Pretty much nicked from Shadowrun, this is a way of making the strike rank roll that much more exciting. It adds complexity and notekeeping, but also can even things up between characters with divergent DEX scores. At the moment the DEX thresholds are very important to combat, this would make them less so.
Combat Actions
The number of combat actions a character has each round is determined when strike rank is rolled and by the same roll. The number of reactions they have is not variable, but remains as per the rulebook. Strike rank is used to count down the actions in the following way.
Players can have a maximum of 4 combat actions in a round.
Their first action occurs on their rolled strike rank. Each subsequent action occurs 6 strike ranks later. They may continue to take actions so long as the strike rank has a positive score until they have taken 4 actions.
Example Crytax Stormkhan , an Uroxi Runelord has heroquested for legendary dexterity of 22. Despite his gruff and barbaric exterior he has a shrewd brain and an INT of 16, for a total strike rank modifier of 19.
He is battling with a broo of average stats (DEX 12, INT 12) and a strike rank modifier of 12. Neither are surprised.
Crytax rolls a 3 on his roll for a total of 22, the broo rolls a 6 for a total of 18.
Crytax will be acting on strike ranks 22,16,10 and 4.
The Broo will be acting on strike ranks 18,12 and 6
If Crytax had rolled a 6 for a total of 25 he would have still only recieved the maximum 4 actions (on 25,19,13 and 7), but his 4th action would hit before the broos 3rd action.
Views appreciated - i believe it makes for a more dynamic combat round, but more notekeeping is needed.
Combat Actions
The number of combat actions a character has each round is determined when strike rank is rolled and by the same roll. The number of reactions they have is not variable, but remains as per the rulebook. Strike rank is used to count down the actions in the following way.
Players can have a maximum of 4 combat actions in a round.
Their first action occurs on their rolled strike rank. Each subsequent action occurs 6 strike ranks later. They may continue to take actions so long as the strike rank has a positive score until they have taken 4 actions.
Example Crytax Stormkhan , an Uroxi Runelord has heroquested for legendary dexterity of 22. Despite his gruff and barbaric exterior he has a shrewd brain and an INT of 16, for a total strike rank modifier of 19.
He is battling with a broo of average stats (DEX 12, INT 12) and a strike rank modifier of 12. Neither are surprised.
Crytax rolls a 3 on his roll for a total of 22, the broo rolls a 6 for a total of 18.
Crytax will be acting on strike ranks 22,16,10 and 4.
The Broo will be acting on strike ranks 18,12 and 6
If Crytax had rolled a 6 for a total of 25 he would have still only recieved the maximum 4 actions (on 25,19,13 and 7), but his 4th action would hit before the broos 3rd action.
Views appreciated - i believe it makes for a more dynamic combat round, but more notekeeping is needed.