My Bugs (and MI) (constant pic update)

that is definately the most dynamic plasma bug to have been shown on the forum! I posed mine to be taller and shooting, I like this though if I ever get a second plasma ill have to try something similar.

awesome as usual

PS- it would make a great king tanker if you replaced the plasma rear with the tanker one, and perhaps added spikey bits.
Some details are still missing (i.e. Icicles) but it's almost finished:

I HAVE AWOKEN FROM THE LONG ASTEROID TRIP! I've been in comatose inside the asteroid along with the rest of my brood. We've finnaly arrived at earth. Summerime approaches and it's time to go outside and eat some humans! I AM BACK! I've been away from the forums and Starship Troopers since late fall because it started getting annoying to play sst in small areas. So now everything is starting to grow in the jungle planet that is my friend's backyard. Good to see you all again. And as always, nice work on the bugs.
New Blaster Bug Concept (gonna make 10 of them):


They're still un-stuffed, so there are a lot of gaps to be filled.
i like you blaster conversion, in fact i like it so much i went and bought some more warriors and got some 'nid bits like that venom cannon is it or barbed strangler? and some of those devourer weapons to make "Blister Bugs".

Cool mod man much respect, i like the extra sac details behind the eyes really balances it out