That's flat out not true. For instance, the Detection Table has a +1 DM per TL advantage of the SHIP to detect other ships. And the stealth coating gets an additional - for the TL of the SHIP. In both cases, it specifically states ship.
Your position is that a TL15 ship with military grade sensors against a TL14 Advanced Stealth ship would get a +1 for being TL15 vs a TL14 ship, but suffer a -4 for having "TL 10" military sensors against a TL14 ship.
I don't believe that is the intention of the rule. And if it is, it's stupid AF.
Civilian/military/improved/advanced tell you what types of sensors you have and the base DM vs comparable ships. The TL of the gear is based on the TL of the shipyard it was built in.