Halo Table top game!

I'd buy it. There's a lot of stuff that could be done, not to mention things that aren't in the games (armies of spartans, etc.).
some dude already made a bunch of halo mini's
I dont know if he's still trying to get it into production or not.

but im making some GoW min's and hopefully produce a game soon
Hi sea, keep me posted on the Gow stuff, i did some stats etc, for necro from GW...
Looking at BF EVO for it now
I may make up some infantry stats for both armys etc in the next few days, i have the Bf and SST evo units stats on me
Wizkids has announced a prepainted halo game. Not sure if it'll be clicky or not (I hate those damn things).

So no luck there for Mongoose, though I think a set of "look alikes" would sell like cupcakes
Have to cur them from the bases then...
I will peek on wizkids forums on monday as say some stuff..!!!
Well, I just plan to buy a bunch of cheap singles for the game. Rebase them, and use them as a new army for Starship Troopers.

It'd be interesting to see how the flood fares against arachnids. :p
I found out to get all 80 figs the complete set from wizkids, you have to buy 35-45 boosters, around $450.00.!!
Thats not for 1 or 2 armys, just for 80 figs..

So wizkids had destroyed the chance to do big wargames with halo figs, shame as SST BF would be the best rules for it
That's why I never got into clix games or CCGs. Too much like a slot machine, except you don't actually get any money back if you win.

Just some card or miniature that's artificially rarer than the next.