How to make a nasty Pirate Brawler


First start with a Zingarain (+1 level Sneak attack)
Level One--Theif, favored sneak attack weapon -- unarmed (+1d8), Level one feat--Brawl (1d6)
Level 2, Pirate, two weapon style, prefered class feat, improved unarmed (to avoid those pesky attacks of opportunity).
Level 3, Pirate, Level 3 feat--hard hands

Result, at level 3, as a full attack action, 2 punches for 1d6+2d8 damage, at level 4, take pirate and it becomes 1d6+3d8 damage (range 4-30 x2, points of damage before strength mods.

whatdo people think?
I can't find "Hard Hands", but Combat Expertise (strictly for the pre-req) at 2 and Improved Feint at 3 might not be a bad combination either. Max out the Bluff Skill (Class Skill for Pirates, +2CHA for Zingarans) and you have a good chance of getting more Sneak Attacks to hit ever round.


The hard hands feat says that as a full round action, one unarmed attack is treated as a sneak attack (quoting from memory). You can make a single sneak attack per round using that feat.

You have the senak attack dice all wrong. Your sneak attack style from the thief class only apply to sneak attack dice that come from the thief class, so if you have a single level of thief, it's only +1d8 to damage. The pirate and zingaran dice are still d6s.

I don't really like the brawl feat. It seems a wasted feat to me. The difference in damage from 1d4 to 1d6 doesn't seem worth it to me. If you use a gauntlet you can do the same damage. Improved unarmed strike is a great feat.
Yeah, I thought the dice were a little wonky too, but I was focusing on other feats he could take. Good catch guys.

I think by taking ranks in Bluff the character can get sneak attacks easily anyway and with Improved Feignt, he can do it as a MvEq action so he still gets attacks. Expertise can make sure of a hit just about, but mainly that feat is just a means to an end.

Thanks for the heads up n Hard Hands, V. Missed it on my quick rummage looking for cooler
Yeah, I thought the dice were a little wonky too, but I was focusing on other feats he could take. Good catch guys.

I think by taking ranks in Bluff the character can get sneak attacks easily anyway and with Improved Feignt, he can do it as a MvEq action so he still gets attacks. Expertise can make sure of a hit just about, but mainly that feat is just a means to an end.

Thanks for the heads up n Hard Hands, V. Missed it on my quick rummage looking for cooler
Zingarian thief/soldiers are nasty; here is a good combo from a character in the group

Burgos- Zingarian Soldier/thief,
Do 1st level thief to take advantage of the high skill points and sneak attack then multi class to soldier, it’ll be tough by 3rd lvl, stay with the soldier class until he has 6 levels of soldier then go back to thief and keep going up as thief,
Here if the feat chain

1 Weapon Focus
2 Parry
2 Combat Expertise
3 Intricate Sword Play
3 Improved Feint

5 Weapon Specialization
6 Quick Draw
6 Riposete
7Improved 2 Weapon Combat
9 Greater Feint