Looking for detailed fuel tracking rules for non jump operations…


Banded Mongoose
So basically what I’m looking for is x amount of fuel used per power point.

So if I’m running xy and z and they all require 15 power points, how much fuel am I using? Etc
You'd need to consult alternate fuel rules for running your fusion reactor at lower settings. If I'm not mistake, CRB rules for fuel consumption assume power output is at 100% all the time, and fuel consumption is the same. It's a use it or lose it sort of thing.

You could slice up the current fuel consumption rules and figure out roughly how much fuel is consumed per day, slice that into 24 to get your hourly consumption. But for the most part the rules are it's ON or OFF.

There are some IMTU options out there as well. Freelance Traveller site has some articles in this regard.
Other power plants require fuel tankage equal to 10% of their size (rounding up, minimum 1 ton) per month of operation. This provides enough fuel for the power plant for a month (four weeks).

Early fusion default ten power points per tonne, hundred kilogrammes of fuel per twenty eight days.

Ten kilogrammes of fuel per power point per twenty eight days; 357.1428571428571 grammes of fuel per day; 14.8809523809524 grammes per hour; 0.248015873015 grammes per minute.
RAW, it appears that 100 power points is the minimum you can normally reduce usage to extend your fuel for a ship sized power plant. This corresponds to the 1 Dton per 4 weeks minimum fuel requirement. This equates to 0.000149 Dtons per space combat turn plus 0.00000149 Dtons per turn for each power point over 100.
Ignoring the 1 Dton minimum for four weeks of fuel, 0.00000149 Dtons per power point every 6 minutes.

1Dton/4weeks/7days/24 hours/10 turns per hour (/100 power points)
That depends on the power plant; not to mention customization.

I'm not an engineer, but as I understand turbines, they're optimized to run at a particular range of performance.

It's one reason I like to modularize engineering.
Actually, it is based on a standard TL12 ship grade power plant. Size is determined by power points produced, and fuel usage is calculated by size.
Other power plants need separate calculations. TL 15 appears to use half of that. Mods give you their percentages, and are easily applied.