Lejendary Adventure

Wow, great news!

We've all been sweating pretty hard, wondering if LA would ever see the light of day again.

Now I'm looking forward to wonderful things...
Fixed. But I have to say it must sound so much better with an 's' because I have probably being doing it for 10 years now.
Greg Ellis said:
NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Our three main products are Runequest, Traveller, Conan, and... *damn*

Our four main products are Runequest, Traveller, Conan, Lejendary Adventures, Lone Wolf, Wraith Recon, Flaming Cobra and.... *bugger*

Among our many products are etc etc etc :)
amongst our products are such diverse elements as...Runequest, Traveller, Conan, and a fanatical devotion to Claudia Christian!