Handouts/Props/Pregens etc

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Thoroughly enjoying the XP line.

Also very impressed with the level of support mongoose has been giving the line in terms of bonus material. Thanks a lot for the pdf versions of the handouts etc that you have provided so far. Particularly since photocopying can be expensive (and damaging to sourcebooks), most everyone and his dog has a printer at home.

I'm wondering if there are any plans to publish or otherwise distribute a big bundle of the handout material (props, character sheets etc from the core rules and assorted supplements), in electronic form, as a GM resource?

I appreciate that it's a little early for this sort of thing to be vilable, but I just wanted to say that it's something I'd be interested in.

I believe Mongoose will make each PARANOIA supplement's handouts available as free downloads here on the Web site as the product hits the stores. I don't know of any plan to combine all the handouts into one big aggregate bundle, if that's what you're asking. Maybe I'm not quite understanding -- what would a bundle offer that isn't accomplished by the individual downloads?
I think I must have been brainscrubbed while editing my previous post.

An aggregate bundle is along the lines of what I was talking about, and there is obviously no advantage to this over individual downloads.

What I failed to make clear was that I am talking about material where the props/handouts/etc make up quite a solid chunk of the supplement. Such as the 'six shooters' pregen packs in "Crash Priority" or bonus material like the forms and handouts in the 'Mandatory Fun Enforcement Pack'

I'm probably just getting ahead of myself since the above mentioned material isn't available to download yet.

Appreciation also to Famous Game Designers for loitering about answering badly phrased questions, when they should be enjoying the fruits of thier labours, sunning themselves on beaches, and enjoying drinks with umbrellas in.

Ah, now I apprehend your question. Hummm... I'm not quite sure what to do about the handouts in products that are largely composed of handouts. I imagine offering (for example) all 21 pregenerated PCs from Crash Priority as free .PDFs could powerfully dissuade potential customers from buying the actual book.

Ah well -- I'm just the designer. It's Mongoose's call, so I don't have to worry about it!

(Waiter! Another margarita!)
Let's see, to pull that off you'd need a complete database of every retail store in the world (and their purchase receipt system) to start, followed by some sort of dedicated website and support staff... That sounds so insanely complicated to accomplish, that I may have to put it in my next Paranoia game! :mrgreen:
Not really, all you need is something like the old copy protection on computer games, "What is the 2nd word on the 5th line of paragraph 4 on Page 75?" or some such, randomly generated question to log into the GM area.

[Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon]
"I don't make things complicated, things get that way all by themselves!"
[/Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon]


You could also just e-mail or post on this board a picture of yourself holding up whichever book and the admins could give you the password.

For instance, here's a picture of Me dressed as a Caveman for the Toronto World Rock-Paper-Scissors '04 Championship.

I'll take a picture of me holding up my Paranoia books when I get the chance.
But then I could always photograph myself holding the B5 rulebook and photo-manip in a Paranoia XP cover :)

Not that there'd be any point, I have a stack of Paranoias sitting here... Oh, that gives me an idea.... Come get yourself photographed with a Paranoia rulebook. £1 a shot! :D
Anonymous said:
You could also just e-mail or post on this board a picture of yourself holding up whichever book and the admins could give you the password.

Nah. Too easy to Photoshop a fake. Mongoose has got to protect Eric and Greg's copyrights, as well as promote sales.
saulres said:
Anonymous said:
You could also just e-mail or post on this board a picture of yourself holding up whichever book and the admins could give you the password.

Nah. Too easy to Photoshop a fake. Mongoose has got to protect Eric and Greg's copyrights, as well as promote sales.

Or to just tell people the password

(always pointing out the obvious and the easy!)