Wulf Corbett said:
Archer said:
Well, the thread about what the first PC would be, got somewhat hijacked. But another topic I find intresting, and something that might be a good idea to start thinking about as GM.
My Gloranthan campaign is now into it's third generation of characters (in-game), and still going strong. OK, so it's had more ret-cons than the Marvel & DC universes put together, but it's still a continuous 26+ year campaign :lol:
I find that amazing. My campaigns tend to be very short, 6-12 scenarios long. Eventually I can pick them up later on again, with the same characters. But the overall storyarc is not the same then.
Longest running campaign was 3 years, playing every other week.
But now I already digress from the topic.
In L5R they use a very smart (IMHO) way of describing scenario seeds, called Challenge-Focus-Strike (CFS).
It follows the structure like this;
Challenge: The setup of the scenario.
Focus: The heart of the matter.
Strike: The truth/the conclusion of the scenario.
An example from the L5R Forum;
A famous soothsayer with a knack for reading the omens of the future visits the household of Lord Takanobu. Takanobu is the lord of a major province, but there are rumors that his health is failing. His two sons and his seven grandsons have all returned to the family estate in order to help him manage the daily affairs, and everyone wants to know what advice he will elicit from the fortune teller.
Lord Takanobu grants the soothsayer a private audience, and only two of his most trusted servants are allowed to remain while his fortune is told. Even his two sons, Washi and Kuma, are excluded from the reading of the omens.
Soon after the soothsayer departs, the body of Kuma's eldest son is found murdered in a nearby forest. Two days later, Kuma's second son falls prey to a sudden sickness and dies.
If they have not already taken it upon themselves to do so, the PCs will be asked for aid in protecting Kuma's two remaining children (a daughter and a son) and Washi's three children (two sons and a daughter).
Although the PCs may be able to guess what is going on by themselves, asking one of the servants who was present for Lord Takanobu's consultation with the fortune teller what transpired there will make things much clearer. When asked "How can I ensure the prosperity of my family for all time?" the soothsayer replied "Compare not the eagle and the bear, but choose between the fledgling and the cub." If pressed, the servant will also grudgingly reveal that he passed the same information to Washi as well.
Interpreting the omen as advice for his father to choose an heir from among his grandchildren, Washi has begun a campaign of murder against his brother's children in order to guarantee that his line be given leadership of the family. If he is not stopped, his murderous rampage could continue until it claims his brother, his brother's wife, and even his own father.
I had sort of an idea that this could be done for RQ as well. In a similar format. In a thread available to GMs to collect scenario ideas.
What do you say?
(now I have digressed somewhat more from the original thread topic, but this is perhaps intresting as well).