MGT Player/Referee Survey

How much a MGT Player/Referee are you?

  • Don't actually play

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Player Only

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Player and sometimes Referee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Referee and Player about equally

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Referee most times, Player sometimes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Referee all the time

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


This poll refers to Mongoose Traveller only - so are you a Player, a Ref, or both? (Solo players would be Referee and Player about equally.)
Because I am the only one truly familar with Traveller (my kids are of the D&D Crowd), I run the games.

I would LOVE to find a group and be a player and I substitute by playing in various on-line games when I can.
It comes as no great shock that the majority of those answering the poll are at least sometimes referees - though I found it interesting that nearly half are also players.
Mostly referee, partly because I find it much more fun. It allows for interaction with the other players and the story that you don't usually get as a player. I like adapting the story to the players' twists and turns.

My friends are planning some short games in which I'll get to play as a player, and I've been discussing a round-robin scenario where each person in the group runs one adventure. I'm looking forward to it.
Player almost always; I have trouble creating long-term campaigns (a single adventure is no problem).

I may run a Traveller session for my d20 Star Wars group.
Hey I have played Traveller now for 30+ years and most of that time I have been a Traveller GM. Actually I have had a ongoing campaign based out of the verge sector for over 20+ years. Sadly I have shut down my campaign because I want to rewrite my campaign and cant decide on weather I want to do a Alternative BSG based style campaign setting like Traveller campaign, or a Space 1999 style based Traveller campaign. Plus with the possibility of a Traveller 2300 or 2320 campaign...I am caught between so many choices as to what direction to go in really.

Looks like a fair precentage don't play - that probably is gonna precipitate another poll :)
BP said:
Looks like a fair precentage don't play - that probably is gonna precipitate another poll :)

I didn't vote in this poll largely because I don't play; I provide other support for the game instead - largely because I've never been able to keep a gaming group together for any great length of time, and when one breaks up - usually because of a change in commitments by one or more of the players (marriage, graduate school, change jobs, go back to school, et cetera) - it is often nearly impossible to rebuild a group.
Online is the only way I rp anymore, and finding the right online group can be almost as difficult as finding folks for a face to face game. I don't see too many mgt games out there on the VTT's either, so while I have lots o traveller I have yet to put any of it into practice yet.
FreeTrav said:
largely because I've never been able to keep a gaming group together for any great length of time, and when one breaks up - usually because of a change in commitments by one or more of the players (marriage, graduate school, change jobs, go back to school, et cetera) - it is often nearly impossible to rebuild a group.

Thats a real shame. The core 4 players in my group has been together week in, week out for 20 years now. Others have come and gone, but the group remains, despite all our graduating, job changes, marriages and children.
My group has met on and off now for over 12 years, and we've all taken turns being referee, and we've picked up different games as we went along, including CT, RuneQuest and D&D.

Lately, we've played Mongoose Traveller and Traveller 5. I've been a referee as well as a player for Mongoose Traveller.
Claybor said:
Online is the only way I rp anymore, and finding the right online group can be almost as difficult as finding folks for a face to face game. I don't see too many mgt games out there on the VTT's either, so while I have lots o traveller I have yet to put any of it into practice yet.

You should have joined my Thursday on line group, our core has been playing together for over 2 years now. We don't concentrate on Traveller, the purpose of the group is to give various games a 6 week run, or there abouts, and Traveller just happens to be up right now. We play using SKYPE and Maptools from 9 to midnight EST.
You should have joined my Thursday on line group, our core has been playing together for over 2 years now. We don't concentrate on Traveller, the purpose of the group is to give various games a 6 week run, or there abouts, and Traveller just happens to be up right now. We play using SKYPE and Maptools from 9 to midnight EST.

Acctually I have kept my eye on your group info on TLG since the failed Mgt game that we would have been in together had it gone off. Unfortunately thursday is the only night that I already have something to do, but if that ever breaks up I will be looking at you folks again.