Is Cubicle 7 located next to Mongoose HQ?

Thats awesome. You guys must have a friendly yet fierce rivalry going on, especically now that Cubicle 7 has become a hot commodity after acquiring the LOTR rpg liscense. I don't suppose you could tell us what kind of a ruleset they are using eh Matt?

I also like the Qin rpg, which they publish.

I saw angus at Mongoose HQ yesterday, I thought I recognised him but convinced myself that I didn't. I never thought he was THAT Angus *cries*

Still possibly a good thing, he's probably bored ****less talking SLA Industries to fanboys and it would have put me off my Traveller GMing...but if i'd looked around harder there might have been some unreleased SLA crunchiness hiding in the bookshelves...

So with you two taking turns to be the 'big spoon', when is MGT:SLA being released? When do you need playtesters and which one of my children do you want in exchange? :twisted:
I can confirm that yesterday at Mongoose HQ, I witnessed no hot-seating between Matt and Angus (believe me, if I'd seen it, there'd be photos! :twisted: ) . However, they were both in the building at the same time, apparently confirming that the two companies co-occupy.
Stainless said:
However, they were both in the building at the same time, apparently confirming that the two companies co-occupy.

Or that one is scouting the enemy that is currently in the building they want.
Stainless said:
I can confirm that yesterday at Mongoose HQ, I witnessed no hot-seating between Matt and Angus (believe me, if I'd seen it, there'd be photos! :twisted: ) . However, they were both in the building at the same time, apparently confirming that the two companies co-occupy.

Just beacuse you didn't see it does not mean that it doesn't happen.


lastbesthope said:
Just beacuse you didn't see it does not mean that it doesn't happen.



Hey does that mean you're already painting minis then LBH.

(Note I used the term "already" very loosely).