Is anyone using the RQ_SRD?


I have purchased all of the "Generic" RQ books. I downloaded the SRD. Now I plan to convert my home campaign into RQ. Has anyone else done this? Initial distribution will be just among my group, but I could see it going the PDF Publishing route.
I picked up the SRD to read over the system and get a feel for it. Now I've orders the books and am just waiting on them to arrive. Once here I plan on getting a game together. I've sent the link of the SRD to my players so they'll be ready to start on this once the books are here (sadly my players are scattered to the winds and thus I'm forced to game online).
It is definitely a viable option, perhaps a must if you are playing online. The GM needs the printed books to peruse them in his spare time, but players can go with the SRD to become acquainted with the system.

I strongly advise you use the "Luxury edition" SRD, available on BRP central, as it is the most complete (and easy to read) edition, and includes all 3 SRDs.
RosenMcStern said:
It is definitely a viable option, perhaps a must if you are playing online. The GM needs the printed books to peruse them in his spare time, but players can go with the SRD to become acquainted with the system.

I strongly advise you use the "Luxury edition" SRD, available on BRP central, as it is the most complete (and easy to read) edition, and includes all 3 SRDs.

I love the Luxury SRD. When I do my demos and people want to read more about the system before they buy the books, I point them to that document and say, "check this out, then go buy the Deluxe book". And since I've only demoed Pirates, they will hopefully pick it up too. :)

James / Nezeray
easing into RQ, and leaning away from D&D 4th because it's less complicated.
The GORE system seems to be based on the srd, even though it is heavily modified. If you want to have a look at an example of an adapted system, GORE may be a start. The Elric books are although a good example of an adaptation of the MRQ-rules to a specific setting.

I think the srd documents can be really helpful if you want to make changes without a lot of work. For example, if you think that some professions (or spells) don't fit in your world, you can easily c&p the rest, make some additions specific to your setting and have a complete list in a very short time.

Thanks for the praise of my srd pdf, it's always nice to know that people are using it. I was surprised that there are so many downloads (850 on BRP Central), since I made it at the start just for the players of my gaming group who don't have the books (and to test my self-written html2LaTeX converter). It doesn't replace the rulebooks, but it is a decent way to have quick access to the rules.
Yes - several other publishers have downloaded the SRD (check out the wiki) to make 3rd-party products.

Several in my group also just run from the SRD rather than the rulebooks (others have the books, of course).
RosenMcStern said:
I strongly advise you use the "Luxury edition" SRD, available on BRP central, as it is the most complete (and easy to read) edition, and includes all 3 SRDs.
Yep, and it also has bookmarks, something the Mongoose PDFs don't have (thus making them really difficult to use as a reference).
jephkay said:
I have purchased all of the "Generic" RQ books. I downloaded the SRD. Now I plan to convert my home campaign into RQ. Has anyone else done this? Initial distribution will be just among my group, but I could see it going the PDF Publishing route.

I've done pretty much what you plan to do. Decide to adapt my existing setting to MRQ. A downloadable PDF or PoD seem to the most viable route for people like you and I, who don't expect to shift hundreds of books. My players like the MRQ rules, as they are simple and fast, and have got to grips with them pretty quick.

Good luck with it!
I'm a huge fan of books, and have never had a problem moving large numbers of them. Though out college I'd bring my books to the game site and for a couple of years that involved a decent amount of driving.

As for ease of picking up the rules I have no doubt my players will pick it up quickly since they are all HackMaster players.
I use the SRD mainly to get stats for various creatures to use in Elric games (mainly mundane animals.) Great document.
My RQ group started out using the Luxury SRD first, then warmed up and began buying the print or PDF editions of the books when they concluded I was not a madman for suggesting something other than D&D.

I have written out my primary campaign in MRQ SRD compliant format and plan to release it soon as POD on Lulu, mostly for my own satisfaction, but also because I put a lot of work in to it and would like the satisfaction of seeing it in print!