Just started running Teeth of the moon sow campaign



Thought I'd share my first thoughts (btw I think the campaign is fantastic)

Healing: The party have two PCs with cure injury, but they're all getting hit a lot and I can see these two PCs running out of Earthpower all the time. Has anyone else had to introduce some house rules for healing purposes, seems like an issue that could get worse as their levels increase and their hit points are down by larger amounts.

Magic Attack Bonus: Several NPCs seem to have spells that they don't have a high enough MAB for (Lightning in particular). have others been strict on the prerequisites for spells, or allowed PCs to include their Cha bonus in their MAB to meet this prerequisite?

We have a druid, 3 tribal and a warped noble warrior. Thought they'd carve their way through the opposition, but in the first coupla sessions two PCs have been on minus hps and the warped one got the gae bolga rammed through him (warped and had to charge!). But seems to maintain a seperate atmosphere to Conan which we played before so has started well.
I've only got 4 in my party, so before starting the campain i ran a couple of sessions and put them up to 2nd level before starting. death among your p.c.'s will still be high, but it is the land of the young!
in the first stages have alot of kin stage left reading too advenge there fallen clan mates but also old boy welcome too the boards and please let us know how you are doing 8)
Anyway back to start of thread, encourage them to take heal skill, as for MAB I'd let them have the CHA bonus but if they don't meet the prerequisites then they can't have it. remember the Slaine magic system is much different from the core rules
Anonymous said:
Healing: The party have two PCs with cure injury, but they're all getting hit a lot and I can see these two PCs running out of Earthpower all the time. Has anyone else had to introduce some house rules for healing purposes, seems like an issue that could get worse as their levels increase and their hit points are down by larger amounts.
This was indeed a bit of a problem for my game. It tended to slow everything down. I got round it by having certain npc's come up with potions of healing. 1d6 hp back. Fine as long as you don't let your Druid find out how to make them. Or keep the ingredients very rare.

Death will be high as it is in the comic series as well. This game is not like your average D&D romp there is alot more at stake. I learned my players quick by shwoing them just how harsh the world was and that it was not to be taken lightly by having them lose their first bunch of characters.

Make new ones and start again. They will soon learn to become resourceful or atleast but if you find that death is too quick then ya you can either allow them time to heal or try pulling your combat back a little, give them breathing room.

Either way if they are having fun and so are you then that is all that really matters.

Campaign still going well, now though players have tinkered with their PCs a bit, combat has swung the other way and I'm beefing up opposition (PCs now 3rd level). The kelpie at Sokkvabek would have drowned the warped one, but I was being generous as he was being heroic.

Anyway, I'm letting the druid use the pacify spell to prep npcs for a ritual sacrifice (or coup de grace). Can't make up my mind if this is making him too powerful or not, though he would be next to useless in combat if he couldn't do this.
Also am helping the warped one with EPs gained during a big battle, as he only ever seems able to have a semi warp spasm. Gaining a few EP every 10 minutes doesn't seem quick enough....
thank you for the reports and glad you are having fun the warp thing was fixed in my group by giving large bonuses for were they warp which decline the more powerful they become,the Druid thing is a problem as till they beef up in levels there is not much they can do.

try doing more non combat roles which the druid should be best at and then reward that well but that is only a idea. 8) good luck with the campain and please keep us informed :twisted: