How how essential is Common Magic to you?


The last game I ran of this involved a post apocalyptic Earth within a shattered Britain and involved an Arthurion-like quest involving Historia Rodentia as extra races available eventually revealing humanity had all been wiped except on Ritia with the anima (Historia Rodentia) being the main species on the continent (Europe).

Technology exists in limited amounts usually the type we today don't recognise as important (limited steam powered trains, toilets, working sewer system, hot & cold running water) whilst others are rare enough to become legendary (limited guns, helicopters, any shipping is either sail or steam punk style(submarines especially!))

However whilst magic exists it is strictly low key so unless they start off with a Spellcasting profession they don't start off with any magic especially common magic!

So that's what I wanted to ask, how important is magic especially common magic to you in your games?
My home built setting, Legend: Ancient Stones uses Common Magic extensively, also Divine magic. It doesn't use Sorcery however as that is an abhorant bastardisation.

My setting has Gods in most things and places and are central to the population's beliefs. The common magics are tightly tied to thier professions.
It depends mainly on the setting, really.

Something like Glorantha would have oodles of Common magic being, well, common.

Merrie England has a little bit of Common magic available through the main religions and cults, a little bit through Pilgrimages, some through guilds and organisations and some through other means. However, people might have one spell or maybe two.

Something set in the time of the Golden Horde would have Common magic through shamanic cults and through other religions, but that's about it.

Something set in Napoleonic Times would have no Common magic as such, but might have special abilities represented by Common magic effects.
MichaelGrise said:
I haven't heard from any of my Legend friends for a long time. How are guy's doing???

Not the best forum post to put this on, but for what it's worth - I'm all good! Busy with life, the universe, and everything. Havn't really touched Legend in a while, purely out of chance not because I'm avoiding it or anything.