Just finished my 6 year Pirates of Drinax campaign

Did you have fun? What crazy shenanigans did the players get up to? How did it turn out, and what was the in-game date at the end? You have put in a lot of work; expect the rest of us heatherns to want to pick your brain a bit!
Yeah! How does that six years translate to in-game time? Did the Aslan invade?! Did Oleb rebuild his kingdom?!

Congrats and kudos to you and your table!
The kingdom was restored with a hefty amount of support by many systems. Trade agreement were made with both the Aslan and the Imperium but one of the Aslan clans left out of the negotiations attacked Drinax but fell to superior forces, the combat lasting only a few turns.

It was a great series. Lots of book keeping to keep stuff consistent but I think that just added to the “lived in” feel of the game and meant that the players action genuinely felt they were having an impact.

Game time was around 5 years, maybe a little longer as the last adventure we had weeks between the events.
It was a great series. Lots of book keeping to keep stuff consistent but I think that just added to the “lived in” feel of the game and meant that the players action genuinely felt they were having an impact.

I am in the middle of a a bunch of set-up book-keeping, and would love some insight on what good (or at least workable) approaches to handling all the things that are happening in the world.

How did you track System Attitudes? Did you make a map of the kingdom with the TravellerMap.com poster maker? How how many systems did they manage to recruit? Did you use the 'Factions & Assets' system from the companion? Are your players requesting to continue; and are you willing to continue?
We played on roll20 so I used color borders on the system hexes to track attitudes.

They managed to recruit 23 systems including tech world and kyeiroa.

I did use the factions and assets and I allowed them to be utilised during the blockade to sabotage systems etc.

We are kinda happy to stop where we were. We will go back to another traveller campaign soon and Drinax will be as it is, so if the PCs go there the systems will be recognisable.
We played on roll20 so I used color borders on the system hexes to track attitudes.

They managed to recruit 23 systems including tech world and kyeiroa.

I did use the factions and assets and I allowed them to be utilised during the blockade to sabotage systems etc.

We are kinda happy to stop where we were. We will go back to another traveller campaign soon and Drinax will be as it is, so if the PCs go there the systems will be recognisable
Congratulations to you and your Travellers! I'd love to hear about the characters your players created!