavour and some objectives during the missions.
The later would be good too. It would make you want to have as many mission suvivors as possible so they gain experience and become more competant in future missions. This would also make the MI player more anxious when in dangerous situations, thereby providing even more flavour and a great atmosphere....very enjoyable.
The survivors are the chaps who survived the Arachnid attack and are awaiting rescue. Those who survive missions will be able to gain skills and weapons they find.
I was also thinking that of the number of suvivors of the crew D6 are infected with Control Bugs... these are the most advanced, and are only detected on a roll of a 5+.
The Crew Survivors would be armed with Moritas and Carbines, maybe a few plasma cutters as well.
Need more suggestions on this though.
Sgt Whiskey Swiper said:
Just back to the grenades again. I don't think fired grenades i.e. those from the Triple Thid or Underslung grenade Launchers should be allowed to fire in Artillery Mode as the firer doesn't really have control over how powerful the grenade is launched and in such close confines, like inside spaceship corridors, rooms etc, the firer couldn't really just 'Lob' a grenade over an obstacle. However when grenades are thrown, it is MUCH easier to control where the grenade goes and it is far easier to 'Lob' it over a close piece of cover.
Perhaps when inside, you should lesson the deviation of the grenade a bit as the max deviation is 8" and if the player throws the grenade over a piece of cover only 2" away, it has a chance to land 6" behind him !!! Now this is not impossible indoors considering all the obstacles, walls etc that are so close to one another and in most cases the thrower. I have seen a few blokes throw grenades and have them hit an obstruction and 'bounce' back towards them or spin off to one side a considerable distance, especially when thrown hard. (only prac grenades thankfully, never seen it happen with live grenades, although I bet it has somewhere).
So, in my opinion, only thrown grenades should be allowed Artillery Fire.[/quote]
I like your idea regarding grenades, and Triple Thud and Underslung Grenade Launchers should not be allowed to fire in Artillery mode.
Perhaps Chariot bugs could be in the ship... not sure yet, but a small number defending the Reactor could be a good laugh...
Now i agree with awesomeshotdude here, too powerful grenade launchers and you risk Friendly Fire, that is a big no no, at least that is what my dad said.
So you are looking at having either a Breaching Charge, or a Engineer with cutting torch for the doors, yeah, the software side, well another starcraft moment comes to mind.
AI: Hit any key to active camera
Grunt: Hey where's the Any key?
I think it has to be a specifc model, give the bugs a better chance. After these guys can reprogram sentry guns and doors, and that is a big thing.
Okay here is some idea that you might be able to use:
Fusion Laser Cutter
Range: 5” Type: Squad Damage: D10 Traits: Cutter
Breaching Charge
Range: Placed Type: One Shot Damage: D10 Traits: Accurate, Cutter and Remote
Trait: Cutter, provides a -2 to the Target and Kill scores for any bulkhead or door.
Ok, I like the Breaching card idea - also add in Multihit to the mix and that sounds fantastic, not sure on the points cost. I added your Fusion Laser Cutter to the Engineer mix as I liked it alot.
I'd like to implement in Cameras, but not sure how to do so realistically, and not too OTT (Over The Top.)
And Nezeray keep us informed
I'm also looking into a Med-Lab (to scan MI and Survivors for control bugs...) Things like that would add a lot of character...
Comeon! More ideas and comments