Master words and Signs and Corruption

OK finally after clost to a year and a half, my boy the Pelishtim wizard, finally gets to get a new spell.
He chooses Masterwords and Signs.
A. Does he still have to get Summon Demon and Bind Demon
B. Is he ever corrupted since he will never make a pact, but is conjuring demons to whoops some a$$.
C. What exactly does the spell within Master Wors and Signs do for the guy? It says something like the scholar can cast a 2 point spell do something....?
D. To summon an Elemental, does he still need to get that spell?

tHanks guys.
A. Yes.
B. Forcing a demon to do something is not peaceful, it is coercion, a hostile act. Forcing it to fight will not subject you to Corruption.
C. You can send demons back home or you can enhance other summoning spells.
D. Yes.
i would say you definately risk corruption. while attacking the demon won't cause a save, summoning it certainly should. from a role-playing standpoint it also sounds like your character takes interaction with a demon far too lightly. if i was your dm, i'd have one of the demons you summon be too much for you to chew as an example to other characters not to meddle too deeply with evil forces of that calliber.
squidyak said:
i would say you definately risk corruption. while attacking the demon won't cause a save, summoning it certainly should.

Nope. The spell description for Summon Demon says, "... he need not make a Corruption saving throw. In effect this does not count as 'making peaceful contact' with the demon..."

Forcing someone to do something against its will is slavery, not peaceful contact.
Nope. The spell description for Summon Demon says, "... he need not make a Corruption saving throw. In effect this does not count as 'making peaceful contact' with the demon..."

Forcing someone to do something against its will is slavery, not peaceful contact.

that's absolutely ridiculous! mongoose didn't drop the ball on many subjects, but i think that's one of them. the fact remains that the character is meddling in things no human should, and the rules should reflect that. i'm gonna have to house-rule that in my game.
squidyak said:
that's absolutely ridiculous! mongoose didn't drop the ball on many subjects, but i think that's one of them. the fact remains that the character is meddling in things no human should, and the rules should reflect that. i'm gonna have to house-rule that in my game.

You are free to do so, of course, but your house rules have no application to Galt Hagar's Son's questions.

Your "fact" is just an opinion. The actual fact found in the rules is that peaceful contact with demons causes Corruption, not hostile acts - and forcing anyone to do something against his will is a hostile act.

Meddling does not cause Corruption; one could argue that trying to kill a demon is "meddling in things no human should," since it is not a natural thing to even come across a demon. There are many things that humans should not do (such as rape, murder, abuse, enslave, cast harmful spells, etc.) that do not cause Corruption saves. Why should this one?
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