Help me design a ship


A friend has asked for help designing A Variation of The 500 ton Fleet Picket that is possible has to way at least 2,500 tons for her players with a budget of Cr 1,237,698,400.

She swears on her good family name that this is entirely due to The Noble Pc having 1 Portfolio Item initially worth, thanks to starting at Cr 50,000,000x2 then further investment, Cr 131.200,000 and her rolling a Double 6 followed straight after by another/2nd Double 6 on The Portfolio Events Table roughly 5 minutes before ending the gaming session 3 gaming sessions in a row

Assuming that's true and that her maths are right that this raises its value by +120% 3 times or to Cr 288,640,000 then to Cr 635,008,000 then to Cr 1,381,018,400 then withdrawing Cr 1,237,698,400 of that to leave A Cr 144,320,000 Estate, but I'm got some unknown bug and am in major agony just sitting at my desk writing this. Can you help?, please and thank you
Just thought that I'd mention that I like the basic ship idea enough that if you do a good enough design that I'll have Oleb cash in lots of treasures, have of these beast build, give 1 to Wrax for him to use 1 as Drinax's Flagship and loan The Pcs the other 1 with the option to buy it for Cr 1,306.800 or a little over Cr 69,100,000 profit before costs, expenses and bribes to suspicious imperials
A vessel five times the displacement of another is not a variant. It is a wholly new design.

And yet again we have a staggeringly lucky portfolio roll creating the need to spend vast sums of cash.

You're trying to play at a level of financial power you clearly can't cope with.

Playing at a more modest level would allow you to use existing ship designs, maybe with some small tweaks.

If you (and your surrisingly large number of friends who do exactly the same stuff you do, something I've never seen before) want to play at this level then by all means go for it. But you will need to learn how to deal with the questions it raises. Asking other people to design ships for you or tell you what the exact perfect force mix is to win a battle but not too easily might be reasonable once or twice but since the problem keeps arising you need to learn how to deal with it. Design a few little ships; it doesn't take much more than addy-ups. Then have a go at something more ambitious. Pretty soon you'll beable to solve these problems for yourself.
I persuaded The GM to let me custom design her a ship from scratch, but it took a hour or 2 longer then planned. H

Building her players new Flagship build and I have A Cr 1,250,000,000 budget

I decided to start with the basic design of or the 400 ton Vulture Class Salvage hauler and go from their, adding my own touches naturally

Size increased by x7.5 to 3,000 tons, that costs Cr 98,822,000x7.5 or Cr 741,166,000, and has 199x7.5 or 1,592.5 tons, I add another 20 double turrets with Pulse Laser which gives 27 of them and takes the cost to Cr 791,166,000, then buy 3 100 ton Medium Bays, that takes cost to Cr 1,141,166,000 and leaves 1,272.2 tons of cargo space, then spend Cr 10.4x7.5 or Cr 78,000,000 and 40x7.5 tons or 340 tons, which leaves 932.2 tons, to add 9 tons of armour, total cost Cr 1,219,166,000 then A 66 ton and 33 occupancy barracks for 66 tons, which leaves 866.2 tons and takes the cost to Cr 1,220,866,000 and 1 22 ton medical bay for Cr 11,000,000, which leaves 844.2 tons of cargo space and costs Cr 1,231,866,000 and add another 17 tons for the 1 half of a loading belt, probe drones, grappling arm, heavy grappling arm and docking space that turned into +10 tons of Cargo Space, which gives 876.2 tons of cargo space in total, and +7 tons of Common Areas, which gives 5x7.5 +7 +30 for left over space from weapons, M-Drive, J-Drive, Power Plant and Bridge, gives 74.5 tons of common area’s


Its 4x7.5 or 30 double staterooms hold 30 Gunners, 9 Engineers, 5 officers, 5 medics, 4 pilots, 4 navigators, 2 sensor operators and the captain and its 66 ton barracks holds a platoon of 4 squads of 7 marines, 4 marine sergeants and 1 marine Captain. As well as which everyone on board has A +3 DM in their 5 key Skills, A +3 DM in their 2 none key skills, the Marines have Gunner -Turrets as A None Key and both all officers, even the Marine Officers, as well as the older f the 2 Sensor Operators, The Captain, 1 Engineer, 1 Pilot and 1 Navigator all have Medic /0 and A +1 Dex DM for A +1 Medic DM

So their it is. What do you think? and don't forget that this was rushed as I had to get ready to help my mother and little brother put the finishing touches on my fathers retirement party that were holding at a pub venue we've just managed to get for free as the owners my dads 2nd oldest brother. Which is basically my way of giving you permission for sarcasm, criticism and similiar stuff, within reason of course

Ooops just realized that I forget to mention that 2 side by side ships with a combined mass of 300 tons can fit through its cargo bay doors at the same time and at a extreme push its cargo bay can hold up a total of 3 ships in it at 1 time, but they can only have a maximum combined mass of 500 tons
M J Dougherty said:
I was not aware I needed permission to be sarcastic. This is a new development.

You don't I just thought I'd be kind and give it in the hope that if being sarcastic online is against the rules of this website then my clearly given and written permission would stop anyone who was sarcastic getting a online telling off. Just trying to be kind and helpful to my fellow humans
Now I'm confused. Where you being sarcastic about being sarcastic??

Is being double sarcastic like being a double negative and it means you weren't being sarcastic?

Or would it mean the square of sarcasm, so that's double sarcastic (with a side of double secret probation?)
My response was intended as somewhat sarcastic and ironic humour relating to your comments about sarcasm being acceptable.

I'd go with sarcasm squared integrated between zero and irony.

Or.... don't worry about it. It was just a throwaway line for humour's sake.