Mongoose News - Juliana's Heart for the Sea of Thieves RPG


Staff member
A brand new voyage is now available for the Sea of Thieves RPG - Juliana's Heart!

You can grab your own copy right here:

Back in the wider world, Sea Dog vice-leader Amaranta was deeply in love with Lady Juliana, who was both beautiful and politically well-connected. Though Amaranta truly loved her there was also the benefit to having a royal in her bedchamber to consider. However, Juliana was lukewarm about the relationship at best.

She accidentally found her way into the Sea of Thieves, and quickly reunited with Amaranta. Lady Juliana knows nothing of piratin’, so to try and make their relationship stronger, Amaranta hires the players to train her so she can ultimately win a battle in the Arena and cement their love!

This ebook Voyage includes new rules for fighting in the Arena, dealing with modular damage on your ship, and coping with vicious waves!
