While browsing the web, once again looking for Judge Dredd RPG information, I stumbled across an interesting article on a product that was apparently due for release in November 2002. The item is called "Judge Dredd counter collection 1 - Starter Pack" and is described below. My question is, was this released or is it still coming? If so, when will it arrive? Please, don't let this be cancelled.
Information taken from Endworld
The start of a new series for the Judge Dredd roleplaying game, this starter pack Counter Collection provides floorplans and 3D cardboard counters of judges, perps and vehicles for use in games. Players will now actually be able see the action as it takes place before their eyes - and arrest will never be the same experience again. The starter pack contains everything a Games Master and his players need to kick off their games of Judge Dredd
Due to a massive demand, Mongoose Publishing has begun producing floorplans and cardboard counters for the popular Judge Dredd roleplaying game. Each one of these packs further expands the range of creeps and vehicles available to Games Masters and allows players to fully visualise the action as it takes place.
Information taken from Endworld
The start of a new series for the Judge Dredd roleplaying game, this starter pack Counter Collection provides floorplans and 3D cardboard counters of judges, perps and vehicles for use in games. Players will now actually be able see the action as it takes place before their eyes - and arrest will never be the same experience again. The starter pack contains everything a Games Master and his players need to kick off their games of Judge Dredd
Due to a massive demand, Mongoose Publishing has begun producing floorplans and cardboard counters for the popular Judge Dredd roleplaying game. Each one of these packs further expands the range of creeps and vehicles available to Games Masters and allows players to fully visualise the action as it takes place.