Magic of Magnamund!


All right! already have a listing for this, together with cover image (although I strongly believe that it will change, because it's only a part of the map :o ).

Scheduled release date: November 30!
Great! I'm quite satisfied with the rate of release for the RPG thus far. As with Babylon 5, I can barely keep up reading them before the next comes out.

I wonder if real-world "mongeese" have such a high reproduction rate? :)
lol, indeed. Now, how soon before we can have a muchy preview? :shock:
Xex said:
lol, indeed. Now, how soon before we can have a muchy preview? :shock:

Hopefully not too soon, otherwise we may not be able to wait to get it! :shock: So Octoberish for a preview would be a good date.
Noooooo preview soon.

Whats wrong don't you like waking up in the middle of the night screaming for the next supplement. :lol:
We could always have two previews...or one really big one, (like the one for darklands) split into half.