Lord of the Fading Suns - Results


Staff member
As the fading sun sets, one man was clearly lord of it...

We unfortunately had some last minute pull-outs due to work and illness, but we were never going to let that stop us! When the dust settled, we had some surprising results...

Steve Wilson (Decados) G1: 20, G2: 20, G3: 20, G4: 20, Sports: 17, Total: 97
Alan Buckmaster (Hawkwood) G1: 20, G2: 0, G3: 20, G4: 20, Sports: 20, Total: 80
Paul Eyles (Hazat) G1: 17, G2: 20, G3: 0, G4: 0, Sports: 17, Total: 54
Peter Perry (Hawkwood) G1: 3, G2: 7, G3: 20, G4: 0, Sports: 20, Total: 50
Richard Carr (al Malik) G1: 0, G2: 13, G3: 0, G4: 20, Sports: 17, Total: 50
Ed Wheeler (Kurgan) G1: 0, G2: 0, G3: 0, G4: 0, Sports: 20, Total: 20

If you missed out this time round, keep your eyes peeled, as we will be holding more events later in the year!
How many people used dreadnoughts?

And is 1250 or less going to be the standard tournament size from now on?
Interesting that Hawkwood seem to be popular - Ben, didn't you say you were getting Hawkwood? I know I'm most interested in them too...

Hmm... no Li Halan... any ideas why not? Or just coincidence?
Li Halan don't have any ships with scout, they also don't have a dreadnought or grand cruiser yet. Their cruiser is pretty good though.

On average, how many scouts were there per fleet? I was going to take two, I'm wondering if someone rocked up with three?

Also did anyone take any frigates or galliots?
Alan had a Dreadnought, I had 2 Scouts, R%ichard had many Galliots.

Again, just off placing 3rd!!! But I got my first 20-0 wipeout 8)

2 people used dreadnoughts. I took frigates, richard took loads of galliots.
my fleet:

5 Destroyers
2 Frigates
1 Carrier

I had assassination for the 1st 3 scenarios with 2 of those being battleships to kill but the decados destroyers held out to take their scalps.

my 1st game was against al marik, he had something like 8 galliots, 2 stealthships and a scout. 4 galliots tried to drive through asteroids to get me, only one made it and that was quickly killed. but richard learnt his fleet quickly and I believe if I had played him later on then it would have been a much harder battle.

2nd game against hawkwood (alans), he had a dreadnought, 3 destroyers and 2 scouts. 1st turn I all powered everything across the board and he wiped out my carrier. next turn I managed to kill 2 destroyers for a crippled a destroyer and my destroyer assassinated in return. then the dreadnought and destroyer tried to run behind the asteroids but crippling the dread and hitting it with 2 minus speed crits as well as loads of crew ones left it fair game to my fleet.

3rd game, pauls hazat. another dread, 3 destroyers and a scout. after some manoeuvring around the asteroids i managed to get close enough to start the shooting. paul had some bad luck here with his dice needing 5s to hit alot, he did assassinate my destroyer when we closed but I killed 2 of his in return. then it was the turn of his last destroyer and finally the dread.

4th game was LBHs hawkwood, a cruiser, 4 destroyers and 2 scouts. finally not assassinate, space superiority. unfortunately for LBH he came towards me and I came out from behind the asteroids to kill his cruiser a destroyer and a scout. my next turn he managed to kill my carrier and a destroyer whilst I crippled 2 of his destroyers. then turn 3 he killed a frigate whilst i finished his fleet.

good day all round and look forward to playing the guys again, hopefully be more people if I can make it again. do like the decados destroyers, their best ship IMO. will be some photos to follow at some point when i get round to uploading them.
The Kurgans fared quite poorly in this tourney; was that mainly down to the relative newness of their fleet list, or did their matchups throw up any potential balance issues?
My fleet, for info, was 2 Scouts, 4 Destroyers with one Marauder upgrade each, and one Cruiser with 2 additioanl MArauder upgrades.

katadder, how did the carrier fare? Was it's Gremlin Gun able to fire a lot? How did the ship feel compare to the others? I haven't tried the carrier in a normal battle yet, but it's an excellent idea..

Thank you all for posting the results! More play by plays would be awesome :) :) I really hope I can get to a tourney sometime. I'd love to play against so many people.
carrier did ok but it was targeted alot because of lower hull and possibly the gremlin gun. did get a few shots off with it doing some nice crits.

didnt actually have any fighters/bombers on board, just had it as the fleet was 1250 and a carrier is better than a frigate for shields/damage with not too bad firepower. and it distracts people from destroyers which are the main threat of the decados fleet.
A Decados fleet with an empty carrier? Oh how marvelously devious! I for see a bright future for you, assuming you can manage to walk the razor edge of excess and dependency to survive to greatness.
katadder said:
think the newness, especially for the player using them.

I guess the thing to look for in the next tourney is whether or not the new fleets (which may include the Vuldrok and others by then?) bed down enough by then, or of people still have problems with them.

It would be unsettling if the issue ends up running any deeper...
Hell, next tournament might feature the Vau, which would be interesting to see.

I'm surprised no one tried a 3 cruiser + scout force either.
think its mostly because none of us seem to own more than 2 cruisers. also i dont like decados cruisers as they dont seem to fit the fleet for me and are undergunned in some respects.