TrippyHippy said:
I think what 'killed' RQ3 more than anything else was the cost - £40 in the mid-eighties for a box set was a lot of money, back then.
True, I remember selling off quite a few other books just to afford it.
TrippyHippy said:
The re-issue of slim, hardback and inexpensive books was the approach taken by Games Workshop to make the game more accessible in 1986 - but by then, they'd already began to promote their own WFRP much more heavily anyway.
I am a fan of WFRP, but I am always amused to look at the games from which they obviously stole more than a little to the WFB/WFRP setting, and to which they had a license at one time or another before the release of WFRP.
TrippyHippy said:
That said, I do think that the game could do with losing a bit of the complexity of system and ensuring that the art/design direction of the line is better thought out. RQ3 was a very dry read and it did seem a little over-technical. The setting material inside deluxe was actually quite dull too, truth be told. All of these factors can be sorted out by a good professional overhaul, which is what I believe is going to happen this time round.
I totally agree. Sure, it must please old fans, but the old fans are a dying market, so it must also please a new crowd, attract new players who never before has heard the words "RuneQuest" or "Glorantha".
TrippyHippy said:
With the d20 bubble waning, I think the re-release of a popular and celebrated, alternative fantasy system is a clever business move on Mongoose's part. The release of some new, stylishly packaged Glorantha material in addition to this is good news for the fans.
It's not only clever, it is the only way to go.
Allowing other game/setting designers to use your system quickly increases the market base in size.
I personally am looking forward to running or creating several settings for such a system.
I would really like to make/play;
> Post-apocalyptic setting (Mad Max 2 / Gamma World).
> Science Fantasy setting (think a cross between evil dead, alien, dune and you got the setting I am working on).
> Dark/High/Mundane etc. Fantasy (working on one, looking forward to convert my Eberron and Midnight campaigns to the RQ system).