Hello! I'm pretty new to Traveller, and I'm just looking for some clarifications about chargen.
First, the flowchart seems to be... uh... really off. I saw the errata/clarification that you do get an advancement roll regardless of whether you attempt to earn commission, but I still have questions:
1. If you succeed on Advancement in the same term as you earn Commission, does the advancement apply to your officer rank or your enlisted rank?
2. If you take Pre-Career Education, you do still age 4 years and will start your first actual career at age 22, right?
3. On the first term in each career (except the first career, of course) you only gain one skill at 0 for Basic Training instead of rolling on a skill table, right?
4. Prisoner event #5 doesn't list a difficulty. Should it be 8+ like the other events?
5. If you have a mishap as a Prisoner, do you still forego your advancement roll and therefore have no chance to get paroled? If not, can you still earn an advancement in addition to being paroled?
6. More generally, I guess, if you have a mishap in a career you cannot be ejected from, do you immediately go back and start a new term, or do you continue the process for that term?
7. If you fail a parole roll, are you forced to continue character creation?
8. LIkewise, if you roll a 12 on your advancement roll, are you forced to continue character creation?
I collected some other questions and concerns while I was waiting for my account to be approved, so, uh, here goes.
9. The price for a TL 11 laser pistol power pack is the same in the core book and CFC, but it still seems wrong. The TL 9 power pack costs half what the gun (which comes with a power pack) costs, which makes sense, but the TL 11 power pack costs the same as the entire gun-plus-power-pack combo. So it seems like I would never want to buy a spare power pack when I could get a spare power pack plus a spare gun for the same price. Is this right? Or are you really supposed to buy the power pack separately despite what it says in the Energy Weapons intro?
10. On the same note, are slugthrowers also supposed to come with a full magazine?
11. What is the "appropriate specialty" for firing the fixed weapons on a space fighter? None of the Gunnery specialties seem to apply.
12. The core rules and the Vehicle Handbook seem to disagree about the bonuses and penalties for off-roading. Core says normal vehicles are -2 speed and DM-2 control off-road and can't cross rough terrain, while offroad and tracked vehicles are normal off-road and take those same penalties in rough terrain. Vehicle Handbook says off-roaders get +1 off-road, ATVs get +2, and tracks get +4. I assume these are not meant to be used in concert, and I can certainly cobble together something sensible, but I'd like to see if there's any official word on how that's all supposed to work.
On a more story/flavor note, lucky number...
13. What sort of Flyer would a Navy pilot typically operate to gain the Flyer skill? It seems like almost everything they would fly (fighters, shuttles, launches) would use Pilot (small craft) instead. Army and Marines, sure, lots of Flyer (grav), but unless we regularly have highly-skilled Navy pilots driving the equivalent of forklifts or being assigned to dirtside garrison duty in Firehammers...
First, the flowchart seems to be... uh... really off. I saw the errata/clarification that you do get an advancement roll regardless of whether you attempt to earn commission, but I still have questions:
1. If you succeed on Advancement in the same term as you earn Commission, does the advancement apply to your officer rank or your enlisted rank?
2. If you take Pre-Career Education, you do still age 4 years and will start your first actual career at age 22, right?
3. On the first term in each career (except the first career, of course) you only gain one skill at 0 for Basic Training instead of rolling on a skill table, right?
4. Prisoner event #5 doesn't list a difficulty. Should it be 8+ like the other events?
5. If you have a mishap as a Prisoner, do you still forego your advancement roll and therefore have no chance to get paroled? If not, can you still earn an advancement in addition to being paroled?
6. More generally, I guess, if you have a mishap in a career you cannot be ejected from, do you immediately go back and start a new term, or do you continue the process for that term?
7. If you fail a parole roll, are you forced to continue character creation?
8. LIkewise, if you roll a 12 on your advancement roll, are you forced to continue character creation?
I collected some other questions and concerns while I was waiting for my account to be approved, so, uh, here goes.
9. The price for a TL 11 laser pistol power pack is the same in the core book and CFC, but it still seems wrong. The TL 9 power pack costs half what the gun (which comes with a power pack) costs, which makes sense, but the TL 11 power pack costs the same as the entire gun-plus-power-pack combo. So it seems like I would never want to buy a spare power pack when I could get a spare power pack plus a spare gun for the same price. Is this right? Or are you really supposed to buy the power pack separately despite what it says in the Energy Weapons intro?
10. On the same note, are slugthrowers also supposed to come with a full magazine?
11. What is the "appropriate specialty" for firing the fixed weapons on a space fighter? None of the Gunnery specialties seem to apply.
12. The core rules and the Vehicle Handbook seem to disagree about the bonuses and penalties for off-roading. Core says normal vehicles are -2 speed and DM-2 control off-road and can't cross rough terrain, while offroad and tracked vehicles are normal off-road and take those same penalties in rough terrain. Vehicle Handbook says off-roaders get +1 off-road, ATVs get +2, and tracks get +4. I assume these are not meant to be used in concert, and I can certainly cobble together something sensible, but I'd like to see if there's any official word on how that's all supposed to work.
On a more story/flavor note, lucky number...
13. What sort of Flyer would a Navy pilot typically operate to gain the Flyer skill? It seems like almost everything they would fly (fighters, shuttles, launches) would use Pilot (small craft) instead. Army and Marines, sure, lots of Flyer (grav), but unless we regularly have highly-skilled Navy pilots driving the equivalent of forklifts or being assigned to dirtside garrison duty in Firehammers...