First start with a Zingarain (+1 level Sneak attack)
Level One--Theif, favored sneak attack weapon -- unarmed (+1d8), Level one feat--Brawl (1d6)
Level 2, Pirate, two weapon style, prefered class feat, improved unarmed (to avoid those pesky attacks of opportunity).
Level 3, Pirate, Level 3 feat--hard hands
Result, at level 3, as a full attack action, 2 punches for 1d6+2d8 damage, at level 4, take pirate and it becomes 1d6+3d8 damage (range 4-30 x2, points of damage before strength mods.
whatdo people think?
Level One--Theif, favored sneak attack weapon -- unarmed (+1d8), Level one feat--Brawl (1d6)
Level 2, Pirate, two weapon style, prefered class feat, improved unarmed (to avoid those pesky attacks of opportunity).
Level 3, Pirate, Level 3 feat--hard hands
Result, at level 3, as a full attack action, 2 punches for 1d6+2d8 damage, at level 4, take pirate and it becomes 1d6+3d8 damage (range 4-30 x2, points of damage before strength mods.
whatdo people think?