Having Difficulties Getting SST in Canada


I've recently come across the Starship Troopers game and decided I wanted to at very least read the rulebooks and paint up some of the models (love the exosuits!). I tried two local gaming stores, but they just shook their heads at me. They aren't able to get anything much in beyond GW products (that seems to be the story of my part of Canada).

I then tried ordering from some reputable online stores, and after several weeks of wait, still no SST books or models have shipped.

I guess my question is: is this stuff really hard to get in Canada/North America and why?

(as a side note, is it far wiser just to order directly from the Mongoose online store?)

thanks in advance!
Haha, you haven't seen Germany yet (one Traider for one country^^).

But in Canada it shouldn't be that hard to get models - it lies close to the USA and everyone knows MGP perfers the US above all other parts of this world.
Well, sarcasm aside, thats because the USA can give the most money for RPGs.
Unfortunately you will have to order from the site if its that difficult. MGP would send it to any store, it's up to the store to work out whether it is worthwhile really.
Rob_A said:
Well, sarcasm aside, thats because the USA can give the most money for RPGs.

If you look at the the sales of GW the german speech area (including Austria and the Swiss) is one of the biggest tabletop markets in Europe, after Great Britian and (a bit) France. If you deliver a good product here you will sell it.
And... GW is losing customers here, really massive. Currently there is forming a vacuum consisting of pissed off 40k players and the total lack of an appropriate alternative system (and NO, I don't see SST as an alternative - the game itself IS, but as long as product support is that crappy you won't get any players into it. Though you COULD easily. And I know it, I recruited them).

And you shouldn't forget that the USA is almost as big as the entire central Europe so the stats are kinda... hard comparable.
I'm from Canada, and I've never had much trouble getting the stuff. Mind you I get most of my stuff from ebay or right from mongoose, but The 2 shops in vancouver I used to go to stocked it, at least they did before I moved.
Recently I was able to get a few things on ebay (2 vet cap boxes, a M-14A trooper box, heroes of the MI box). I don't want to purchase too much until the books arrive and I can see what I can actually field in an army.

The main issue is the books. I ordered them from an online store that I've had great dealings with in the past. They didn't have them in stock, so they had to order from Mongoose. Two weeks later they still don't have them. That's the problem I'm having. (I've heard about a UK postal strike, could that affect it at all?)

I'll peruse the forums in the meanwhile and see if I can get a handle on what I can field (I'm interested in an Exosuit platoon and a Power armour platoon).
Postal strike been and gone. Everything's moving again, albeit slowly til the backlog is cleared.
I've found one gaming store in Sweden that does actually stock SST, and that's the one "pure" gaming store I've ever seen, minus the GW shops in Stockholm and Gothenburg, and it was online.

So, you'll have a hard time getting anything but GW stuff over here.
Well I've heard back from one of the online stores (Warstore).

They say they cannot get the SST stuff anymore from Mongoose. They have ordered models, and they just won't ship.

I guess I'll go back to trying ebay/scrounging around other stores for some Grizzly suits.

I did place a small order directly with the Mongoose online store, but I've received no update as to whether it has shipped or is going to ship.
You can't say it is MGPs fault stores don't stock it. It is up to the stores to ask MGP, not the other way around.
Start hassling some LGS and get other people to start ordering it and stop buying other things! The LGS will soon click. :)