Modelling early war Russians and Finns in 20mm/1/72


I'm currntly looking at mini sources in 20 and 15mm in order to put together a couple of display armies. I'm also reconciled to buying a tripod and a couple of desk lamps to set up a decent photo set up.

But I'll need something to photograph, and as far as I can tell there are no sources of plastic specifically Finnish models for any period in the war. Is this correct? Hungarians and Rumanians have HAT plastic sets, but no sign of one for Finns.

So I've been looking at possibilities, and because towards the end of the war the Finns were fairly ragged, and used a lot of German kit, there are some decent possibilities.

The Pegasus Germans in Berlin set yields about 12 poses in greatcoats in either coal scuttle helmets or field caps, and can all be given rifles. The Revell Germans set gives a few Germans in greatcoats, including one carrying a panzerfaust.
The other set I'm considering is the Pegasus 1939 German set which would give 24 rifle poses as well. That would give me all the rifles I could need, I would then just need to add in some SMGs, LMGs and officers, which could be acquired from a 20mm metal manufacturer. Fantassain only do winter war, so it would have to be someone else.

Another question - is there a 20mm/1/72 T-28 kit out there? I know there is a BT-42 kit, and have found two different 1/35 scale kits, but not a 1/72 scale kit.

I'm also looking for a definitive link for a 15mm Vickers Six ton, as all I have found so far is the 20mm QRF one.
try this :

this site are purely for russian miniature manufacturer, it's model are mostly on russian vehicles on 1:72 scales. I'm glad that most MEA vehicles comes from russian :lol: