In my universe - the X-Ship System

It's not a bad system, but it's 2 to 3 times more expensive than the OTU X-Boat service. That's not altogether bad, after all nobody has ever explicitly said how much the Imperium takes in every year in taxes.
This obviously works for your TU and you think it's an improvement, so run with it.
At this point, it's probably a heavily subsidized Imperium wide postal system.

Side benefit would be, an easy way to accumulate big data by the Imperium intelligence services.
This is the X-Boat Design I use in IMTU. I also don't use X-Boat Tenders except on short term stops or for other special reasons
Instead I use a X-Boat station for systems with 1-3 routes or a Large X-Boat Hub station for 4+ systems
I actually save by not having so many mobile Tenders which costs so much more than the stations
As you can see it has everything that the Mongoose one does plus a High Stateroom but no common room.
My X-Boats all use a Nar Jump so the station can transmit to anywhere in the system

This is the much smaller X-Ship station. It serves as a underway refueling and emergency maintenance port.

Hull (Standard)100400 (Life Support)
Armour (Crystaliron) 512525
Maneuver 0102050
Fusion/12, 570 PP3838
Fuel: 52 Weeks62
Station Refinery (200dt/day)171717
Fuel Tank (800dt)80040
Command Center
2 Sensor Stations
Computer/25, hardened
Computer/20, hardened
Improved Sensor
Mail Distribution Array/13 x2
Deep Space Comm/13
15 Single Staterooms
10 Guest Staterooms
10 Low Berth
Double Sized Common Space
Briefing Room
25 Person Biosphere
Unrep Gear (3x40dt/h)636
Docking Space (240 dt)26466
Type III Docking Clamp x3306
Triple Turret (Laser)x2
Triple Turret (Sand)x2
Nuclear Damper
Repair Drohne204
Total570,45 (without Subcraft)

A small, six-sided space station with docking space for two Type-S style hulls and two 20dt Launch style hulls and a limited amount of self defence systems. A station type refinery and fuel tanks are fitted. Some have been modified by replacing parts of the fuel tanks with a small repair docks with a 200dt capacity (leaving 400dt fuel tankage). A number of the stations have been captured and or been lost.

This station might also make a nice pirat base.
I think the station is a little over the top. I’m pretty sure neither the weapons ,nuke dam or the ECM are needed I would expect something much more austere.
I obviously disagree. MU is a dangerous place full of bad people doing bad things. So any smart station WILL have defences. And a stationary target even more so. And nukes are always a danger, the setting has nuclear demo charges and so has My Universe.

You can see that different and use it different IYU.
IMTU nobody would think of attacking a X-Boat station that’s the fast way to get an imperial battle raider squadron on you and no pirates are going to risk that for minimum reward. Any other threat would easily overpower such a station.
IMU no one goes to war when the guy in the short throusers gets lost. The X-Ship are basically Space UPS - convenient if they work, a reason to use foul language if they screw up but never a reason for large units to be involved if one does not make it or a station gets attacked.
That's real, but the analogy kind of falls apart because if you get caught intentionally messing with the mail the government will absolutely come after you in force. Accidents happen, but sabotage leads to repercussions(if you get caught)
IMU no one goes to war when the guy in the short throusers gets lost. The X-Ship are basically Space UPS - convenient if they work, a reason to use foul language if they screw up but never a reason for large units to be involved if one does not make it or a station gets attacked.
Actually they are not in many ways they are the most vital guys in the imperium. There’s a big difference from the UPS guy and the Guy who lets you give orders and receive reports. No X-Boats no spy reports, no X-Boats no imperial orders to nobles, yes the military has its own communications system but even they rely on the X-Boat system for most of their communications. Taking out the X-Boats is the same as eliminating all satellites and communications systems not the same as a retail package delivery service
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Actually they are not I’m many ways they are the most vital guys in the imperium. There’s a big difference from the UPS guy and the Guy who lets you give orders and receive reports. No X-Boats no spy reports, no X-Boats no imperial orders to nobles, yes the military has its own communications system but even they rely on the X-Boat system for most of their communications. Taking out the X-Boats is the same as eliminating all satellites and communications systems not the same as a retail package delivery service
Also messenger systems have an ancient affiliation with Empire, the USPS and whatever gb calls theirs are not the first iterations of this thing. Also older ones tend to be *more* affiliated with power, not less
I think that mostly makes it even stranger that the system is spending millions of extra credits per ship on military grade hardware when they presumably have fairly thin margins, but whatever works for you
The Traveller wiki is not all official canon, some of it is fanon. Check the sources at the bottom of the articles to see which official material is included.

Wherever possible I always quote primary sources.
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So here’s the thing the original source material agrees with the article but than you’ve counter dictated yourself multiple times when someone degree with you on this post.

I’m also tired of you bigotry towards the US. But than again you don’t seem to know much about history since you keep stating that the pony express is a US creation there for “ bad in your opinion “ when it was just the most modern version of a very old system. The truth what you have described as being the important system is the same system just with vastly more cost.
Are you paying attention to whom you are replying to? This is Geir's first post in this thread, so he couldn't have "counter dictated" on this post, because he hasn't posted anything on this topic yet, unless you are referring to some previous discussion of the topic?
So tell me which of these sources are fanon

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.
Or do you think Marc Miller is not a cannon source?
Here's the thing.. the original poster clearly stated that this was something they do in their campaign. So arguments to "canon" are invalid by default. Because canon only matters for official publications. No appeal to Marc Miller is going to find him stating that how someone does it *in their personal game* is wrong. Because he doesn't believe that and has stated as such many times.

You can dislike how the OP is doing things and discuss why you don't think it would work that way. But "because the books say so" isn't a reason why it wouldn't work that way.
Are you paying attention to whom you are replying to? This is Geir's first post in this thread, so he couldn't have "counter dictated" on this post, because he hasn't posted anything on this topic yet, unless you are referring to some previous discussion of the topic?
(okay, off topic, and I won't directly reply to the issue other than to acknowledge that in another post my caricature of my step-father-in-law and his attitudes could be construed as anti-American. But for the record, I'm an American by choice, not birth, so it was a conscious decision as an adult to take the oath (after passing a test) and renounce my Norwegian citizenship (because the country of my birth required it at the time). As for primary sources, around that same time in my life received a fancy piece of paper that said I knew enough about history to get a degree in it, so I'm very aware of what a primary source is. Finally, as for x-boats, the poni on the hull has eight legs, and that's from a primary source.)
So tell me which of these sources are fanon

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.
Or do you think Marc Miller is not a cannon source?
I said "The Traveller wiki is not all official canon, some of it is fanon. Check the sources at the bottom of the articles to see which official material is included." This is just a reminder that you can not always take the wiki at face value the footnotes at the bottom citing sources decide the canonicity.
Second, if you are going to post in an aggressive manner and take insult when none is intended I would suggest you take a deep breath and read your own posts then change them to be less offensive as I have just done.

Here are the two bits that are not canon

GURPS Traveller is an ATU, some of it describes the OTU but there are differences (a different take on the Zhodani for example).

And it is canon not cannon.
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