My Bugs (and MI) (constant pic update)

Not yet finished:

I've focused on MI til now. I gotta get me some bugs. Even if I just get warriors, hoppers and tankers (movie stylee) I gotta get some.
Wow, very cool! How did you make that, and more importantly waht are you using it as? A home made mega rippler? AWESOME!
I use it as an Overseer (got a 2nd in production) and I used the wings of these elves (in fact, I just exchanged the wings):
Really like the overseer. Good idea for the wings!
Looks much more like it could actually use them now!
Like the CD base too. :)
you started building a second overseer? wtf is wrong with ou person? there are tons of useful AND cool bugs unpainted and you start another of these monsters? I seriously hate you...hate you....

okay I'm just afraid of facing two of those monstrosities on the battlefield, so what? :p
yeah right, I aint paying 350 points for a nuke I cannot direct fire and I'm neither paying 300 for a direct fire nuke and loose a firestorm, so its 350 points again and only 40" range.

poor exos ;_;
...why don't you just go paint that overseer and paint and paint and paint until they finally release the TAC-Fighter model? :twisted:
I love that second Overseer. The jaws look like it's about to tear somebody apart or deliver a great roar. Nice work with the pose and the conversions.