Index Signs & Porents V@S Related Articles


The are many designer background, scenarios, battle reports and suggested rules modifications/additions as free down loads on the "Sign & Portents Wargamer" or the "Signs & Portents". This list will help people in locating the articles.

Below is an index to the issues and articles:

S & P-Wargamer #29 Victory At Sea
S & P-Wargamer #30 Build a Bigger Game
S & P-Wargamer #37 Battle of the Denmark Strait
S & P-Wargamer #39 Victory At Sea
Heroes of the Rodina Part 1
Tiger By the Tail
S & P-Wargamer #40 Heroes of the Rodina Part 2
Operation Alphabet
Z-Plan Kriegsmarine Part 1
S & P-Wargamer #41 Z-Plan Kriegsmarine Part 2
Carriers in the North Sea
S & P-Wargamer #42 Z-Plan Kriegsmarine Part 3
Victory in the Narrow Seas
S & P-Wargamer #43 Hunting the Beast
S & P-Wargamer #44 Hunting the Beast (cont.)
The Second Battle of Trafalgar
S & P-Wargamer #46 Coastal Forces Revisited
S & P-Wargamer #49 Pacific Storm
S & P-Wargamer #50 Give Me Ramming Speed
S & P-Wargamer #51 Vive Le France
S & P-Wargamer #52 Iron Thunder Part 1
Caught at Anchor
S & P-Wargamer #53 Iron Thunder Part 2
Abandon Ship

Signs & protents #54 Bandits at Six O'Clock
Iron Thunder Part 3
Signs & protents #55 A Key to Victory at Sea
Signs & protents #56 Abndon Ship-Survivors in Victory at Sea
Signs & protents #57 Wolfpack-Advanced Submarine Rules
Signs & protents #58 Additional German Battleships
Signs & protents #59 Victory at Sea Battle Report
Signs & protents #60 The V/W Class Destroyer
Signs & protents #65 A Word from the Admiral
The Battle of Heligoland Bight, 1917
Signs & protents #67 The Fog of War
Signs & protents #74 The Biggest Ship Ever
maybe we can put something together and submit it. Im good at reasource and stuff but not a writer. anyone interest in a coloborate project?
New scenarios would be nice. New optional rules that folks have worked out as home rules? Things that won't trample the author's plans for additions/expansions to the system but doesnt have time to do himself.
I think a couple of big scenarios or missions would be cool. Where limited on house rules even though I have quite a few myself I use. They would have to be approved. Maybe a few really odd scenarios.
Something I really want to do is PBEM maybe we can work some rules and get a campaign going. Im doing the same thing for Science Fiction game and its quite a detailed project. But a lot of fun. 8)
A PBEM system would be interesting. I would definitely be interested in that, as well as exchanging some salvoes. Any thoughts on a test campaign? I'm sure Ray would vote for the Med. Any one else interested?

I would suggest developing two similar methods. For a campaign, I would recommend a referreed system, with both strategic and tactical turns. For a single scenario, a method where a ref isn't required.

Although it's going off on a bit of a tangent now, I think the first post of this thread if kept up to date HAS to be worth a Sticky.
Yeah we should move our talk but none of us have the power to complete your suggestion. But if Mathew is interested I would Voluteer to Moderate the VAS section alone as a MI Guy.