In addition to spoofing current holidays feel free to make up your own. Remember when there was just Mothers Day? Card sales octupled for one week. Then some marketing guru at Hallmark had an idea... if 1 holiday good, then 2 better. Before you know it we had... Mother's Day, Father's Day, Parent's Day, Grandparent's Day, Friendship Day, Children's Day, Boss's Day, Mother-In-Law's Day, Citizenship Day, Sweetest Day (I don't even know what this is), and, last, Administrative Professionals Day (formerly Secretary's Day). I'm not making this up... check their online calendar. And if you don't honor each and every one of these days you are a bad bad person.
That said, who's to say what the lovely folks at HPD & Mind Control are busy coming up with:
Volunteer Day -- Service groups set up booths and try to pressure low clearance citizens into voluneering for dangerous assignments.
Power Services Resource Conservation Day -- Most citizens forget about this holiday because it doesn't always appear on their calendar until after it happens. Not to mention, this day seems to happen more often than once a year, and is celebrated in different sectors for different durations. During Resource Conservation Day(s) citizens are encouraged to reflect upon friend Computer's bounty while lying quietly in their bunks while all lighting, air flow, and food distribution is kept to a minimum. (Think rolling power blackouts al'la California)
Gen-U-FLK-4 Day -- High Programmer hacked into the system just to see if he could name a holiday after himself.
Confession Day -- Citizens are "highly encouraged" to enter confession booths to commune with Friend Computer about near-treasons they've witnessed. Failure to celebrate Confession Day is frowned upon so there are usually long lines at the confession booths. To handle the overflow Internal Security always stations 1 or more Confession Specialists near the booth. Also known as "Friend Computer's Helpers" the specialists sit in a chair and citizens line up to sit in their lap and whisper near-treasons in their ear.
Friend Computer Day -- This is a very low pressure holiday. Citizens may, at their discretion, show some personal form of appreciation for Friend Computer. Failure to demonstrate love for The Computer in no way signifies a tendency towards treasonous thought or behavior. Ostentatious displays should in no way be considered mandatory. Friend Computer Day is always celebrated the day before Confession Day.