New building made for SST/Battle EVO (pic heavy)

Reaverman said:
I'll post another pic of a new ruin I am making at the moment, I'll post a pic later this week. I'm also planning to make a complete building with removable levels too :)

Just remember that with a good enough die roll, all levels in structures can be removed, heh :lol: .

Here is another teaser for you LEGO brick lovers out there. It measures 15" on each side and is 12" high if you count the roof access structure. This is an older photo as I've been adjusting the finished look with a top rail and some green trim pieces. It has a lower parking garage for some nice skirmishing and two office levels with rooms and partitions. The stairs are bult-in and go all the way up and down. I've also been able to hide all of the visible LEGO "top bumps". Maybe soon I'll post a dedicated topic with some inside shots. I'm basically doing these because it occured to me that LEGO bricks are taken too much for granted by gamers and wanted to show some possibilities. The bad thing is these are expensive, but as one person said so aptly on the TMP site after showing him the bank, all of his kids were going to get LEGO bricks for Christmas :lol: .


It reminds me of an old gam called UFO : Enemy Unknown
(But I Know that the subtitle in US was different)
year 93 or somthing like that as I recall. My favourite game ever.
Well, I actually enjoyed X-Com Apocalypse and the newest X-Com Aftermath, but maybe that's just me :roll:

As for the buildings, great work! Makes me seriously conider going to the haunted basement and bringing out the huge Lego container stored in it's dark halls :roll:
Oh, I loved Apocalypse almost as much as the first two, after I took the time to get used to it.

Interceptor and Enforcer were just ways of squeezing money out of the franchise. The effect of Ultima 8 on the Ultima series comes to mind.

XCom = moving guys around in a strategic overview. Anything else <> XCom.

Now, the "rip-off" UFO: Aftermath/Aftershock games I also liked, once I got into them and got over the 3D engine (I'll always prefer isometric tiles to full 3D :) )
Stratos said:
I need me some more Legos! :)

Nice Platformer stuff lying in the background too.

Oh, I make good use of the Platformer stuff, as well as the Hexagon stuff and the Chemical Plant stuff and the Power Plant stuff and... :wink:
BuShips said:
Stratos said:
I need me some more Legos! :)

Nice Platformer stuff lying in the background too.

Oh, I make good use of the Platformer stuff, as well as the Hexagon stuff and the Chemical Plant stuff and the Power Plant stuff and... :wink:

So... is all your stuff (Legos, Platformer, etc) all permanently assembled or can you continually change up your terrain? I use a lot of the Platformer stuff but I opted for gluing and basing all of it into permanent structures (originally for GOMC-1 and now Rezolution and SST).
Stratos said:
So... is all your stuff (Legos, Platformer, etc) all permanently assembled or can you continually change up your terrain? I use a lot of the Platformer stuff but I opted for gluing and basing all of it into permanent structures (originally for GOMC-1 and now Rezolution and SST).

A bit of both, but I mostly use the pieces as fiddly bits for adding to structures that I'm making. I've glued some and left some others "recyclable". Sorry as I can't give you a definitive answer as I'm all over the place I guess. :lol: If you remember the major fortifications that I made using the Technobridge kit from Pegasus, I used the main parts as shapes to make totally different creations. On the fort, I remember using the bridge parts as walls with the inner ramparts made using Platformer parts. While we're waiting for Reaverman to return with more pics for our viewing pleasure, here is a tower-outpost I just finished using Hexagon pieces, some plastic plumbing parts, a drinking cup and at the top is one of those washable coffee filters that I spied in a dollar store. It actually started the cascade of ideas to form the completed model. As far as the LEGO bricks go, I've only repainted one door frame and glued maybe 4 other pieces, so the vast number of bricks are unaltered or glued. Last year the LEGO website had a sale and I grabbed a bunch of same-colored grey bricks just for a project like you saw in the last two pics.
