Looking for Adventure seed generator


Some time ago, as a guest here, someone posted a Adventure Seed generator that worked like this

A.......... B

There were lists of all kinds of events, people, and places. You plugged in an item from one of the lists in each slot. Each slot is related to the other in some way. A and B were antecedants to C. D modified C and E was the outcome.

I am paraphasing from faulty memory here, and probably getting the relationships all wrong. The end result was a bare bones adventure idea. No more.

If you created this or know who did, I would love to find it again. I have since changed jobs and it was on my work computer.

Maybe this is what you are looking for?


- thulsa
Interesting idea generator. I've seen others on the internet for d20, at least this one leaves more to the ref's imagination.
urdinaran said:
Interesting idea generator. I've seen others on the internet for d20, at least this one leaves more to the ref's imagination.

That's the beauty. It doesn't give you too much detail. In fact, you can get some really wierd combinations that require some creative GMing.

I've actually supplemented this with a few additional charts. I removed a few items and replaced them with Western Kingdoms, Eastern Kingdoms, Southern Kingdoms, and Northern Kingdoms. Then I made a chart for each area. For East and West, I use a d20. For North a d4, and for South d12 (I think). Anyway, if a location comes up in the matrix I can use it either as a location per se, or as a character from that location.

Kristos Voskrese,
As creator of the original, I'd be interested in seeing your additions. I've used this sytem a lot in various games, from Star Wars to Traveller to Talislanta to Forgotten Futures and Call of Cthulhu. It just needs different keywords plugging in. Glad you're finding it useful.
Brass Jester said:
As creator of the original, I'd be interested in seeing your additions. I've used this sytem a lot in various games, from Star Wars to Traveller to Talislanta to Forgotten Futures and Call of Cthulhu. It just needs different keywords plugging in. Glad you're finding it useful.
I'll try to remember to post it soon. Maybe tonight.
I'd love to see the Call of Cthulhu version.
Email me at
raphael_@ bellsouth dot net
Brass Jester,
Here are my tables for inserting a place to the matrix. I have taken out a few things from the original chart and replaced them with Western, Eastern, Southern or Northern Lands. East and West occur the most.
Beware Long Post
Here is the d100 chart
1. City
2. Jungle
3. Mountain
4. Creature
5. Raiders
6. Bandits
7. Picts
8. Hillmen
9. Merchant
10. Trade Goods
11. Betryal
12. Treachery
13. Western Lands[b/]
14. Mistake
15. Western Lands
16. Swamp
17. Lake
18. Ruined Temple
19. Ruined City
20. Castle
21. Fortress
22. Village
23. Tomb
24. Cave
25. Hidden
26. Sorcerer
27. King
28. Noble
29. Scholar
30. Priest
31. Temple
32. Supernatural
33. Omen/Prophecy
34. Southern Lands
35. Tower
36. Army
37. Battle
38. Skirmish
39. Eastern Lands
40. Attack
41. Defend
42. Camp
43. Desert
44. Oasis
45. Tree
46. Forest
47. Hills
48. Southern Lands
49. Ship
50. Reavers
51. Ocean
52. Underwater
53. Cavern
54. Eastern Lands
55. Undead
56. Zombies
57. Vampire
58. Kidnapping
59. Slaves
60. Slave Market
61. Weapon
62. Armor
63. Thievery
64. Escape
65. Captured
66. Scroll
67. Book
68. Rare Item
69. Quest
70. War
71. Insanity
72. Civil War
73. Island
74. Eastern Lands
75. River
76. Western Lands
77. Message
78. Monument
79. Major Event
80. Black Kingdoms
81. Western Ocean
82. Magic Item
83. Pirate
84. Weather
85. The North
86. Romantic
87. Story Twist
88. Unforeseen
89. Ambush
90. Western Lands
91. Jewel
92. Treasure
93. Wealth
94. Power
95. Shrine
96. Statue
97. Reputation
98. Honor
99. Allegiance
00. Child

Here are the Place charts:
Western Lands d20
1. Zamora
2. Hyperborea
3. Shem
4. Khoraja
5. Gunderland
6. Bossonian Marches
7. Zingara
8. Argos
9. Koth
10. Ophir
11. Corinthia
12. Tauran
13. Border Kingdoms
14. Aquilonia
15. Nemedia
16. Brythunia
17. Cimmeria
18. Westmark
19. Pictish Wilderness
20. Khauran

Eastern Lands d20
1. Lemuria
2. Khitai
3. Kambuja
4. Uttara Kuru
5. Vendhya
6. Kosala
7. Iranistan
8. Drujistan
9. Ghulistan
10. Turan
11. Hyrkania
12. Kusan
13. Pathenia
14. Meru
15. Vilayet Sea
16. Mu
17. Isles of Pearl
18. Misty Isles
19. Lake Ho
20. Eastern Ocean

Southern Lands d8
1. Stygia
2. Kush
3. Darfar
4. Keshan
5. Punt
6. Zembabwei
7. Black Kingdoms
8. Black Coast

North Lands d4
1. Nordheim
2. Vanaheim
3. Asgard
4. Eiglophian Mnts

If I didn't get a place on the matrix, I would probably roll a 1d4 to get 1.West; 2. East; 3. South; 4. North. Then roll on that chart. Depends on what the d100 roll gives me.

Anyway, my email for Cthulhu chart is
raphael_@ bellsouth dot net
