Mongoose Folk -- Tell Marketing Your Preview PDFs DO Work!



Since I'm an MRQ n00b posting a question here, anyway, I thought I'd mention that the Mongoose policy of making free preview PDFs of their products available for download really does work.

I bought the Lankhmar Swords Against Sorcery PDF over at RPGNOW on a flyer. I like Lieber; I liked the cover design and the title, and it was relatively cheap, so I bought it.

I was sufficiently impressed with the production values, and the quality of the writing in Swords Against Sorcery that I became seriously curious about the new Mongoose edition of RuneQuest.

Now, I doubt I'm shocking anyone here when I say that the PDFs of the core MRQ books are not relatively cheap. If it hadn't been for the free preview PDFs available for download, my interest in MRQ would've ended right there.

But, the PDF previews were actually informative (unlike many other game companies' so-called previews, which are merely hype sheets, urging me to `buy! buy! buy!') and they gave me a good sense of what I could actually expect from a product.

In the end, I didn't buy every MRQ PDF that I was initially intrigued by, but I did buy far more MRQ PDFs than I had originally expected or intended.

So, the next time you game-designer mongeese are talking to the marketing weasels (heh), tell them that they did good, and that sometimes selling more than just hype can pay real dividends.

Actually, despite the whole Herpestidae slant of the company, they use Marketing Ogres, not weasels.