Hi all
Don't get me wrong - I love Conan RPG - to the extent I've purchased everything going. Great rule mechanics and flavourful text - but the maps have been mostly a great disappointment.
I love the world map - very nice to look at and detailed. Most of the regional maps are ok - a bit scant in places with air brushed fuzziness.
The local maps - and especially the city maps - are IMHO not very good at all. Shadizar - less said about that the better. Messantia - a blocky mass with oversized numbers - could have been done in CC2 in about a day. Signs & Portents has featured a couple of cities in recent issues - great descriptions but NO maps. Now I know someone is going to say - do your own - your imagination is a powerful tool - blah blah - but I am a relatively crap artist without as much time on my hands as I used to.
I can't help thinking back to the games of my youth - MERP, HARN - where city maps were often quite stunning and brought the setting to life. Most d20 publishers seem content to churn out maps and diagrams that if I was a professional I might be somewhat embarrassed about. Now you can go on about cost as much as you like but the drawing tools are more powerful these days and the products are more expensive than ever - so why don't publishers get this thing right.
Just a thought,
Don't get me wrong - I love Conan RPG - to the extent I've purchased everything going. Great rule mechanics and flavourful text - but the maps have been mostly a great disappointment.
I love the world map - very nice to look at and detailed. Most of the regional maps are ok - a bit scant in places with air brushed fuzziness.
The local maps - and especially the city maps - are IMHO not very good at all. Shadizar - less said about that the better. Messantia - a blocky mass with oversized numbers - could have been done in CC2 in about a day. Signs & Portents has featured a couple of cities in recent issues - great descriptions but NO maps. Now I know someone is going to say - do your own - your imagination is a powerful tool - blah blah - but I am a relatively crap artist without as much time on my hands as I used to.
I can't help thinking back to the games of my youth - MERP, HARN - where city maps were often quite stunning and brought the setting to life. Most d20 publishers seem content to churn out maps and diagrams that if I was a professional I might be somewhat embarrassed about. Now you can go on about cost as much as you like but the drawing tools are more powerful these days and the products are more expensive than ever - so why don't publishers get this thing right.
Just a thought,