My confusion

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I have been waiting for this game for years, and the book certainly does not disappoint. However, I have two bits I'm confused over, and I'm not sure if it is because I am misunderstanding or misreading something or something else entirely.

The Brotherhood of the Crystal Star spell Levitate has 3 tiers. I read the descriptions of each tier but did not actually see any information about this spell's ability to cause the spellcaster to levitate. Did my feeble and tired brain miss it? I know that Banedon used it to levitate in the minigame in The Magnamund Companion.

Second, the strength of the first tier of the Kai ability Camoflague seems disproportionately weak. The ability does become more useful later on, but it doesn't seem likely that anyone would take Camoflague at 1st level when the other abilities' first tiers seem much more useful. Is it as weak as it seems, or am I missing the significance of something. Since I have not had a chance to actually PLAY the game (and likely won't for a very long time with my schedule), I can't try it out for myself and get a real understanding of the ability's usefulness.

Let me know what you think. I'm sure I'm missing something.
I as well am confused about levitate. I remember banedon levitating, and it's not listed in the power. Basically its a souped-up feather fall. I would like to see them able to levitate. A new power that allows them to levitate, and have the ability to levitate other objects (telekinesis) would be kewl.
The Word of Power Motion can be used to simulate the Levitation effect, even though it reminds more of the Teleport ( ) spell.
I like very much the Brother of the Crystal Star class, but I must admit that some of the spells which are present in the gamebooks did not make their way into the RPG.
Here are a few examples: (near the end of the paragraph)
And Breathe Water, too.
Some of them are cantrips that can be allowed by the GM, anyway.
All of the spells allowed to the Brother of the Crystal Star class in the RPG are the spells you can choose when playing as Banedon in the mini-gamebook found in the Magnamund Companion.
Nyxator said:
I like very much the Brother of the Crystal Star class, but I must admit that some of the spells which are present in the gamebooks did not make their way into the RPG.
Here are a few examples: [list follows]
Did they made their way throught Magic of Magnamund?